Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. TV....Wet fish slappin yer face Monty Python stylie.....
  2. There you go I was right.... Nearly
  3. Cracking first attempt mate, I’ll look forward to the final draft
  4. Mark, fabulous mate !! Really good, a bit too scripted imo, speak from the heart, sell yourself to the customers, you have a trusting face (smile !!) be cheeky, show your personality, relax, flirt with the camera...
  5. I'm bl I think AT'S description page is primitive, its shameful we can't actually write a proper description with paragraphs, its makes us all look stupid. Less is a lot more in my opinion.
  6. Ni, fab photos..... how do you get the optional extras cost thingy ?
  7. A really good month with 14 for me, one sold every other day..... I've also managed to buy consistently great value stock, it's the prep that is letting down the production line..... A fantastic month really happy
  8. Nik, I think you great always have done I'm really pleased you have embraced videos, I appreciate your former reluctance and I know I've nagged you to do em but they make your job a lot easier and really do help you sell cars My first impression of the video, its impersonal with annoying lift music. Get rid of the music, sell yourself and the car, talk to your customer as you walk around it. You are a great car dealer, who does his job right, you need to be saying that in the video. I keep saying the same things here "people buy from people" don't doubt your ability to sell by video, its a fantastic medium. Personalise it.... The mini tyres desperately needed dressing as did the black plastic arch trims. Oh and the passenger door needed touching in on its edge, but that's me just being pedantic.... I'm a bugger for not valeting to the max (don't have the time) but I do own up about it in the video... Add an introduction to the video explaining who you are, how you operate and the benefit in buying from you....
  9. Hi Dean, angle grinder mate.... or a chisel and hammer
  10. James, all I’ve done is wash it and touched in the scratches, it’s the photos and lighting which makes it stand out
  11. They can look ok, but until you can see the wheel spinning you can’t really tell.
  12. I think it’s too high, probably reduce to £1190 when MOT done...
  13. You’ve not upset me. I’m used to people being stupid and unreasonable.
  14. You need to take a step back and read what you’ve written and how you’ve replied in the light of day
  15. It’s funny that this job is about making money off your own back, making it happen... learning and developing a gut... I’m always up for supporting people when due, buts that’s not what you were looking for. There are those who are just negative, who doubt and just want to piss on the bonfire of others for whatever reason. That’s not me.
  16. I’ve supported you as member from your joining.
  17. That’s not very respectful ECJ. Are you having a bad day.... I suggest you take a breath and a big step backwards.... I’ve respected your input here and valued it. Don’t burn your bridges.