David Horgan

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Everything posted by David Horgan

  1. We Buy Any Car are not buying anything till end of April . So Valuations are to make people go sod that and walk away . Hence your price of 11k Even if you said yes they wouldn't take it off you
  2. Looked round online and there's no one in the halls at all today , just the odd body walking about .
  3. LOL How may we avoid you Imagine the new sales technique cant you . Hello , which car do you want ? , stand over there , Read this and don't touch anything , OK , Pay online , collect keys from that hook over there and goodbye . "Slam door "
  4. I've just been informed from 3 different sources connected with the Army and Navy that the forces are in readiness for some sort of action this weekend . NO Idea what mind , another customer has called me with same news , he was collecting his car on Sat but wants to come in the Morning now because hes heard on the vine were heading for shut down at weekend Anyone else heard or is it rumours one thinks , or hopes its rumours anyway . My god what a world of confusion we have at present
  5. Existing Customers get a 50% discount
  6. I just love that comment , I just say well now you've found the right car lets go to the office and get the paper work done .
  7. Me too lol grandad came from the emerald Isle as well . So we can say paddy cant we
  8. Austin A38/ Austin Mini . Austin Princess / Austin 1800 I've heard of But an Austin Martin eludes my knowledge bank
  9. 9k bloody hell , be cheaper to pay the fine . My sons 29 now but when he was 19 we paid £1,911.00 for no restriction on engine size or price for trade and social , motorcycle business and social inc That was for me the wife and my son . Also inc public liability , tools , stock and 3 sets of trade plates My 32 year old daughter is on with us now and 10 yrs later its 3k which i still moan about when June comes . 20 year old and wanting to get on in life but insurance is hampering you , that is terrible , what a stupid system we have , pay people to have kids and stay at home like slobs but you want to get on in life and have to pay through the nose for the privilege of trying to earn money .
  10. I'm guessing 5k , ouch . Put some older people on the policy with you , helps quite a lot .
  11. Don't mention that read to me omg i have a customer who is one of those guys , he quotes chapters of the bible from all different versions , drives me insane , he hasn't been in while this virus is about but I'm hiding when he does that's so funny , imagine them hiding under their beds with face masks and rubber gloves on or home made Hazmat suits even
  12. Just wonder if anyone has a plan to deal with a month long lock down and limiting movement of people . Going to be harder for the new businesses to cope with money flow at a low point . Might be catastrophic for bigger outfits on loans too . Hope you all get through it if it gets to that point .
  13. £1,200 without fitting a Flywheel too , wow she had her legs slapped there didn't she . Whats the Car a 400bhp monster Clutch and flwheel kit is circa £350/£400 to buy , £600 to fit it = £1,000 + vat =£1,200 with a flywheel . Clutch on its own £70 est so she got well shafted didn't she , They should have fitted a Flywheel with a New Clutch in the first place , who the blue blazes fits a clutch and not the flywheel when your 9 " and a few bolts away from doing the job right 1st time round . 3rd party fitted the new clutch without a flywheel , someone admitted its a shady job and they were correct there so not your problem is it , she accepted the job and it was fine Also its third party interference , she needs to go back to the fitters of the clutch as they were the last people to deal with this issue . Its not your baby . Telling her to come back to the dealer is their way of passing the buck to you , hoping your soft enough to get your wallet out . Advice ITS 5 Months ago lady , admit you have got this wrong , could be your fault or the garage who fitted the dodgy clutch but its not a dealer issue Dealer Advice ; DON'T get the wallet out
  14. Your responsibility to make sure the documents were sent too you . Any fines are coming your way as you were the driver at that time . V62 required either post office or online and print it , fill it in and take it to post office , sometimes they can tax sometimes they cant , if they can then happy days if not I suggest you dont drive it till you have the new reg doc V5 back . You can expect a tax bill for 18 months if its not been Sorn 'ed and maybe a fine too if DVLA are not happy and they say you have been driving on the road . Really after the first year you should of realised it wasn't taxed , Plus you should have paid the tax when you collected the car from the dealer too . These two points alone make it your own fault but also not receiving a log book in the first month or 8 weeks was a give away too that all was not well . dealer problem it might have been , but also maybe post problem too , and that's why the DVLA will blame you for not making sure it was all in order V62 is first move , tax it , don't use it till taxed , then fingers crossed they dont take you to the cleaners for the errors ,
