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Everything posted by NOACROSS



    I had a similar 'attempt' by a near-prime company. Long story short, there was nothing wrong with the car and my pre-delivery checks, paperwork/ handover customer signed paperwork/mot etc put this to bed very quickly. As above, Lawgistics are very helpful. Did you Pdi etc and have documentation?
  2. October has been OK for us on the whole but has been quiet the last week/weekend. When it’s quiet, I usually ride it out- plus have faith in the stock (also I don’t have that Autoraper monster to feed) but great advice above.
  3. The number of times you’ll be calling them over German Crap is negligible. Plus I’ve always found those sort of ancillary bits cheap second hand on eBay etc and ironically often from Poland or Bulgaria. Plus plenty of old people buy them so there’s often loads written off. My ‘problem’ (unlike Nick et al) is I don’t buy stuff I like, or actually neither do I particularly like anything. Except a sold car. That’s where the buzz is. :o) That and it not coming back and avoiding idiot, unrealistic cheap customers. The thread is about ‘are they any good’. No. Not really. Do they sell? Yes. I know that. I used to be less grumpy. Honest.
  4. Awesome. How it should be. Love the Polish (and the Bulgarians now-thanks again Nick). No fuss normal people. My Mrs is always looking at houses, holidays, houses in Sicily. Does it mean she’s gonna buy. (I hope!) Plenty of dreamers out there. My most ‘popular’ car never sells first.
  5. Popular. Maybe. Extremely popular no, I wouldn’t agree any more. Punters are becoming wise to the junk too and there’s def been a big sea change the last few years where I’m hearing them realise they’re crap. Especially VW stuff and to some extent Audi. Pretty much every tale of doom on here is German related. I think as T.V? said very eloqently a while back: ‘style over substance’. Also, with regard to the poor bugger with the 1 series engine doom on the other thread pointing out that why shouldn’t the manufacturer be on the hook for the junk- well they don’t build them to last as there’s little benefit to them making something last 20 years plus, as they want it to be disposable like a washing machine so you buy a new one. Also, for a bit of balance, the punters who buy the junk are often the sort who don’t service them properly or can’t afford to. For example, has that 1 series got full BM history I wonder. I still have some German cars and diesel autos, but I wouldn’t fill the site up with 50 of them for sure and they don’t sell any quicker. Up to three/for years old with FDSH and /or within warranty is the way to go like Nick does.
  6. Yup. Used to be great but from about the turn of the century they’re crap. The longer you do the job the more you realise they are dreadful things as you write the cheques for the doom I avoid all German and diesel where possible and especially auto diesel German. Have done for years now and, as you say, the comebacks are now negligible. Speak to any of the mechanics and sparkys we use and they all agree. Vauxhall is crap too but I’d still prefer them over the German junk.
  7. Yup. Used to be great but from about the turn of the century they’re crap. The longer you do the job the more you realise they are dreadful things as you write the cheques for the doom I avoid all German and diesel where possible and especially auto diesel German. Have done for years now and, as you say, the comebacks are now negligible. Speak to any of the mechanics and sparkys we use and they all agree. Vauxhall is crap too but I’d still prefer them over the German junk.
  8. Oh dear (yet another story of Germany's finest doom) sorry to hear that! As usual, for me it may be helpful to know your prep and handover/ handover paperwork) etc. New MOT, good service, pdi signed etc? How many miles has it done in their hands? As EPV says, hopefully you've got it back to check - however, I guess you are thinking you're leaving yourself open if you do agree to have it back? If you've spelled it out at handover and they signed to agree and they've done a load of miles, then you could try and say they're on their own as it obviously wasn't there at the time of sale as a fault. I too would contribute however in some way at least- depending on miles done as said and subject to your inspection as Nick says. Are they saying 'bollocks to your warranty mate- you're gonna pay' or are they just asking politely for your thoughts/expressing their displeasure? Good luck. Keep us posted!
  9. I understand barely a word of this sort of non-car dealer related thread, but I always like reading them! Keep them up- it's good to see people taking pride in their stuff/job. Our mechanics/autoelectricians that we use always try telling me stuff I don't need to know. I just want to know if the EML has stayed off :0)
  10. eBay revs up to take on Auto Trader in car ads
  11. I got out of that again this year without any fuss whatsoever.
  12. May as well acquire F&F (remember them?- wish they'd given me my money back!) and Car Gurus for all the good it'll do! ebayMP works well for us (don't use Gumtree and have got away with out having to again this year at ebayMP contract renewal time) the others are 'also rans' but you never know. Autoraper won't care-a-less and it will just continue to go up- as will the 'new' ebay/motors, but I don't think they'd put it up much. We'll see.
  13. So true. It ‘provides but doesn’t excel’ on the whole; and may perform well just before a VAT bill etc. ....
  14. We’re south coast (Hants). Funny old game isn’t it? Yeah...just when you’re about to hang yourself it usually turns around. August was great but October was dire. Gotta be positive in that it’s good you’ve got the stock ready to pounce.
  15. Well it’s just such bollocks isn’t it!? Unless you’ve got kids under teenage (when they’re not ‘really’ annoying) years. Before long we’ll be asked that most annoying question of ‘what do you want for Xmas?’ ‘You to stop buying stuff off Amazon’ doesn’t count as an answer apparently.... I’ve had this idea for years (but my Mrs. says I’m just a miserable F***) that it should be every leap year! What part of the country are you in James?
  16. Busy month/weekend, but agree-def enquires etc. are slowing down now. Only two this week, but I’m pretty sure of one confirmed coming back for tomorrow. Most annoyingly, more and more people are mentioning Xmas! As the kids (and Umesh) would say: #Hate!
  17. (A bit trickier with over the phone sales) but we strongly point out that the deposit is non-refundable and do a signed deposit slip outlining this. This stops any of these games.
  18. A big public thanks to Super- Nick M.K. for sorting this direct with my customer for me. Legend.
  19. Four more at the weekend and one this morning. Good month so far, but September was dreadful.
  20. Losing your shirt (happened to me too years ago) is often part of the game of life, and like you're alluding to Mark - it makes you stronger and less inclined to sp**k your dough away- but to be 'antifragile' and keep reserves for that rainy day/month/year, as it will for sure happen.
  21. Had I read this thread before you Dealer, my reply would have mirrored yours almost word for word. Same sort of stock holding, site etc but my advertising is less (as I don’t use Autoraper. Used to do up to 40 a month, with an average of 30. Now I’m happy with a 20 month! To the OP- I would stick to your current job for sure or diversify as has been said to property or something in the same ballpark As EPV says, you can make a living if you work it very hard, but part time is difficult (unless you specialise maybe?) and don’t need the money/are prepared to lose quite often. Part time is good to learn the ropes and build it slowly, but it’ll take much more of your life and dough than you imagine. Keep us posted though!
  22. Only gotta be lucky (or unlucky) once mate. I’ve had unaccompanied demo for about 15 years or so and never had any issues. She still would have hit the car in front of you were in it or not. We still ask for and keep their driving licence and complete the Test Drive Log, plus, as with anything, qualify them first. If the car is a bit special or different, or if they’re young and or annoying, that’s a different matter.
  23. Ha. Yes. I suppose you’re right.