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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. My question regarding the ebay MP contract expiring - and whether they would try to force me to have Gumtree on an inflated price contract- has been answered. Can carry on again with 50 cars for £245/month. Phew! However- only allowing a six or 12 month contract this time- rather than the 18 months that has previously been offered.
  2. Nick- I was about to post the same. I’m also very pleased for the OP, but F.M- drive the junk before doing the deal! On the few occasions I’ve been stitched up like a kipper, I’ve taken it on the chin. Touché- as the saying goes. I once had a punter deliver their PX many years ago- they very kindly reversed it against the wall next to the site and concluded the deal. Very nice, older people (these are the ones to look out for), concluded the handover... they left. I jumped in their PX to move it....long story short, they’d taken the nearside out since I saw it last! Did I moan? No. Life in the city. My fault. However, these sort rarely complain about a warranty issue. I got my revenge with a main dealer I used to deal with who stiched me up royally on a few occasions, (they had a used car centre and always retailed the cream) with a Saab Sensonic that was f****d. I knew they never test drove stuff so I got my old man (cost me a one-er the bastard) to PX it as a punter, for a lovely 850 that I did well out of. When they phoned me offering the Saab I just laughed and said ‘that gearbox is crap’ and good luck - I was v smug. I also remember WD40’ing a silver Audi that the paintwork had crazed and px’ing it to a right ‘horrible f*** who’d lied to me about a Golf. Sorry- one for the ‘confessions’ section of the magazine I suppose What goes around and all that!
  3. I dunno what that is so I guess no? We have a Click Dealer website/ DMS but I don't use it really. Only if I HAVE to text a punter.
  4. Good point- no 'sales' in ours though.
  5. I've noticed more and more recently that my outgoing emails are going into people's Spam folder. Even one to my mate earlier who I've emailed plenty of times! I know that often email replies to ebay punters go in their Spam too, and Car Gurus (couldn't comment on Autoraper) so I always try to reply via the ebay Ap/ message centre to avoid this and chase them with a phone call if a number is supplied. Anyone have any ideas how to avoid this problem happening- short of changing our email address?
  6. I would stay with ebay rather than go to Gumtree- if it's a choice between the two. As with 'stockedup' we've been with them for years, but just the ebaymotorsPro- not Gumtree and it's good value for money /return. CarGurus seems to pay for itself worse way, and often you'll get a return. I too detest the price markers on Autoraper and Car Gurus, plus days in stock is disgusting. I've had this out with Car Gurus and even the account manager says he agrees but they can't get senior management to change the policy. : so stay with the free one I say. Also, I think I'm right in saying that if you're currently on an ebayMP contract (without Gumtree) and you cancel or don't renew, they will (try to) insist you have to have Gumtree too- and it's far too much money in comparison. I seem to remember oe member on here that did manage to get just an EMP account but I think they had to kick up a stink?
  7. All OK here. I can get in fine. I did have the same problem/404 message anyway, you are having a while back though- had to ring them up and get the password reset. (Annoyingly I can still only log in on the laptop- not any other device.)
  8. This is why I mute the audio (on the camera). I also don’t add any overlay music. That and I don’t want to talk on the video. I will point to any areas of note, including minor marks and spec. like AC, heated seats, nav etc. You’ll have to take the car to a quiet location I guess otherwise.
  9. My video stats are also in conflict depending where I look Nick (I do muted videos, as I too don’t like the sales pitch ones, but, as always, it’s horses for courses.)
  10. Every tale of woe on here will most often be a German and usually a German diesel. When you’ve forked out for numerous ,DMFs, auto gearboxes, plastic swirl-flap swallowing engines, phantom EMLs, motorised vents, unrealistic VW punters, Audi dash pods and so on, you’ll soon work it out. They are not built like they used to be. Dreadful build quality. Style over substance Anyway, I should be given a finite number of times I can slag German junk and Autoraper each month on here before being sent to the corner.... :o)
  11. Ha yes, I used to be the same. You’re right and you’re still able to enjoy the junk, so keep it up! As you know, German stuff really grinds my gears. I just see them as ‘tins of beans on the shelf’ unfortunately now. I very rarely get in a car and think ‘this is nice’. Long as I can get the dogs in and it’s auto I’m happy!
