Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Agreed, I originally signed up, then cancelled because only pieces of my adverts were showing. I do it myself now, takes a few minutes to upload an advert. Just one direct sale so far......
  2. There are no petrol comparatives for quality diesels. Not everybody needs to transport themselves into central London
  3. I looked at their feedback and not one neg for poor description, also with the Paypal guarantee they would be liable for return postage if misrepresented. No risk to the buyer.
  4. The advert says it’s in perfect condition
  5. The price is in the advert, £176 + £80 postage.
  7. FB has taken over eBay for pondlife, but Ebay sold me the banger plus £50 tip. Its doing FA else for me at the moment...
  8. Rory, I put a £200 banger on FB, eBay, AT on my website yesterday. I've had around 30 Messenger contacts through FB all of which asked the generic "is it still available" instead of calling, I get one email from eBay saying I'll give you £250 on Monday, I say yes as long as you can pay a £50 deposit today..... Deposit paid within the hour.... I'm not questioning FB, it's just that I really don't understand it at all....
  9. TG, just side step the question. You are right it is rude and none of there business but just have a generic “personally sourced, top quality Main Dealer” answer stored as advised above.
  10. If you get slated across the web it’s your own fault and justifiably so. JMHO Can you get your boss to register and reply.
  11. Absolutely bang on Rory. If you have the correct terms in place and the customer has been made fully aware and accepted those terms, then it's perfectly fair to retain the deposit.
  12. You’ve misled him with unenforceable terms. If you haven’t got anything confirmed in writing agreed by the customer then you are skating on very thin ice. If he’s broken a contract you can justifiably retain what if has cost you. It is simply not worth the aggravation and the subsequent bad reviews.
  13. Rory, I chose not to operate a forecourt like yourself, I'm not a bitch to the public. I manage customers to suit me, not the other way around.
  14. Anyone had any experience using one of these ? It looks like an amazing tool.....
  15. When you read the description it says, “VAT inc”at the end ? DON’T use CAPs, are you angry ?
  16. Uncanny.......... Bought a V60 R Design, Surecheck Silver on a BIN + delivery through Manheim Northampton on Monday. Get a call today saying, they've tried, but cannot get it started, procedure is to ring Surecheck for them to inspect.... I buy the majority online and this happens occasionally, I've always been refunded (following the inspection) or they have been repaired without hassle... Paying for Manheim delivery means they have to deliver it to me as a runner... lets see how this one pans out
  17. I can't fault my experiences with Manheim, it's been rare I have had a problem with their reports, mostly are better that described. If I have had a problem and its covered they've resolved without a quibble.