  15. They should be car traders , Show us all how its done , Had one on the phone this morning , Do you do part x I can sure look at it for you i says , what have you got 03 Plate Mini One in red 88,000 , two weeks MOT complete with last years advisories , She wants £1,800 for it " I kid you NOT £1,800 " BUT she knows we have to earn a profit so will except £1,600 " Very generous I said . Take it to we buy any car i told her , they only want to give me £800 for it she goes " Wow What are they on to give her that much I thought " I said sorry my dear you are asking to much money for it and trying to get more trade in than its worth to sell . She rings back in about an hour I've been thinking she says , If i do take £800 for it at we buy any car could i give you £6,500 for your the car your selling Its £7,995 I said were do you get those numbers from . I've got to pay the insurance and tax with whats left she goes . They dont have a F##############g Clue they dont Cheerio Tat ta , Buggar off twat
  16. I agree there Nick , some proper rubbish px cars out there nowdays but the ones who do appear to look after them think its worth £500 more than retail
  17. Had a few recently go to wbac , because of high quotes first given online , got there and they grade like BCA 1,2,3,4,5 is their grading system , they arrived with the idea of getting 5k or whatever as quoted and got offered 4k due to condition . All were 1k lower than quoted on average . Then when they put the grade into the computer there's no going back im afraid because we haven't the authority to change the grade , they ask you first if you agree with the grade of say 3 and of course they all nod yes , but don't realise it affects the value .
  18. 80 on a dual carriageway should be ok stop worrying . Next time just look further ahead 10%over round here for speed awareness courses I think then they lock you up . Never been done for speeding ever , god knows how mind . I've only ever two speeds , flat out and stopped
  19. Car washes round here employ 25 slaves , owner turns up in Ferrari shouts at them , they bow to him and he goes off on holidays again . All at £5 a car too. I'm thinking of having a go at car washes . But i cant find his alternate income source
  20. 217,000 CARS is 600cars a day 7 days a week 365 days non stop my god they will need 200 staff to just do the V5's and invoices , 600 deliveries 600 lorries , 600 drivers 48 k a day on drivers , 24 k a day staff for sales for starters , some one is telling big whoppers aren't they or cant count Just some uni techy weirdos sat round tables drinking costa coffee making projections up to spend borrowed money . will it work ? er NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not in a million years would be my best projection . Some poor sods going to be out of pocket pretty soon listening to those fools . earning £300 a car gross will cover that one LOL OH Forgot . 300 more staff for the bloody returns LOL
  21. Mine is , but only when she gets to remove her GAG and I've changed the padlock recently
  22. We trade them sort of things to a face book warrior , i Hit the PX hard on price then stick £2/400 on top , he buys them off me and sells via facebook . no hits back to me and his warranty ends 10 secs down the road . Win win
  23. Know guys who trade on these stocking loans and two admit its a drug and have NO idea where they are with it , but they have to keep churning stuff out at cost to keep the facility open .If they DONT use it they lose it . Next Gear is the worst as they hide the figures very well indeed , but some Stocking loans connected with finance companies say borrow at 2% but they want reciprocal finance deals or the price % goes a lot higher , either way its pressure sales . All this has an effect on prices at trade level . Its all very clever really , wish i could get involved
  24. Its the free stocking loans thats sent prices shooting for the stars in my opinion Most of these stocking plans HAVE to be used to 80/90% of the designated amounts the lender gave to the trader , so as soon as one car is sold it has to be replaced or the trader loses the facility . Hence they will just about pay any price to turn stock so as not to lose the stocking facility or have it reduced . This has the effect of training sellers to work for nothing , The stocking companies just want the money to keep turning as thats where their profits come from . Stupid silly times in reality run by people who know nothing about the car trade , BCA are one of the lenders now too , designed to sell their own cars , they will fund anyone really because they actually want the stock to return back after taking massive profits for the 3 months on the loans/buyers fees etc . Then of course repeat the success with another sale to another smuk who pays for the privilege . Without these free money trees being handed to fools who cant see past their own eye lashes the trade would be very different and controlled by people who had their own money and wanted to earn a profit . Maybe when and if interest rates go up it might be beneficial to those who have their own financial money interests and want to earn a profit again . We will see .
  25. That's what the new starters in this industry forget £50,000 stock this year needs £60,000 for next year to stand still This is why earning £400/£600 profit per sale doesn't work ,