  12. I like mainly autos: Nissan Note, Modus, Micra, Jag XF, most Volvos, Prius, CRV, i10’s, Sirion even, Terios, Ford Fusions, Kangoos, Berlingos, (the odd WAV), Petrol estates, like Subaru Lebacy etc..the odd lumpy luxury stuff or modern classic... Much as I hate the German stuff I will buy the odd three series cab auto if petrol and nice spec/miles and less often an SLK. Don’t mind a Crossfire..I dunno. Hate them all if I’m honest ;o) (I keep looking at those horrid BMW electric things Nick buys, when I’m looking through Manheim, and have a compulsion to buy one weirdly.)
  13. German crap at its finest. Gearbox issues.
  14. I don’t think cars really have many issues nowadays within the warranty periods on the whole. Or, at least that’s my experience over the last five/six years. Especially if you prep right and buy right. How’s your week progresssed T.V? Any further forward? I think you should start a new thread on your venture. We’re all very invested/ cheering you on!
  15. Agreed. The first thing I did upon reading this is I printed it out for my weekend staff, with the instructions to only take a deposit on ANY card and to demand the balance by transfer. If true, yet another nail in the coffin...
  16. A clutch is not a wear and tear item. Unless the non-frictin parts fail. I can assure you, my wife-for example could ruin a clutch within a week should she wish. If I tried, I could screw it up within an hour. Driving style. (A lovely old lady used to buy a Micra off me every few years. A clutch would last six months if we were lucky. Her son came in all ‘juiced up for a fight’ initially. After calming him down we went out for a drive with the old dear: I’ve never felt so sorry for a car in my life! Neither had he. Who drives a car with the clutch being ridden the whole time!?) It’s spelled out really clearly at sale and handover that certain items aren’t covered. We make a point of highlighting that clutches and brakes/exhausts, for example are not covered- and hence the need for a new no-advisory MOT, service and customer signed Pdi. Same here. Very depressing month after a great August. Hopefully October will bounce back.
  17. I also think they miss out on the wealth of this forum’s experience. (I know there’s a snapshot of the forum each month but...)
  18. (This Magazine did a feature for a few issues on 'So You Want To Be a Motor Trader'. I must admit to not reading it in depth myself, but I guess there is some good info there for you? Might be worth looking this up, or maybe Andy can point you in the right direction?)
  19. Ouch! Man, I'm worried for you/wincing at the thought. This is going to be painful I fear. What are you looking at? What sort of thing are you going to bid on? What price bracket? Do you have any idea/ any idea what to look out for in regards to do's an don'ts? Are you going to go the auction or just going to buy online? Do keep us posted. This will be very interesting to all (including others looking to start up in this minefield) I would just buy something that you would like maybe if you were a customer. What sort of thing do you like?
  20. They just remind them of their obligations under the CRA2015 if asked. We (have a site) still give a three or six month warranty with an option to extend, depending on the car. To be fair- most customers don't ask about warranty anymore, but some do- so maybe not advertising or giving one is indeed the best way to do it. I'm old school so I think it important to spell it out clearly how long the warranty is for an what it covers- and get them to sign to show they have been made aware. I also, rightly or wrongly think that this is more expected by punters if they're buying from a site.
  21. Same here- a roller-coaster: you 'crack it' for a few years and think 'this is easy', then it's not. Trick is to get out when the going is really good I suppose. (if those days ever come again, and I personally have missed this opportunity a few times over the years in hindsight) They call it an exit-strategy no? As to knowing what I'm doing? Yes, to a point, and you need a good five years at least to mess up etc to a point where you probably come across most pitfalls; but you never stop learning. I think this game is about taking risks, and as you get older, you become more risk-adverse. Or I have anyway. Once bitten and all that...
  22. It’s a judgment call then. I still wouldn’t do it and I dunno any customer who would object to a transfer if you’d asked for this method. They have more protection buying something ‘over the phone’ too I think. Maybe just my paranoia..but belt and braces is always best. I will take a small deposit over the phone but nothing else and I explain this at sale.
  23. I’m sure your customer is OK. but: Don’t do it. Might be a stolen card. This is a known scam. Get them to transfer it.
  24. I would leave it unless coming in PX. It’s diesel too is it?
  25. I’ve had plenty in Volvos and have all been OK, but all at nice miles. I dodged a bullet on one the other day though but luckily it was a private sale so I could spank it before handing the dosh over. I had a Bmax in PX at a ridiculously low price though and I knew something was up. It was, but bizarrely a new battery and a reset sorted it out! Was lucky that time.