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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. This used to be called ‘Jewish Racing Gold’ I remember by my old man/the other traders when I was a kid.
  2. Sure- however: If we weren't giving him a break- we wouldn't STILL be offering advice. If I was Ben in this situation, I would have stopped posting pages ago on this subject. I think he enjoys it/the last word. I also had the epiphany a bit earlier that he really didn't want any advice on anything but this subject of AB condition reports. So for that, I'm an idiot for the penny not dropping sooner. Keep the updates coming Benji- we are honestly all routing for you but you don't half 'do my/our nut in'! ;0) Wasn't this a Take That cover- from some 70's band? Where's T.V. when you need him! ( I note he probably very wisely doesn't comment on a Benjii thread anymore).
  3. Wow. I don't know what to say (well I do but I won't).. Good luck Lucas, do let us know your next steps and if we can help with anything!
  4. James has 'been round the block' now and from where he started and his original post on here-he has done well, learnt plenty and made mistakes along the way. He isn't as defensive as you Ben. He also won't just buy one car at a time. Also, look at his stock and you can see the sort of thing you CAN buy online without needing a box of Kleenex on hand to wipe away the tears once you've seen it. If you're buying a nine year old i10 or an old Corsa or a high mileage Fiesta diesel online then you're asking for trouble. If you buy them locally, privately or go and see them before bidding then you have more hope of not catching a cold. If you don't inspect upon delivery or go and collect them, the same is true. I buy very little for the site online from auctions. Maybe 10%. Dealer Auction, maybe 30%. The rest are private purchases and boy do we have to work/travel to get them from either source. Again:For a new start, one man band I would just buy private unless you can mirror the stock profile of EPV etc and don't mind the fees. Your local auction would be a good place to hang around at every sale, if just to get your eye in etc. and you might get the odd couple of cars now and a gain. Yes, you're right AB were in the wrong, but I would not have taken delivery of the car in the first place. Rightly or wrongly Ben, you often seem just up for a ruck or in it for a rise half the time when a little humility would go a long way. We all loved it when you used to say: "what about this car I've seen" but then it turned into Jackanory and you're more defensive than my 18 year old daughter. Really? You didn't moan about the Corsa from Flipping cars etc? Just chose a couple on here you will listen to as I say and maybe do it via PM. Only a suggestion...what do I know...
  5. No asrse-jumping here. We just wish you would physically go and see the junk! Whether it's auction or private or a combination of the two. After a whole lifetime of looking at cars/being in the game, I still get it wrong occasionally- but, in general I can see a good car a mile off. Whether that's in the flesh or from an online advert/auction pictures. This comes from experience. I also always look at the VOSA Mot history to see if there's any concerns there. Anyway, I ramble and James is right, it's really frustrating as we've given you tons of advise before and you're not gonna learn without failing and getting out there looking at cars in the flesh will be your best education by far. You've had lots of offers for PM help and I think maybe you should choose a couple of us you will listen to and make a pledge to follow their advice. If you buy online- then go and pick it up and inspect before paying or get it delivered by them and do the same before accepting delivery. My advise once more is still to buy private as you get opportunity to inspect/drive the junk and speak to the current owner. You need to buy three or four cars, not just one at a time if possible.
  6. Only 8 here (but with 40 in stock) so not setting the world alight so far.
  7. Yeah- I just hope/wonder if the punters see it that way. If your car is on the higher side according to AT, then do they get as far as calling you etc. Race-to-the-bottom is my main issue though. You're right: it is what it is and there's nothing to be done about it except moan on here ;0)
  8. Plus 1. Or - I finally listened and bought privately/locally.
  9. Very true James, but depends on whether they're realistic as you say. Also, if your car is something that can easily be found elsewhere and/or they've taken the car's rarity and spec into account properly. For us guys with a site (and you who prepare properly etc) the price of the car will pretty much always be on the higher side. I tend to go for 'different' stuff and it's often speccy, slightly older stuff things that you polish a margin in to etc, so its often stuff you won't be easily able to find elsewhere nearby. Or stuff to sell to the local older generation who 'don't want be f'd about'. I always say to punters if they see one cheaper elsewhere (usually the other end of the country or Birmingham) go and get it. We don't sell cheap cars I'm afraid but we do sell good cars and we are here for you after purchase. My biggest issue with price indicators is how I think Simon? put it many months ago: a race to the bottom. I reduce mine, you reduce yours and repeat.
  10. Ha - yes. I use HPi valuation via a paid for account mostly if I'm honest, although I will use AT one occasionally if the punter is in front of me and they don't like my PX valuation. Often AT is pretty much the same so the punter then folds. However they want as many as possible to land on their site to see their sponsored ads etc (and I can assure you they had many years of between 20-40 grand a year out of me so if I can get a little back I will ;0)
  11. Yeah absolutely - price indicators are so annoying- stupid idea. They also list 'days in stock' which is a shocking concept. Trouble is with them and Autoraper is they forget who their customer is. It is us, the trade- not the public. Just look at the percentage of trade adverts v private).
  12. You can register with them for a trade account or: Use another device or computer or another browser. You'll get a load more free goes then. However, why not use Autoraper's free valuation tool?
  13. Gumtree a waste of time when I tried it and I think Shpock will be the same. Ebay Motors Pro works a treat for all values and I wouldn't be without it. Only about £300 a month for 60+ cars is our package. Cargurus I'm still on the fence about. We do get a couple of sales or so a month from them and as above, the punters that you do get to talk to/converse with are generally of a good quality. Motors: as above but I'm less convinced about.
  14. Ha. Yes. I certainly try Nick. Don’t get me wrong. Doesn’t always work but you’re absolutely right.
  15. I agree, but it if punters come to me with their own finance in place, then so be it. I like the idea of Zuto listing your stock and putting the customer with a motor. I’ll take a few of those a year anytime. (24/7give is the odd customer from time to time)
  16. My wife (who has worked for a high street bank for donkeys years) says that transfers can be recalled before the end of the business day - 5 pm I think- by the customer:but it's pretty much unheard of. However she is full of tales of various banking doom. Once I see it as coming in, ( or, to be precise, ask her if it is) I'll let them go- and not before.
  17. Same here. ‘For now’ and the foreseeable future, a card machine is still a must for us, mainly because of exactly what Whitestone says: old people. Being on the south coast, we have a lot of them and they usually ‘don’t do’ internet banking. There are getting less and less and we usually just take the deposit mostly on (debit, not credit) card and ask for a balance transfer where possible As is mostly the case with subjects on this forum- the advise/way to go is often different if you have a site or not. We don’t pay 1.75% for debit cards it’s much, much less I’m sure
  18. That's a crap idea. ;0) Seriously though, the Portaloo hire people seem to be rolling in it! (No pun intended)
  19. Ha yes-, for sure, with £200k I meant and a sense of humor bypass. I've never known an issue getting trade insurance. Have you tried a broker? I use Alan & Thomas.
  20. You need thick skin to be in this game and must not take yourself too seriously: having a bit of a laugh along the way is essential. You've had lots of good advice- the best being just buy a few cars yourself and learn as you go or get involved somewhere as above. For the record: I would do ANYTHING else than this if I were you.
  21. The title of the post and a sense of humor? ;0)
  22. Weird as I rate them as high as Motonovo, but I guess that is when you are set up with them. I think Natalie is off at the mo, or was when I rang her/emailed the other day. She's very efficient.
  23. Weirdly. I like green. Green is the next thing. Who’d have thought white would be desirable!