Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. I wish you and Grant the very best of luck
  2. Isn’t it about time Amazon joined the race and blew everyone else’s away.
  3. Tony, absolutely bang on. Its totally derogatory to our business and shows a complete lack of understanding, thought or respect to WHO actually pay their wages.... I said to my rep you are making issues out of NON-issues and potentially greatly effecting our business. I told them to stop it immediately and they did....
  4. I go to the skatepark and practice my Mctwist 540 airs......
  5. I'm lost too.... But then, that's not too difficult....
  6. I've got a Caravelle at the moment which needed a lot of paint, took six weeks before I got it back, it then needed an electric slidy door repair, the workshop dropped its back in the cue for paint.... frustration..... I have a Mazda 6 thats raping my wallet and laughy at me, plus various others..... I'm looking forward to a holiday....
  7. A very steady 9 so far and happy. My issue is 7 in prep... I want to be up to 15 - 20 advertised but can't seem to get there....
  8. It’s your baby, it your life, you work how you want to and bollox to anyone who tells you different. You sound like a mirror image of me, a man off my own back. Best of luck to you. Bang on
  9. My unit is 3500sft, I can squeeze in 20 with 3 offices and toilets etc.
  10. Sign affidadvit confirming the vehicle was not involved in an accident.
  11. If you aren't a company, it's your money and you can do what the hell you like with it, you are a trader. You only pay tax on your profit and are not tied to Ltd Company regulations. You buy, you sell, you pay tax on the difference minus deductions...simple
  12. This is new to me completely... did you link this post to me Dave with an @ sign ?
  13. Well done... Lazz, you don't need a unit, don't be scared off. The council and your neighbours need educating. You have every right to do what you are doing, threaten to make a formal complain about unfair harassment you are receiving. Very intrigued.... How would that work with a neighbor complaint in DPA terms, does the council have to name and shame TV ??
  14. And selling quickly with lovely swappers.
  15. I've gone a little more expensive over the last couple of months 7-12k and they're selling quickly.... All with big margins... The VAT man's gonna be happy
  16. Really good month with 8 sold with 9 days to go, I'm a happy Maximus
  17. Ring the council and and be very polite tell them the primary use of the property hasn't changed, it is a family home and you have every right to start a small business, in fact the Goverment encourage it. You are not advertising the cars on the street with for sale signs and there isn't any bunting.... Can anyone remember the recent post with the guy and the Councillor, there was also the previous post where BHM showed links to the .gov website encouraging small home business's. ?????