Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. If you are selling on ebay and getting comebacks then you either aren't being honest or brutal enough. Don't mince your words or make it out to be nothing less than you are selling shite, the plastic traders love shite, be honest sell it as shite and invoice them justifiably as scrap, unroadworthy & tailored away. You can however sell the dream......
  2. Don’t you start working at 5am ?
  3. Tony
  4. Flashing display is the mechatronics system (in my experence)...but is does require proper diagnosis.
  5. What planet are you on ? Lady....... She's clearly a got her kit off for a laugh.... Get real
  6. Me too... Wheels and tyres keep the car safely on the road. A very small fracture weld repair by a professional maybe... but a buckled wheel manipulated back into shape.....would you want your children in a car like that... erm no.
  7. Very wise words.... Mark, selling cars isn't easy money... Charging fair hourly rates and operating an honest open transparent MOT / repair station would be gold dust..... If I had one I would be making serious money...
  8. Hi Grant, how did you find out what it needed by the VIN, do you have a connection with BMW ?
  9. I wouldn’t advertise on that medium if they paid me. WTF are they to tell me my job. Patronising, ignorant, arrogant bastards.
  10. If someone is serious about buying your car they will call you. Who the feck ore carguru and what type of buyer even looks at them. You look on their website and the first thing they say is Save thousands off market prices Track price drops and time on market
  11. If they’ve told you case closed don’t worry about it. BSM, couple of years ago I had three cars lifted at the same time to the DVLA pound in Plymouth, the day before I was due to go on holiday to Thailand. I found out only two hours before they closed, got there 15 minutes before they shut.... it cost me nearly a grand in fines plus back tax and taxing them so they could be parked legally on the street... Its happened a few times to me over the years.... I’m soooo glad now I have my unit.
  12. I like the way you’ve personalised it, it’s well written and you come across really genuine. At the end of the day you are selling yourself to the billy and the car is the draw, well done. PS don’t over complicate the website, keep it simple.
  13. I like the website Ben, very well put together
  14. The draw is always greed...... You can pussyfoot around the issue, but greed is the crux. Always people who are just looking for "cheap"
  15. Maybe.... When I can see you making it happen.... BTW. That's my last post.
  16. My thinking is you should be doing your video intro's and conclusions in your uniform, my god what a sales tool. Jealous I am..... BTW welcome, I'm just up the road in Exeter BTW2..... Don't buy a Zafira...awful publicity
  17. Agreed, I can't see a huge demand for petrol... As a business, you should be targeting selling nationally online, with the bonus of local purchases....
  18. XFS, welcome back. I'm down in Devon so Diesel is still very popular, and I think it depends on where you are going to relocate back to in the UK. I wouldn't worry about it, you'll find your feet quickly
  19. Manheims national stock levels haven't dropped, so I can't see why they would close it..
  20. I buy a few out of Wimbledon BIN, always had a good car well described car.....
  21. Maybe their system has gone down, some kind of computer glitch...