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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Have only ever bought one car off there, despite being registered a good ten years I should think. A million undesireable cars each week for me. Anyway, it was a bit of a drama getting the car released. I seem to remember the driver waiting most of the afternoon whilst they got their head out of their arse.
  2. Ha. Touché. Brilliant. I wish it’d thaought of that.
  3. How old do you think I am?! I’m only 46! :op
  4. A fair few of us don’t need or love Autoraper Lucas & do fine without it. Many do, but many don’t. I’m looking forward to your first sale by the way. Any bites so far?
  5. They’d probably thought you wouldn’t answer at that time of day (I wouldn’t) and that they could leave a cowardly voicemail.
  6. Yup.I remember a few from when I was a kid: ‘VAT killed the game.’ ‘Fuel injection, Front wheel drive, computerised MOT’s.... punters at auctions. Places not taking cash or rewriting invoices. Women in the motortrade Sure we can remember some more.
  7. Ha. Can I vote for ‘people who have a like and edit button’?
  8. I just say that it’s our specialty (finding very low mileage cars). They are out there if you know where to look but it takes loads of effort and experience. That and it was /was probably an older couple that had two cars and really just needed their bus pass.
  9. <<<<Impatient Customers (especially the ones that barge in when your dealing with somebody and think its ok to talk over the top of you)>>> Good one. I so hate this! What makes them think they’re more important. Worst is when they then go and sit or hang behind the customers you’re dealing with and get offended when you ask them to wait outside or elsewhere in the place for ten minutes.
  10. It doesn’t take long for the bastards to snap you out of holiday mode. I’ve stopped going. Just the thought of the trip to the airport is enough for me. Don’t know how long I’ll get away with it though before her indoors says otherwise. Much busier all of a sudden. 308 eBay guy has confirmed so that’s six so far.
  11. Dealer Trade are nice people. Think they’re ex-Autotrademail. I’ve never found anything that’s a bit of me though. There’s a Honda Jazz on there at the mo for example but I’m always suspicious as to why they’re trading it. Was the same with Autotrademail. I never got on with it myself but probably just me. Sytner a waste of time like Auction4cars and mostly DA also. Too many on it. It’s the same with main dealers that we all used to buy out of. Now they have a go at them themselves (before putting on DA etc). Just another way your margins/business is stolen/squeezed over the years including. Not like the good old days (where’s TV? He’ll agree with me :o)
  12. WhatsApp. Particularly people who insist on using it when they have iPhones and know I do. Punters that don’t believe you when you say it didn’t come with a spare wheel. Think you’ve got it somewhere.
  13. It works fine for me. Just now been answering a sensible email from there on a late 308. (I do ensure the best offer box is checked though, as I find it means the listing shows up better. You can auto set the decline the offer figure so you don’t notice stupid ‘offers’) It has been quieter in general recently, but this weekend has been busy. As you know, I haven’t used Autoraper for years, but I still get told regularly that they saw the car on there! I did have my arm twisted to try the Gumtree bolt on for a reduced cost, but predictably, it’s not set the world alight but it has done a couple and the odd enquiry. Ebay MP is good value IMO.
  14. Hi. Download the ‘Ultimate guide to being a car dealer’ guide at the top of this page. Ten quid well spent. Then there’s literally dozens of threads on this subject and you need to spend a few days reading them.
  15. No, pretty sure it’s literally last second or so Snipe. A friend of mine uses it and has had some success on eBay. I just bid last seven seconds or so as I’ve tripped myself up trying to be clever in the past.
  16. Everyone I know bids last few seconds. Sytner is no different than Dealer Auction etc. Too many people on there and many working on small margins. I can’t remember the last time I won something on Sytner. There is a program called ‘snipe’ that bids last fraction of a second for you on eBay, but I don’t think it works on Sytner etc. Shill bidding? Who knows. I do know they can see everything that’s going on and what your highest bid is as it’s ‘their’ system after all, so I wouldn’t be surprised.
  17. Hmmmm.....she also says that it’s possible the bank tried to contact him to verify the transaction as kosher and they couldn’t get hold of him, so would have stopped it. Weird. Anyway. V glad your in the money again. How much was it BTW?
  18. Are you sure it’s not a CHAPS payment? My wife works for a bank and she says it’s not possible. But a CHAPS can be recalled the same day. Otherwise, they have to get the bank to recall it and takes 7-10 days UNLESS they’ve said it’s a fraudulent transaction. Which is what she thinks they’ve probably done.
  19. Very easy indeed. I spend no time loading a car and only load it once. All fed from the website provider, Click Dealer and all enquires show on the platform and usual email etc.
  20. I’ve consistently sold higher value cars via eBay (motorspro). People will google search for a car or stumble across it some other way. I do think the above is correct though in that you need to find your market and audience.
  21. There’s loads on this subject on here and I’ve shouted from the rooftops for years about the subject of Autoraper. We left the robbers over two years ago and the world hasn’t ended. There’s plenty of other options but you do need to work it hard including on your SEO. We use eBay Motors pro (find it very good), Car Gurus (paid for but I’d use the free one), Motors (Just about pays for itself with the odd flurry otherwise), local press, Facebook etc. For people/me with lots of stock Autoraper is too pricey. Up to ten cars then I too would probably use the greedy bastards maybe You don’t have to advertise all of your stuff on there. Maybe cut it right back and rotate the stock. Anyway, we’ve not missed them as I say. People DO NOT just go to Autoraper to look for cars. Don’t believe any who tell you otherwise.
  22. You’re right. Exactly this. Same for me. It’s all mostly virtual browsing, but it is an advantage to have a site when the turn up or see the set up online. That’s what I tell myself anyway. ;o) if youv’e got something leary or flashy on the front, it’ll sometimes sell from passing.
  23. Another thing I have noticed, is that him and his friends all HAVE to have the (phone) sat Nav on- no matter how far the trip or how many times they’ve been there before. Weird. And he insists on using ‘Waze’ rather than Google Maps etc.
  24. Our lad chose a Kia too (Rio). Loves it. As do his friends. Had it two years now and isn’t interested in changing it. So true about the Aux input though.Kids nowadays are a different breed to our day. Just trying to get him to have a beer is a challenge. Also seems more interested in saving money than spending it and has little interest in girls or cars.
  25. I primarily only buy auto-and I haven’t physically gone to an auction in about four years, with no issues with anything I can recall. I also agree that you can be pleasantly surprised when a car turns up. However, James and I disagree on Germany’s ‘finest’ ;o) It’s important to buy what YOU like yes, but equally important not to forget that you aren’t the target customer. As much as possible I try to accommodate most tastes and needs-but we have the space to stock 50 plus if needed. For you Lucas or anyone starting out- definitely go with your gut and buy what gives you the fizz.