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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    People like that make this job worthwhile. Would always give people like that free mats or a full tank of fuel. Sold a £20k Hilux to a guy lately, bought his last one off me 14 years previously. When it came to closing the deal he didn't haggle on price so I understood I was getting full asking price. When he came to collect, he had the bankers draft made out for 100 more, thinking it was a mistake I told him, but he replied: ''No I am delighted with the jeep, and you can't have made that much profit on it''
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Hi Dave. In short. No. But the trade plate rules are so misunderstood, so often changed and so leniently enforced that I absolutely would. IF your Mercedes is on SORN (and it should be if you've owned it for a while and it's not taxed) it will be better (still illegal!) if you cover your existing plates with your trade plates in which case you can not get a ANPR fine. You are actually allowed to drive your Mercedes to it's pre booked MOT with no MOT or tax so if your bodyshop does MOTs just book one and change your mind once you get there if you didn't drive past any cameras.
  4. 1 point
    Something lighter after all the doom and gloom with difficult and awkward customers wanting better than new cars for ££££ under the asking price... What sale has stood out as your easiest?? I have a couple from the times I offered free delivery (thinking of doing it again) but the one that really stood out was on a black diesel Focus p/x for £4000, a day after I advertised it a chap rang on my mobile, said that he found our location without making an appointment first and can he "please" buy it? 2 minutes later he knocked on my office door not with his hand but with an envelope full of exactly £3990, he said that he doesn't "check oil" or "do test drives", doesn't haggle and he put the asking price less £10 (for some fuel) in the envelope so do we have a deal? Of course we did. I thought at first that maybe a mate was pranking me but my buyer was as serious as they get.
  5. 1 point
    Agreed. Bollox to Brexit and politics. Let’s all agree to move on.
  6. 1 point
    ...go away for a couple of days and it's all got a bit political! I had two decent walk ons today and one wa**er whose name was Boris...how very apt. As someone under the age of 35 I can say i'm thoroughly bored of Brexit...it comes to something when our footballers conduct themselves more professionally during a world cup than our elected 'leaders'.
  7. 1 point
    There has already been a referendum. The winning vote was to leave the EU. Thats it.... simple.
  8. 1 point
    we've got brexit, we've got diesel fright, we've got summer holidays oh and probably a new prime minister by thursday, course its dead make sure your cars well prepared, keenly priced, and ready to go, oh, and pdi, because we dont want it "coming home, its coming home "
  9. 1 point
    2005 and a bloke walks into the Land Rover showroom in shorts and flip flops, points towards a Range Rover Sport and says how much is that, I say £58500, he asks whether you can get it with a sunroof and I say you can but its £900 extra and you'd have to order one, it will take about 10 weeks. OK then, he says, I'll have this one! Came back next day and paid full balance on his debit card, it didn't even refer! Certainly one of the easiest I'll ever make.
  10. 1 point
    I smoked a E430 for about 7 months, lovely car....
  11. 1 point
    Are they selling them though. Are they knocking £500 off for a deal. What are they buying them for? Good margin, quick margin and I am trying to focus on what the cars daily profit worked out at trying to keep that number up quite high aswell.
  12. 1 point
    You’ll pick up some more business but it’s not usually a great uplift. However, we have had some good ‘honeymoon’ periods when taking on sites. We’re a main road site and rarely get many walk-ons as I’ve said before. It is mostly internet, emails, prior phone calls etc. and 9 time out of ten I know when someone is coming. I think it helps if you’ve got a site to add ‘some’ credibility, but I’m not sure it’s as important as it once was. And you’ve got that rates bill and other costs to make up for. Good luck with it though mate. It’s still something I’m proud to have and I’m sure you’ll do OK.
  13. 1 point
    i hear there are men that have things called recovery wagons that for the showing of a shilling can keep one legal
  14. 1 point
    I could go on and on.....circa 1981....Anyway we used to sell a lot of stuff to miners (in the days of coal mines) and they earned good money.This guy walks in and stands next to a Capri and calls me over.He says ‘I’ll have that Bonny lad’ and I say thank you.He said he would just nip over to Barclays which was 200 yds away to get the money.15 minutes later he is back with cash and we do the invoice.He says can you deliver it and having seen that he lived 500 yards away,I say where to.He says ‘my house’ and explains that he does not have a licence.So I ask him why he was buying this car.........he produced a letter from Barclays telling him as a valued customer he qualified for a car loan and he said his mates where getting the same letter and buying nice cars.We did deliver it.....He was just keeping up with his mates !
  15. 1 point
    Had a regular in a couple of Saturdays ago. Brought his mother in to buy a Megane. Whilst he was here another guy was looking at an Insignia. The Insignia guy had a test drive etc and decides to go away and call me on Monday. My regular then says to me "Is he having that?" I explain he's gone away to think about it so he says "Well I have it then" Didn't even look in it. He'd had an Insignia off me last year and traded it in for an S-Max in March but preferred the Vauxhall. First guy rings up 20 minutes later and I have that lovely feeling of telling him it's sold. You snooze. You lose! Just this minute sold my regulars brother a Fiesta. In the last 12 months I have sold the family 2 Insignias, a Megane, a Fiesta, an S-max and an Astra. Of which I've just done the 1 test drive, Have taken back in the S-Max, the Astra and an Insignia. ££££££££
  16. 1 point
    Easiest sale for me went to a workshop customer, came in asked 'what you got for sale', i said, 'a lovely citroen, i know it's nice cause i've been driving it, want to see it?' his reply.... you guessed it ' nope, if it's good enough for you it's good enough for me' - SOLD no haggling, start to finish about 45 seconds...we nick named him "the fastest buyer in town"...
  17. 1 point
    Well I haven’t been going that long so my experience isn’t exactly extensive but i sold a 2007 A6 avant a week or two ago. The chap rang in the morning, was there in the afternoon, paid in full in readies and gave me a £20 drink on top.
  18. 1 point
    Sold a Jaguar SV8 to an armed response Cop , out on test drive i thought we were on a call The guy could seriously drive though , talk about never miss an opportunity to overtake , and use every inch of the tarmac . Gets back he goes that's a quick car I'll have it , Sold him a XFR last time that was an interesting drive