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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. I’ve found them invaluable over the years. Granted, some Legal Advisors there are better than others (as in some are awesome, others adequate) but on the whole I can’t complain. It definitely pays for itself for me, and I wouldn’t want to be without it. Are the reviews from motortrade or punters moaning about the warranty scheme?
  2. Sorry to hear that Grant. It happens from time to time as you know and we very quickly forget all the cars we sold with no issues. The doom always come en-mass- especially when you're quiet. You're due some good luck now. What were the cars with grief and refunds out of interest? Ticking over here still with another sold yesterday.
  3. Ha. Brilliant. "That grass you cut, I'm not happy as it now has grown back quicker than is reasonable and I demand you cut it again free of charge"
  4. I extend this to all German products where possible, so I'm probably Captain Doom & Gloom ;0) especially diesel german and most especially VW/Audi group stuff. If they come in PX they get thoroughly inspected and I only want them behind book. I don't mind the odd one and take a flyer occasionally if petrol & things like a BMW petrol cab, SLK or Merc estate if I have to (but still a headache) The number of screamers and doom/recon/warranty work has considerably decreased since this decision a couple of years ago. Although the number of sales has fell slightly but I don't mind and that may be more a pattern across the board at most places as well as not advertising on Autoraper. It seems to me that every other issue I hear on here is German car related. I've said it before, but it's not NECESSARILY that the cars are just crap as a five year old and more product, but the people that buy them can't really afford them and certainly don't always service them correctly.
  5. You haven't invested 200 grand mate. You've bought two Jags and a Mini plus signed yourself up for a workshop. Plus spent a few hundred on a a couple of Autoraper adverts yes? Are all your cars now advertised?
  6. Good stuff. Courageous choice, but glad you’re happy. Buying stuff that YOU like is important. (I hope you’re not suggesting you’re going to change just one brake disc?
  7. Happy with the purchase? As described? Gonna share what it’s all about? Estate car?
  8. Did you get there in the end Ben? All OK?
  9. I've said it before and I'll say it again: FFS. You'll need a damn site more than 200k Lucas. We need to get you to understand English humour/irony/sarcasm ;0)
  10. We get them from time to time still. They used to introduce themselves and want to get in cars and check the mileages etc. When we see them now, they just stand on the pavement with clipboards and tick things off. When we approach them they sort of look at their feet and shuffle away. If anything, like Mark says, we’ll sometimes leave the price board at the higher price for a bit if done a reduction online.
  11. He bought an Octavia. At least that’s what his initial post says.
  12. I used to love my 440 turbo. Thought it was great and really quick. Would hate it now no doubt. If you took the ashtray out, you could get to a small vacuum pipe (I presume) and clamping it off made the turbo over boost and it flew then. Dunno why I thought that was a good idea but I was young and stupid.
  13. Well done David. Gotta be happy with that. Had to be auto I found. Were under-priced but rated by the punters, and I remember good margins from them and quick turn over. Mind you, I also remember my first modern auto gearbox doom was one of them. Thought a 2nd hard one would suffice. It didn’t.
  14. My mate in Bishop’s Nympton (near you?) has never washed his car, let alone worried about a bumper scuff and looking at all the other cars I’ve seen down there, this is commonplace. I can’t recall seeing a car wash but I guess there must be. Sounds like there’s not much call for a Smart repairer. Mind you, I only use ours for interior trim bits and seat issues. Farm the paint out to the painter, as gets done better and quicker and doesn’t cost much more. Same with wheels.
  15. Ha. Love it. Maybe we can put a deputation together to Nick regarding edit button re-integration plans ;o) I have the Samsung 55 TV of the same era. You’re right, much cheaper now. Maybe we should buy a new one before they go up after the Zombie Apocalypse
  16. Like! We have a machine for tea/coffee now. That two gets changed when the colour doesn’t go. Boiling a kettle is so last year. ;o) (‘too’ even ) I wish I could buy a new edit button.
  17. Same here. We bought Bosch and the only reason the last one was changed was it wasn’t white like the new kitchen and her indoors couldn’t deal with it being silver. New one about four years old now My sister bought a Samsung last year and it’s been crap and they’ve given up on it and bought a Bosch. Those Meile ones used to be superb but pricey. Like you say. If they last five years or so you feel you’ve had good value. Same with tellys?
  18. Ha. How deep IS that loch behind your house? ;0)
  19. Ha. Have you ever seen Dad’s Army Nick? Private James Frazer comes to mind :0)
  20. We have one but don’t advertise it and part of the handover docs they sign says we do not operate a loan car service. If I like the punter and they’re nice/civilised/appear normal, I’ll lend them it.
  21. My old man used to go wild about this. Even if they weren’t blocking the drive. Seemed to think he owned the road too. He would block them in and refuse to move when they wanted to go. I remember feeling well embarrassed at the arguments. As for people speeding down the (residential) road. If he was on the drive working on a car (usually with me having to hold things and fetch stuff) and heard them coming, he would launch a large socket or spanner at them/in front of them as they came past. One guy clipped a parked car in utter panic. Dead now, but always up for aggravation my dad. Never understood it at he was always angry at something-but it worked.
  22. I bet I’d stump up for a tyre. Just as a goodwill (without prejudice) gesture to get rid of the lunatic. You’ll have pictures of the previous un-mashed alloy. You don’t want him messing up the loan car’s clutch etc. Remember : you can’t argue with a fool.
  23. Not cars (yet) but interesting. Maybe things will be made better. Including cars.
  24. This is my thoughts and I’m just introverted/shy ;o) but I often wonder whether the likes of Nick, EPV, AD, Rory etc actually may pick up sales from proudly saying who they are: as they’re clearly coming over as the honourable set ups they are- and I can see a punter checking out what stock they have etc and shopping with them.