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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Two today and one I think will confirm tomorrow. Already better than the whole of September.
  2. Life in the city mate. It happens. I dont mind the RAC inspections, they’re a bit more sensible than the AA. I’ve learnt to state via email beforehand, that any inspection they undertake is on them and we are not responsible for the loss of that money if they don’t buy the junk Your Bentley guy: can you not strap up for him for a personal loan? Zebra Finance will deal with this for example. (Just come back from the pub. My Mrs once again asking me what I want for dinner! You’d have thought that by now she’d stop asking me for an opinion!)
  3. Have you tried putting it in neutral Nick? I have a Tucson that won’t start in park but will in neutral Also, I guess you have put your foot on the brake whilst starting? Theres good money in that mate once it’s going -anything LHD on English plates is an earner
  4. Is it boring Dave? ;0) Dath Vader - hilarious. Love it. I mute the audio on mine. Good four minute walk round the car with close ups and I point to bits of spec where necessary. Insta-what? I barely know what Bookface is. ;0)
  5. Just sold a Mazda (waiting on the doorstep). Raining and so car not looking its best. They didn't even start it up! Just said they'd seen the video and handed their debit card over. If only it was always this simple!
  6. So, how’s it going T.V.? Open yet? I like the odd hybrid and they sell well & so far I’ve had no issues.
  7. I’d rather see pics too but then, I’m old school and us long-in-the-tooth dinosaurs need to get with the times, so I’ve caved also and started doing it the last couple of months -since August as a direct result of hearing about its value on this forum. I’m only doing it on new arrivals and I quite like it and the results I’d hoped it was the secret weapon’ I’d been missing all these years, and as August was very good, I thought this might be the reason. However, as Nick says- I also keep asking the punters if they’ve seen the video. Most haven’t (even though it’s right in your face on the website.) When people ring up to ask about the car, I answer the questions and say ‘have a look at the HD video on the website’. They come in and I ask if they’ve seen it. About half have. Weird, as it only takes three/four minutes of their life after all. The ones that have seen it, seem to like it very much- and I can honestly attribute at least one sale to having the video. It seems to be the higher spec cars or things that are a bit ‘different’ where they are seeing the video. It might be more appealing it seems to people out of the area as shows them it is worth their journey. I think one issue is (as I’ve said many times before) that although the website is a very important tool/shop window; it’s often not where they’ve seen the car advertised, but rather they’ve seen it on an advertising platform- whether that is eBay, Autoraper or wherever, and for some reason they don’t see the embedded video if there is one. Annoyingly, eBay doesn’t seem to be compatible with mobile/Apple products and the video doesn’t show when using these devices. I complained but they say it’s something they are aware of but won’t be addressing in the near future. I’ve now started adding a caption to the photos saying ‘see this car’s HD video on our website www.....’. Time will tell, but I think it is the future unfortunately -like garlic bread.
  8. I've used a chap near you (I think) before EN4 0AE? 07453288830 Was very efficient on a few occasions but has been a year or so since I last used him. He sorted a CRV last time for me where the disc wouldn't read/eject. Might be worth a try. I also had a Subaru that wouldn't power up. My autoelectrician got it working by doing a factory reset via his diagnostic gear/laptop. Good luck.
  9. Ha- typical. He's already been there and got quoted retail. I'll ring them and see if I can twist their arm....thanks again though.
  10. Yeah- probably have to apply for a limited availability classic car /petrol exemption pass! For a fee of course and no-doubt petrol will be priced /taxed accordingly. (Crap September but seems back to normal now- fingers crossed)
  11. Thanks Tradex. Yes, you’re right of course but it’s a four hour round trip for the guy (assuming a clear run from London Colney) and then plus what-a couple of hours waiting at the workshop and living with him? Best part of a whole day for him and fuel. He’s prepared to do it at a push so might have to be if I can’t find a willing mechanic as I say.
  12. Thanks for that Dave. I don’t disagree with you and don’t mind paying for supply and fit. I mentioned someone could grind off the edge as you say (the pads are almost new) but the customer couldn’t find anyone who didn’t just want to fit new and this suggestion seemed to be received as a sub-par, somewhat cowboy suggestion to him. If he brings it back- so be it as you say but thought I’d ask. Thanks again -appreciate your reply
  13. Any recommendations for a sensible rate mechanic who would want to fit discs & pads all round to a customer’s car? A nice enough bloke but a worrier. He is complaining of squeeking brakes and has been quoted daft money. (They passed with no advisories) I’ve agreed to pay for the parts (not the labour) because I’m mad/soft, he is talking about drivng it back to us on the south coast! I’d rather just send him the parts and find him a local independent that won’t rip him off. Any help greatly appreciated if anyone is in that area. Is that near you Nick?
  14. MK3 much better than MK4 rubbish! Shame it’s not a Gti as has been said. (I have two very low miles MK3 Gti’s in storage.) ebay classified advert if you are happy to wait. I think £2495 or best offer personally. VW people are a different breed. Somebody will want that.
