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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. I often re-read it. Sad. So funny. Other caregories: Most frequent poster. Come back/where are they now : Cheif Nut Job. (Who was that?) Pass the popcorn: Lawjaw v some group or other I forget. (What ever happened to them?)
  2. Oh yeah. You’re right. Best cross-dresser award.... :o)
  3. You might very well say that...but I couldn’t possibly comment. ;o) Oh right! I get it! Mark’s- Marques. Ha! Very good.
  4. Person who got the most out of a thread: Justina3’s coffee bet from ‘I nearly bought an Astra’ Best Posted Picture Awards? I dunno - BHM’s was it?Doberman CCTV system? Best forum personal pic: Yoda from AD, followed by Andy MC’s unidentified dog. Most Fonz like cheesy grin picture: Nick MK. Ferrero Rocher ambassador’s party pic award: Umesh.
  5. I always liked the separate (free to punters) magazine. Autofreeway I think it was called. £100 a page from memory if the rep. liked you. Digital was a pound a car and we moaned about that to start with.
  6. Ha I'd already forgotten that one.Well remembered.
  7. So, we've all been thoroughly amused, entertained, informed and some times even down-right annoyed with this years postings and, I for one have learned many things- so thanks to all who contribute time from their 'ahem' busy schedules to post. I was wondering if we could have a bit of fun and nominate people, topics, postings etc for our own Car Dealer Magazine Forum awards along the lines perhaps of the CDM Awards nominations etc? (Maybe Admin will chime in to come up with a way of voting/collating?) So suggestions for topics please? My ideas with my nominations: Best Newbie : Mechanic Dave? Best post: I nearly bought an Astra Most frustrating post: as above. Most helpful member- Nick MK for dealing with my Screamer Grumpiest Member- the brilliant BHM or Arfur-have you seen the bloody video- Dealy Most Annoying Subject- where can I buy stock-I'm new to the game Oh No Not Again Award: Autoraper conversation What Do you Mean? Really?....T.V. getting back into the game/getting a site again ;0) I can't believe I didn't do it earlier..Videos
  8. Don't get me wrong TG- I wasn't chastising you- I do the same occasionally, just I wouldn't register them, but use Trade Plates. You expressed surprise at the mixed comments, so thought I'd give my view on it & just pointing out why some eyebrows were raised. :0)
  9. I think it is the ‘putting another owner on it’ that raised eyebrows. I often think we work so hard/long and put up with so much more crap than if we were employed, that we deserve to drive around in something nice. However, you can guarantee that what you’re driving (if advertised as it should be) will have a call or an enquiry on and it’ll now be dirty etc. I sometimes drive a PX or a stock car (if I haven’t got the mutt with me) but I wouldn’t ever register it. If you’re flying then maybe it’s different to when you’re struggling......
  10. I agree. Looks doctored and more like a calendar shoot. I’d much rather see it as a realistic representation. However, I’m not the target audience so good luck to them.
  11. A texter too. Ugh! Fingers crossed for you mate! (I think he needs to save up for something more in keeping with his expectations.)
  12. I always ask them what they think the (not) AA man will find that the Mot/Pdi garage haven’t. He sounds a loon though and as has been said, make it clear you won’t be doing anything else to it and you won’t be offended if he doesn’t want it.
  13. I’ve always gone through Alan & Thomas (a broker) for last twenty years or so. Really handy and helpful when you’ve got an issue. With a site it’s very useful. This year they put me on with LV but before that was AXA.
  14. Wow. Sounds like you dodged a bullet with them as a buyer maybe mate!
  15. Hi Tobias, thanks for the intro. Welcome. I’m glad to hear you’ve been reading for a while. So you’ll have seen lots of advice on here before re: adverts/pics etc. I’m sure we’ll happily critique a bit if you let us see an ad or website.
  16. Oh dear. Anything we can help with again? Advert critique etc? What have you got in stock? Still up on the miles German and or diesel mostly? Keep the paperwork simple: one folder for Log Books in alphabetical order with key number written on it somewhere. One sold, to go out folder etc....
  17. Just to get nominated is to be congratulated! You’ve obviously got the eye for it and haven’t been worn down by the game. Long may it continue! See....I would like the award without the notoriety and having to put the penguin suit on and go be sociable for the ceremony. ;o) Rooting for you, as I’m sure everyone else on here is and I hope we get a mention in your acceptance speech!
  18. Playing Devil’s Advocate here- maybe they were one of the many people giving almost retail for the junk on DA? Either that or she’s clearly much better looking than the rest of us old balding gits. :o) Anyway. Well done indeed!
  19. 227? Would have dropped off plan then Nick? I thought these flew out mate? Was it the wrong spec or something? I only ask as I’m still toying with the idea of getting one in -after hearing they’re good news from you. :o) (Great figures though considering your stock levels! You’re only two or three behind me and I’ve Got thirty odd left in stock!) Speaking of pats on the back...EPV nominated for Car Dealer Mag awards I’ve just read! Good on yer James!
  20. Hi Kelly. Yeah, good luck. Having the workshop is a great string to your bow (I’m very jealous) and should bring the steady dough in if you do it right.
  21. Can’t complain here. Still steady. Was on for one a day but I’ve failed today by the looks.
  22. Back on topic ;0p Had ivendi also call today. They confirmed they'd seen quite a tail-off mostly too. They then pushed a couple of other Finance Companies to be added to the platform at their expense. i.e. we have Motonovo as the automatic proposal shunt from the ivendi platform/ our website. It then either gets accepted or declined. From there I've always just re-proposed the declines to various other places manually as was too tight to pay for 2nd auto prop. Any way, one company were Mallard, and the other were something I've never heard of Exo or something like that. Not Zuto.
  23. Ha. Good stuff. It’ll happen. It’s not a local game anymore though really. Honest, sub-prime is no more difficult than prime. The customers are often nicer/more grateful and less drama with their expectations. Takes no longer to serve them than a prime punter. My site is on a main road corner location on crossroads. Walk-ins are few and far between. Has been the same for the last two or three years. All the looking is done online, and mostly we know when people are coming nowadays.
  24. We've never had any more issues with sub-prime T.V. than prime. And nothing at all to speak of really over the years (20 odd plus) so I personally would just get on with it if it brings you deals. Especially as you will do the prep and handover/pdi docs properly. Just look on it as another string to the bow. A bit like come-backs: it's very rare and you just need to keep 'making hay' I say. There was one 'chucky' as you call it a few months ago who tried to get clever, but the paperwork (and Advantage to be fair) nipped that one right in the bud quickly and nothing came of it. One Prime customer decided she didn't want the car and simply dumped it at the site and left. Long story short, the car got repossessed in the end and, undoubtedly her credit profile took a giant nosedive. Anyway, again there was no pain or punishment to us other than the commission claw-back and we charged for storage anyway I did have a couple of other commission claw-backs over the years (when the punter very sensibly decided to pay the loan back early-bastard ;0), but it's super-rare in my experience and if you use Blue for example, this wouldn't happen.* I hear Close are good, but I haven't used them for years, since they retired off the lovely old bloke called John, who used to come round with the chequebook, do the paperwork and pay you. Would also give you a bottle of scotch each Xmas and give us fabulous personal deals if we wanted to smoke around in something heavy for a few months. Good old days... We now use Motonovo first as they are very good and their system is simple and payouts are quick- then Mallard or Zebra as they do the hard work. After that, First Response for the proper Sub-prime. How's the new place going? Selling frenzy yet? Did you re-photo yet/get the videos up and running?