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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Thank you for taking the time to respond; I've made a note to ask for you in December.
  2. 1 point
    A Bit of a frustrating day today. Last Friday a customer came (with her mum) to view a car we had advertised online. The advertised price of the car was €4000, they took the car for a spin and asked would we take €3700 and we settled on €3800. The customer left a €400 deposit and filled out the full sales invoice as though the car was being purchased with the balance of €3400 due on Collection the following friday. The customer brought to my attention following the test drive that she felt the accelerator pedal was a bit stiff, I personally couldn't feel anything but I agreed to have it looked at by our mechanic.(bearing in mind the customer is 18 years old and has not yet sat her practical driving test) I Had the mechanic look at it he said its perfect and then got another opinion off a second mechanic who also said it was fine but said to grease it up to make her happy. On departure the mother said "if you cant fix the pedal we get our deposit back right?" To which I said I'll get it 100% but if I cant fix it of course you can. I Had the car Professionally Valeted for Collection last night (€80) Girl and mother arrive today. Look around the car again quick test drive and say "shes just not happy with it, we want our deposit back" Had taken the add down off all online platforms for the whole week and had a sold sticker on the window in the yard incase any walk in Customers wanted it. Would you refund A) The full amount B ) Partial amount C) Withold Deposit Thanks in advance
  3. 1 point
    Or the number one rule don’t buy a shit spec 3 door manual s3, can’t give them away for love nor money
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I’d give the depo back regardless to wether the pedal is normal or not. Customers like that can tend to be difficult to deal with after sales, and will expect the world of you .... e.g. the bulbs gone, can you replace it etc etc. Count your blessings and retail it again, now that’s it’s detailed etc, your bound to sell it at near enough asking, as it’s fully prepped!
  6. 1 point
    In my Everyones opinion counts here mate a newbie or someone who has been at years after-all thats what its all about it here . Your also right you get a feel for customers and over time can tell the genuine ones .sometimes you will get people wanting to leave deposits other time some even want to pay in full other times you can tell if they say they will be back tomorrow you know they will be . Good luck wish u loads of success in the future You have the right idea bhm remember you saying before your 100 percent right when selling older stuff you have to not only access the car but also also access the customer who is going to sitting in the drivers seat of said car ..
  7. 1 point
    Thanks for the offer Rory, but I don't have any such problem/s; all cars I buy are added to MID on the day of purchase, so if so needed, I can tax them without any problem. Get me 2 missing V5's back from DVLA - now that would be worth a decent fee Later - I just fully re-read what you actually said - and will bear it in mind for the future, it's currently a changing feast.......
  8. 1 point
    I have a contact and can get any car taxed for you without a V5 pm me. Small fee charged. Apply for v5 but if you don’t have it no problem.
  9. 1 point
    I'm happy to personally take a look at your renewal when it comes up. Drop me a message with your company name and I'll make a note to catch-up with you in December.
  10. 1 point
    The cars fine, no issue and nothing to sort. in this instance you should have taken control of the customer and explained this in a way they understood and shown confidence in your product and service. you do this everyday, you sell loads of these, it’s a characteristic of this model etc and then you wouldn’t be in this situation. learn from it
  11. 1 point
    You chose to offer a refund if you didn't make a difference to the pedal . Two mechanics may well be correct in their opinion , you should of pointed that out VERY clearly at the point of sale , Valet is a for gone isn't it , you would spend £80 on the car to sell it anyway wouldn't you . Lesson " Dear customer don't pay a deposit unless you actually want the car , If you want it refunding when you come it will remain on sale at all times and I will sell it " Lesson , Don't offer deposits back , or why take one in the first place . Pay her back in full like you promised .
  12. 1 point
    Refund the full amount as you agreed surely? The car should already have been properly valeted so you can’t count that as an expense?
  13. 1 point
    No they’ve mixed all dealership disposals into “dealer sale” now. It should still say who the vendor is on the vehicle description, Pendragon, Bristol street, Trade centre etc. The one you need to watch is “flash sale” as I’ve seen a few multi vendor cars end up in there without being disclosed as multivendor.
  14. 1 point
    Result - if there is one thing I hate it's people lying to me; if they're having a tough time, and it can happen to the best of us at times; I can be pretty understanding if they're honest and up front - but the way far too many people are today is one of the few things which make me bloody angry. I've got a big old infra red lamp we used when we did bodywork in house - cost quite a lot, now a guy from Luton who my ex mechanic told about it phoned and made me an offer on it, I sent him some photos of it and said I would not clean it up and/or even get it out from the back unless he sent me a non refundable £100 by bank transfer and gave him the sort code and a/c # - but he kept on saying he had cash, all the usual - and I thought that was it. Now I've got a text this afternoon asking for the postcode, so I sent one back saying he had to pay the 100 quid first - bugger me, he replied saying he'd paid and much to my surprise when I logged into that bank a/c - he had ....... Now me and my lad have got to move a bunch of cars tomorrow to make a pathway big enough to wheel the damn thing through, I think the arms on each side adjust, but it still must be about 6ft wide, so it's going to be a real b@lls ache of a job for not much money - I suppose at least it will give us some more storage space in what was the booth, but I'm fully expecting him to start a re-negotiation once he arrives, but if he does, he's lost his hundred quid ...........
  15. 1 point
    Diesels are bad enough but being low mileage & 11yrs old it could be any number of things gummed up. My first port of call would be a couple of bottles of Miller’s or Wynn’s & absolutely kick its c**t in for 20 miles - show it no mercy.