  15. Def case of a similar reg been entered wrong for me, and have you rang up the National Mileage register Nick? There very helpful. Even if you can’t get it changed eventually (I would be amazed if you can’t) then most normal people will understand and see the error when it comes to selling it.
  16. Have you defected Nat!? I was worried about you! So glad you’re still about as it’s so hard to find a rep of your efficiency! ;o) (Do PM me your new details!)
  17. Welcome, and if you find out-let us know! Theres plenty of threads on newbie topics. Best just look through them. I always advise buying privately to start, but I’m not sure anybody listens. :o)
  18. I thought the same and was going to post the same question. Then I remembered ‘your can’t argue with a fool’. I would have just ignored the saddo as soon as he started the other night. Obviously out for a rise and no point wasting life on him. As you say, this forum continually proves itself to be full of honourable people and I’m sure there’s some normal people on PH too no?
  19. I’d heard this before- see link but you might be lucky:
  20. Good on you Nick. It's the sort of thing I would have done years ago, before adding 'never sell to friends or family' to my list. Or if you do, charge them more and get the money upfront. Also, I learned early on, never to decide for a lady! Remember: 'No good deed goes unpunished Terry'
  21. Hi Mojo - average of 40 in stock but scope/space for about 60. £3-10 k mostly with average being 4-6 I suppose. The odd heavier thing but I struggle with enthusiasm for them and the book drop worries me. It's probably easier to say what I try not to stock: So I avoid where possible: Anything German, particularly diesel, auto German cars. Diesels Saloon cars or family hatchbacks like Golf's High mileage stuff. Small manual cars Boy racer or sporty stuff (I will buy the odd SLK, MX5 etc). I particularly like small autos, (as we're in old-people city here) large speccy stuff, estate cars (most Volvo's- V70, XC90, C70, V50 etc), Honda CRV, XF Jag, the odd modern classic, a Prius or two.... If I had the nerve to stock newer German stuff like Rory for example or Nick where they buy stuff still under manufacturer's warranty, I think I'd had a different attitude but I must admit to being out of my depth knowing what to buy and what not to in that world. I'm happy to also retail the PX's - even if they're diesel/German or up on the miles, but I try to get them in at the right price obviously.
  22. Gumtree is a waste of time, and CarGurus is occasionally OK, but you're better off on the free package. Motors is about as good as CarGurus-that is not very. ebay Motors Pro works well for some (me included). Exchange and Mart is quite cheap and they'll do you a website (an average one) but results are hit and miss. Most on here will recommend Autotrader (or the vocal ones at least) if you can get your head around the extortionate cost (I can't-but as Nick says: see other threads) if you're only a small operation then this is probably the place to try first. Especially if turning over your stock quickly is a priority and you want to play the game with regards to price indicators and you are sensible with your profit margins. So, yes everyone- that's me recommending Autoraper I think! :0) Good luck!
  23. I was with them for donkey's years Nick - since day one on Autotrader Digital in fact (20 years ago maybe even and before with the magazine) when the reps. begged us to come on board (a pound a car from memory) Even at 20 cars it's a load of dough and, when we dropped them a couple of years ago I was nervous, but the world didn't end- and for me at least, the decision was the correct one. As I say - it's the quiet times that hurt and you can just end up working for them. Again - if I was you with your stock profile and 10/12 cars I'd probably do the same. Kudos to you for having a manageable number of cars to find, and the balls to stock what you do. You try buying for a 40-60 odd site and it's a different game. I think you're to be commended for buying what seems to be in demand (on AT) and I don't stock any of what you do. I don't agree that AT is the golden goose personally (just my opinion and some will agree and some won't) and people do not just go to AT to look for a car nowadays. I also hate the sponsored ads, cluttered website, price indicators/race to the bottom etc as has been said before. I'm honestly glad it's working for you guys but I wonder at what stage that yet another price increase makes you all say 'whoaa...enough is enough' -and this forum is intended to give everybody all sides of the story and this is mine. :0) For me the other sites DO deliver on the whole and I can cope when it's quiet.
  24. Broken record here: Unaccustomed as I am to weighing in on an Autoraper thread (;0)) - I'd not count your chickens there or get your hopes up too much! (I'm talking mid-size pitches here) I know a few locally that are also v. quiet and are with them. Sometimes it's just quiet & when you're quiet WITH that giant albatross still wanting feeding, then it hurts. (We were busy in august and they weren't. Don't get me wrong, last month we were quiet too like them, and this month hasn't started with a bang by any stretch of the imagination. It's a funny old game as they say.) I'd be interested to hear if you do get results though- and good luck to you. Maybe just try a few with them and see...but would you just have got results eventually anyway? usual line inserted here that we STILL get people telling us they saw the car on AT. Yes indeed-but the second option is miles cheaper. if I only had say ten in stock I might consider the robbers myself to be honest. I can't justify it with 40 plus in they make me so cross. I'll go back in my box now....