Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. I've never bought from DA so can't oblige a comment.... However, the image / thought of BHM in pointy shoes and a Tesco suit interests me....
  2. EMP is a coffin, but I just can’t give it up, eBay’s been such a big part of my life over the last 17+ years. It’ll be like a divorce.... thing is I’ve fallen out of love... AT sell my stock.
  3. I certainly didn’t know what to do on the loo
  4. Like. Its been down for two days.
  5. Why ? You have to ask why we have had multiple posts from newbies copying and pasting an old post with no further correspondence.... Is it something sinister going on... checking security etc etc.....
  6. BCA have the responsibility to deliver it to you as per the hammer description. If they haven't done that its down to them..... They have a duty of care to make sure they deliver it to you as you purchased it, nothing more nothing less. If there was an issue with the roof they should of communicated it with you.... The question is... is it worth the battle... I would say yes, its worth pursuing if you have done it immediately on arrival.... Taken pictures, video and forwarded straight to the site manager on its arrival with a polite request the car is put right.... Its careless neglect of responsibility by BCA
  7. I've never had a problem as long as you confirm a reactivation date.....
  8. I'm not picking fault Derby, but just a 1 month warranty.....
  9. I’m finding lumpier stock for me is becoming harder to shift, some fly out, then some sit, always been like that though. I’v currently got 50k sat in 5 cars which aren’t getting much interest, normally they would have flown out. However, the cheaper sub 5k stuff is doing really well for me, it’ll pick up for you, always does
  10. We have all been there, how many do you have in stock ?
  11. I sold a petrol CRV last week, only on its 5th day... funny old game
  12. I know it’s infuriating, but sadly there’s nothing you can do apart from reply politely and wait for the phone call.
  13. Funny old game, June the best month for me so far. It’s year end that matters.
  14. Two so far, carrying on from last month
  15. Epoxy resin floor paint, buy the best quality.
  16. Well said Dean, sell the turd quickly and move on mate. so true Yeah, but it’s so addictive, it gets into your blood. I couldn’t and wouldn’t want to be anything else. Joe, welcome. All I’ll say is follow your heart otherwise you will always regret not making it happen. If it’s in your blood, and you have the determination you will succeed. Remember it’s a rollercoaster. Best of luck.
  17. Dealer. I have a static just outside of Newquay, the site is open from from March til December, so we make the most of every weekend, family time making memories..... The sea has been flat the last two weekends........ If the weekend weather is guaranteed horrendous, I might allow a weekend collection, but its not happened since April
  18. Best month of the year so far, 14 sold from an average of 11, great stats and very good margins, but most importantly not one moment of my time wasted on a "no show" or "just wanna av a look". All pre-paid deposited and collected on time as managed. And since stopping all weekend collections from April, every car was collected by 4pm Monday to Friday only.
  19. No you can't. You sell it as unroadworthy and unfit for purpose, to be broken for parts, to be trailored away. If the buyer wishes to entertain a repair that's their choice. Your advert and sales invoice replicates the above. You cannot sell and unroadworthy vehicle to a layman unless you cover your arse with the above. You should know this as a dealer. Don't ever advertise a car as "sold as seen" or "trade sale", its a huge no no. Don't ever imply it is something it isn't. Be honest and upfront.
  20. Dear Billy, as explained in the video and on my website, the price is the price, my cars are all sold BIN.... If you want to pay less, go and buy a lesser vehicle.