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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Disconnect it. Does anyone ever use this facility or do many people know about it? More seriously try eurojag: 01325 722777
  2. Hi Kelly, sorry to hear that. VW customers are the worst and typical of a german car of that year. You can see why I avoid them. I'd be telling them politely to 'do one', as you've been helpful all the way through; and I would suggest the accident damage as well as how they (clearly don't) look after their car is more the issue. You can't deal with his brother as you didn't sell him the car. Have you kept records of all the issues, the timeline diarized etc? You def. don't want that junk back. I would continue to fix it and then ask for written instructions from the owner where he wants it/ who is going to collect it. If he's in prison then he doesn't exactly need a car. I would have not got involved in the crash damage repair btw on a car you sold that's still under warranty. As above. Put your position in writing and ask for the same in return. Consider joining Lawgistics too. Most beneficial over the years.
  3. Love it. Would have been great to be a fly on that wall! This is why (for anybody reading who doesn't know) you should always, always, get the car back to you if you self warrant.
  4. Take a pic of the actual miles (zoom in on it if you want so date doesn’t show) I mean and add it to the advert. Then you can’t be accused of trying to pull a fast one.
  5. and it shows we can all learn something/try something new. The revelation of doing videos came from this forum too, and even (and especially I guess) old hands like me can and do continue to learn.
  6. I would also add that you take a pic of the speedo’s exact mileage if you’re going to do this. As all the above (some great feedback). I too don’t like the location though, but it is being harsh. You come across very well and you’re obviouly ‘normal’ For me, maybe controversially, the cars and the mileages are the main issue. The Mini (while good for the young drivers) is 90k and boring. My feelings on german cars at this age and miles particularly are well publicised though If you’re only stocking a few cars as EPV says, you need to buy better. And you’re definitely more than capable of marketing better stuff p- and that’s when your great approach and ability to string words together well & your videos will reap the rewards. I would rephoto them and zoom in more and consider two approaches: One where, as discussed, you make the cars look better and try to get the people to come to you/ not giving them a reason not to buy just from the advert. Second approach- inspired by our erstwhile member AD, where you shoot from a ‘warts and all’ standing -particularly on the type of cars you currently have; as Simon says ‘people buy from people’ and I’m sure you have the same great, no bullsit, honest manner about you that he does. And some person’s 90k German delight will be better than others & Simon’s approach may help you show that yours are ‘better than a lot of the rest in comparison’. Good work though considering how long you’ve been doing it and as TV says, don’t panic. Sometimes they just stick and, unless you need to blow them out to get the dough back in, then just hold your nerve.
  7. We really need to get you some new happy pills TV! You can’t take it with you, and you’re a long time dead- so good on him enjoying himself I say. Plus I know for definite he works a damn site harder and travels a damn site more than me each week However, I’d rather be at home or work, but I’m a misery too and happy being so. Enjoyment is over-rated. ;o)
  8. Have 30 odd in stock and costs associated with having a site, so it is OK but used to do loads more a month. Others on here like ‘Super-Rory’ do much better numbers and are braver than I. :o) Everone gets their turn though, so chin up! It’ll happen. Mikey- can we help critique your ads maybe? Another pair of eyes can often spot something you might not. Where do you advertise?
  9. January always pretty good for us. 18 so far (with no Autoraper bills). Buying is a bit harder though, you’re right there. Same as Nick- too much time on here and also trade websites, eBay etc. I walk the dogs mostly when quiet. I’ve often racked my brains of something else I could do. A workshop plugged on the side of the Sales is the way to go as every place I use is always very busy (good ones anyway).
  10. Brill. In the style of Monty Python’s Life of Brian? Are there any women here? Any one else got any auctioneer classic lines?
  11. Ha yes. Reminds me of an auctioneer who used to say ‘what do you want me to do? Sell it for you and post the profit through your letterbox gentleman?’
  12. Just looking through Dealer Auction, and I notice this comment at the bottom of one listing. How nice of them! I’m thinking a £25 valet for £99 or am I being cynical? (Moi?) And it’s bound to get dirty on the way home : ‘We do offer a full valeting service on our cars before collection at an optional cost of £99. Please let me know if you would like to have this done as we will need to book it in with our valeting team. Cars need to be collected within 3 working days, anything after this will incur a storage fee of £60 + VAT a day. Unless otherwise agreed’
  13. Aha. Found the reply I got when I asked this question: Hi It’s simply clicking closest first. Any problems , I am here to help. I will let the account management team know so we can be sure to point it out. Cheers for the heads up. Car Gurus
  14. I had this. Turned out it was me doing something wrong. Can’t remeber what it was. I’ll see if I can dig it out...

    Fiat 500

    Yeah. Need to have an edge with spec. or colour (not pink as AD will testify to). I’ve sold them and have been OK, but have been low miles. Need to bid him in the unmentionables for it. What’s the age and mileage etc?
  16. Hi Markuz. Loads on here about the CRA2015 etc The ladies and gents on here like an introduction from newbies if possible and you’re not too shy ;o) so maybe tell us a bit about your background and proposed set up. You may consider not giving a warranty at all, but spend some time familiarising yourself with the CRA. Good call Jags maybe, but not at £2000 for me. Jag people are odd at that price and your recon could be painful. If they come in PX you can bid accordingly.
  17. I find it depends on the amount of miles the prospective punter does on average or what the cars they have had have done. We get some right fussy (often older) customers here on the south coast-and anything above 70 is often a problem & over a 100? you get the impression they think it’s a scrapper! Obviously the internet has luckily widened the audience, as elsewhere in the country I think attitudes differ.
  18. Welcome. You’ll fit in fine! :0)
  19. Hi Nicoletta. Excuse my sighs also and I’m struggling to answer another newbie one, but we do get a lot of this. What is your handover paperwork like? Pdi, New Mot etc? Any warranty paperwork? What did they sign for? You may be better off joining Lawgistics -invaluable in this circumstance but look up ‘fair useage’ maybe. Mini is a dreadful product at that age and chains are common The customer has to take care of ’their car’ and fair wear and tear is not covered it good luck with that! A good mechanic would have repaired the broken dipstick and you do have a right to inspect. what do you mean ‘you sold the car unfit for purpose’? How exactly did you do this? That’s about all I can contribute on a busy wet Wednesday.
  20. Agree. Lots of idiots. Just need to reply politely that you’re unaware of any issues or who they are. Sometimes these reviews are left at stupid times of the night too. Ask them to please call you if any issues and you’ll be delighted to help. BTW Umesh- I like that 360 picture jobby on your website. Very clever. How did you do that?
  21. And you're on the 'wonderful' Autoraper too? Blimey. Share your ads mate and I'm sure we can take a look. PM if preferred. Maybe priced wrong or your description/ photos etc are poor.
  22. And then pay you in cash and try to confuse you when counting it out by all talking and multiple poeple putting money in front of you. As if you’re going to count wrong.
  23. Ugh. Friends and family. Nightmare. I’m sure you avoid that sort of business too where possible. I’ve rarely got anything they’ve looking for or, if the see I have I say ‘it owes me wrong or aren’t you’re better off buying a new one?’. I think I’ve said before, but I have one friend who is brilliant, and just tells me how much he has to spend and it’s up to me what he gets. I still sell to neighbours occasionally. Dunno why. Must like the aggro, it so far, so good on the whole.
  24. Man you’re entertaining. Mind you, nothing surprises me about the motor trade anymore. Have any of them offered to be your salesman yet?