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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Is it manual or auto? I often just print out the MOT History, new service and MOT and then retail it. They always sell.
  2. All cars are crap/junk until sold. Even a 1000 BHP Bugatti will still get stuck in traffic like everything else, and where can you 'have fun' nowadays anyway? Get a motorbike if you want fun but you'll need to go on track days to appreciate it. I have bought a few T5 V70 AWD's over the last couple of years so they are out there. Felt old hat to me, and surely it's quick enough without 'improving it'...but then I'm clearly not the target audience anymore. Last time I liked cars was at the turn of the century. Most memorable was a top spec 840ci AC Snitzer. Wouldn't want it now...nowhere to put the dogs and it was forever rubbing speed bumps. Disclaimer: other, less old and grumpy forum members opinions are available by request. :0)
  3. If he is a registered business seller on ebay, then there will be a VAT number ;0) Tell him your trade price and say you will of course do a full Trade Sales invoice and will list his already displayed VAT number of XXXXX on it and charge him a tad more for the cost of paying the cash in That or tell him to politely do one.
  4. Only two here so far, it good deals. Is quiet though but early days!
  5. I think he might be on to something specialising in EV’s and Hybrids. It’s certainly the future, but is the future now or is it still orange? I don’t know, I think I’d rather have them than some German diesel auto junk -that’ll be 3k plus when the gearbox poops itself etc.. Will. E very interested to see how you go on Rovex ‘Will be’ even. Oh how I miss my Like and Edit buttons. :o(
  6. Absolutely- this. I can see it working for a new car but not a used 'thing'. Although I have sold a fair few nicer bits and had them delivered and inspected/balance paid upon delivery etc. I wouldn't want to do it all the time though. For new yes as people just go and waste the local dealer's time to look at the new model and then go away and order online.
  7. I'd take the one year one and then that'll (hopefully) get you out of any comebacks. As above though, check it's transferrable (I'm sure it will be) and TV's point about what's covered. It's bizarre how, like Autoraper, there's no sensible 'bulk buy discount'. i.e. two years is just doubled one years really and so on.
  8. Pistonheads & Car Gurus....About as good as Peugeot and Vauxhall me thinks! Here's this morning's blurb in full: Today it was announced that CarGurus, Inc. has agreed to buy the motoring website, PistonHeads, from Haymarket Media Group. The acquisition is another step in our plans to accelerate growth and expand our consumer audience in the UK. PistonHeads has built one of the UK’s most trusted and influential digital motoring brands, and we see it as a perfect fit with our own customer-centric model and pioneering ethos. We look forward to applying our technology expertise to unleash the full potential of the PistonHeads platform, while staying true to what makes the brand so special to millions of motoring enthusiasts and shoppers in the UK. You might wonder what that means for you, our customers. Make no mistake that CarGurus remains deeply committed to investing in our platform to keep dealers ahead of the curve. Aligning the CarGurus and PistonHeads brands enables us to accelerate our audience growth, and continue to innovate our transparent marketplace. For our UK dealers, this combination will help you connect with a larger audience of car buyers at an attractive ROI. Following completion of the acquisition, we intend to operate PistonHeads as an independent brand, maintaining the site’s popular community and content, while applying CarGurus’ technology to enhance the site experience for PistonHeads users. The acquisition is expected to close in early 2019, but I am thrilled to share this news with you today and look forward to sharing further updates as soon as I can. In the meantime, I encourage you to read our latest blog, or get in touch on the number below.
  9. Oh right. He just said not an estate so I jumped to the conclusion. Let us know how you get on with it Nick. I’m sure David will be amazed when you sell it next week :0) It’s funny how a change of scenery for a sticker makes it sell. Used to happen all the time when I traded on, or more often, when I bought from another gaff.
  10. Ha. Yes. So I just found out from David! Sniff. Saloon car not my bag -so we’re still friends mate ;o) First time I can remember yes.
  11. Quite common on the Renaults. Battery can be bought or leased. If leased, you (the customer that is) pays monthly for the battery and they take care of any issues or replacements. If it’s anything like the Prius etc and the Renault Twizzy I had, then that’s no indication of the battery health TV. That just needs charging.
  12. Buggered if I can work out how to upload a picture of the finished wheels on my Mac or phone.....
  13. Very true the above. (I’m more likely to suffer from red wine and beer exposure.)
  14. Same here TV. Click Dealer handle this for us also. You haven’t got to do it every month if you don’t want. You can bang in a six month campaign maybe and see how you go? It certainly has worked for us, and I notice an equiry /click to/through drop off when we’ve paused it It’s a long game though, and it will take time to build your brand as I you know you will be aware. Website is important,but getting people to your website is the hard bit, and I would say- more important bit. They will push search result phrases for you as required. e.g. ‘sell my car/buy my car’etc. as well as tell you what is being searched for.
  15. What a cool memory! If I had a like button... My old man always used to make me work on a ‘trip’.
  16. My old man (died this year) has a GP2 SWB on a 58 beetle chassis. I remember when he bought it out of the local Nissan Dealer he bought out of where it had come in PX. I was about 13 (now 46). Lovely thing in its original green gel coat over black with BF chunky rear wheels and original five stud beetle fronts. After leaving it outside for about ten years at least (with a cheap cover on) then eventually putting it in the garage after clearing a load of hoarded junk out-he later decided in his infinite wisdom to ‘restore’ it. Long story short-ruined it by painting it matt metallic pink that looks like it’s been rollered on: it’s now lurched in their garage(shed really) covered in said boarded crap, and I hadn’t gone in there for donkey’s until recently, when I shook my head and closed the door again...
  17. Yeah. That’s what this game is about: finding and retaining good people. Awesome looking bit of kit that machine-bet it’s a couple of quid at least!
  18. Always worried the price needs re-evaluating if the phone’s going mad! On the subject of calls-it’s definitely less frequently ringing than the email is pinging nowadays. Only calls seem to be people who have bought or emailed or virtually got in touch previously.
  19. Even I’m bored with the bitching. Be with them or don’t. Like their gonna give him his money back! See small print no doubt. Two years without them and still going along nicely. :o) *they’re gonna even. If only I had an edit button.....
  20. No - I won't have that.. they're awesome and I especially loved their not at all confusing invoices and merry-go-round area 'reps'.. :o) Yup- greed... but what can you do. Nothing, except don't use the robbers.