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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Benji asking if it’s Benji. Is THAT irony or sarcasm..hmmm. There must be better things to do with 200 grand than jump into this minefield with both feet!
  2. As has been said above - no point paying for a guide. Autoraper has a FREE to anyone car valuation via their customer site (you don't need to advertise with the highway robbers) that gives PX value, Private Sale and Retail. Aslo there is a FREE Hpi Cap valuation one too that does the same - and WBAC is also useful However- retail back obliviously.
  3. As above- be VERY careful and start with 30-50k/ see how you get on for a year or so FFS!
  4. Cheers Mikey- that's interesting & much appreciated.
  5. Thanks Mikey- what does this cost? Do you get a good return from doing this?
  6. Do you pay for Bookface ads or do you get these leads via postings on your page? I really don’t understand social media and haven’t got any personal accounts. Reason I ask is Click Dealer are wanting me to spend £450 a month with them for a while to promote it. They say it’s well worth it, but I’m resistant to change as always.
  7. Maybe just with them that is, as we do. I claim about once a year or so.
  8. I go through Alan & Thomas. This year LV were the chosen ones, but previously it was Axa. (We have a site). Never heard of Covea but I know others who have used Tradesure.
  9. The customer can’t reject if it’s a ‘different’ fault. Cars are complicated and it’s not the same as for a new washing machine. How I also get round this nonsense potentially rearing its idiot head is we will say the job is still ‘open’ and will need to be used/tested and reinspected before the fault can be closed.
  10. Had this many times over the years. If it’s only a couple of weeks in to their ownership, then the warranty will obviously be useles and won’t cover oil leaks anyway. If it’s my warranty, then it’s spelled out many times before and during hadover that they’ll need to get it back to us if any issues. They sign to say they understand too. In reality, I nearly always cave /feel sorry for them and try to find an independent garage near them to take a look. Usually I then ‘look big and pay’. If they’re an arse, I insist on being able to inspect the junk. (It’s rare though due to my buying profile.)
  11. Oooh. Interesting. Thanks not good. I’ve only got good things to say about Lawgistics, but I’ve never used them for warranties. I use WMS as the area manager is great and I’ve known him many years. However, I mostly just do our own return-to-base warranties, unless they’re out of the area or it’s something likely to poop itself or complicated (German diesel/german auto..)
  12. Hmmmm. I’m with BHM here as usual. It sucks but it also sucks for them. Are you compensating your customer for their stress and loss?
  13. If your are going to go down the warranty route, or self funded warranty- I’d recommend WMS. Or Lawgistics if self warranty. Where in the country are you out of interest?
  14. My my broker, insurance company (three or four companies over the years) state the same as Nick is saying. I’ve never added stock cars to it. Have had various claims etc and it’s never been an issue with police or insurance co -as this is what they advise.
  15. I’ve never heard or come across any issues with a petrol Lexus or an issue with an auto gearbox on anything Japanese. There’s always an exception to the rule I suppose, but the old adage of ‘miles, history, condition’ always serves well. A Lexus will be a much better bet than anything German! I don’t buy anything german or diesel if I can at all help it. Good luck and someone on here might even have one for sale.
  16. What’s the week’s update T.V? Any progress?
  17. Get the odd card/ letter/ bottle of wine occasionally- mostly from oldies. This is my theory about 'loyalty' nowadays, in that it's becoming a rare thing as the internet generation grows older and the nice return punter/old lady/ polite proper person etc dies off. Trying to get the kids to even send a 'thank-you text' to relatives at Xmas and birthdays was like getting them to unload the dishwasher. Effort.
  18. I wouldn’t bother, as small cars are a waste of time for me-but playing devils advocate : V5 isn’t proof of ownership- even if it is in the current owners name. I was gonna say just buy the junk if you want it, but make sure you Hpi check it, check chassis numbers etc & get a decent receipt, keep a copy of the advert (and see some photo ID if you’re worried). Take a picture of it maybe if he’ll let you Then I thought (wtf) green fiesta with aftermarket wheels and so on- is it worth it? Why is he a cowboy? Did you not like how he came across? Can’t be much of financial risk can it? You say he’s a cowboy, but we all started somewhere I suppose. He can legitimately buy and sell a few cars a year no? If the car came in chop would you do any different in regards to your reservations about it? Regarding the online transfer, this will be fine -as we had a customer register a car to us the other day erroneously and we received a log book out of the blue. Dvla unwound it without much fuss, rang me and said that so long as someone has the V5 they can register it online to anyone realistically as (his words) it’s not proof of ownership anyway. I still do this the old fashioned way by taking a copy and sending it filled out to the DVLA with relevant signatures. Is there a yellow slip still? I would get him to sign.
  19. Sprung loaded clamps, suckers, magnets, cord. Depends on the car: Mostly, if just me driving short distances I still sling my set on the dash (wrongly I know)
  20. This is Spooky. South coast here also and have found the same recently. We too have had many finance declines (90%of the enquiries I’d say) and they’ve even blown the sub-prime computers up. Maybe it’s just we notice the idiots more when we’re quiet, but I too feel sorry for the genuine type of people you’re describing.. One we failed with is a really nice couple we got on sub prime last time, but we can’t get them on anywhere two years later. Busy August as you say.
  21. Ouch! Our mate Phil would call that a ‘pain point’ Del! What part of the world are you? South?
  22. We’re the same Grant this month so far (main road site). Only two cars left to go out Was really busy in August too. It’s a funny old game! What part of the country are you again?
  23. This is exactly what I would do/have done in the past.
  24. I 'think' if you're on AT, the punter 'may' probably see the car on there first, but they DO look elsewhere for sure. So- if you're NOT on AT, they won't find you there obviously but will elsewhere. If you are on AT AND elsewhere then they'll probably find you on there as I say. Also, a lot of our AT enquiries weren't actually when you pushed them, as they had been directed to your AT website etc and then they say AT/the stat says they are or they had seen it elsewhere too. If you've got low numbers then I can see AT making sense to most (wouldn't and doesn't to me), but with 50-60 in stock, it's majorly cost-prohibitive and I detest the company, the attitude, pricing policy (lack of serious bulk buy discount) and most importantly the dreadfully cluttered site/ads/sponsored listings/price indicator race-to-the-bottom crap etc. Phew, it's good to share. ;0)