Rory RSC

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Everything posted by Rory RSC

  1. Who is responsible for setting a customers expectations on cars like this ? Answer - You. Promise the world they will be back. Being brutal, honest and saying you never want to see them again doing them a favour selling it to them with profit opportunity etc etc can mitigate that. Not everyone is out to screw you. Again be selective.
  2. Also dont be afraid to sell them for fair money A lot of good profits on these part exs. Double up on them a lot. £200 px, £10 romanian wash sold for £500 etc not to be sniffed at.
  3. Brutal advert. Sell it as an unchecked px / trailer away etc etc write in advert suit a trader to buy who can safety check mint up for profit etc. Sell electively. 30 people to choose who to sell to. Sell to an eastern european, mechanic type bloke. Don't sell to a guy in company car turning up for his sons first car or a woman with young kids who just wants a cheap car you know as long as it lasts a year or 2 without spending any money on it will be fine type.
  4. Do you get that with a stocking loan you still have to make money? You have even less margin as you have fees with it. With stocking loans you still have a limit. It isn't indefinite. So all these fuckers with stocking loans with less experience are actually better retailers than you in the current marketplace and finding a way to grow and succeed and you want to whinge and moan about how it used to be. Business isn't built on sympathy. Work on things you can control. Maybe try a little harder to work on your own business than worry about what others are doing. If every single funded dealer fails at the same time because they are all broke and penniless at least you can say you were right.
  5. Oh well, it’s how it is so get on with it.
  6. People aren’t accepting of a £995 car with a years mot any more. they want the same service as a £5k/£10k/£20k one.
  7. Its the new valeter sorry about that he got it mixed up with the other one with more miles.
  8. What did you do? @JA Trader I dont feel you are mentally stable enough to do this job if your seriously considering legal action over some price markers"
  9. You could say to the customer Dear Customer, Does your dick touch your arse? Yes Well go and fuck yourself then. Warm Regards, Dealer D
  10. I’ll give you £500 if you can get them to drop the price markers by the end of 2020.
  11. I’ve grown to like Autotrader. my lowest cost per sale this month of any advertising platform. Responsible for dropping my stock in front of people far and wide in the UK. great product and great platform when it used correctly. sold a good few high price ones. They were priced high for a reason. Customers knew that and still bought. Buyers aren’t stupid, autotrader aren’t stupid but your crusade is and could be better spent doing something useful. Have you got pictures/video / good description of everything online.
  12. I can't think of anything worse than specialising in Landrover product. The comebacks, the screamers, the clientele... Hate them.
  13. Get a website. Its 2020. Not having one is harming you a lot and you can't see it. You could even suggest customers visit your website to see even more of your high quality adverts you mention in your own format because you are in control of them. A lot of people when they see you on Autotrader / Ebay / Facebook etc google search your business to find your website to get an impression of you as a business, see what google has to say about you etc.
  14. In the time it took you to write that could have actually set up your own website. Its 2020 no excuses.
  15. Get some momentum going, once you are doing well then borrow a bit of money on some 0% cards / loan etc and stick to the same thing. If you do get stocking don't suddenly go from having a pitch of 20 cars at 4-8k and go out and buy 3 20k vanity projects. Do what you are good at. Debt, borrowing etc are wonderful tools to accelerate and grow your business at the right time. They will ruin you at the wrong time. High stakes at the end of the day when your house in on the line.
  16. Did you upgrade to the new package for just £300 per month more with no outages or down time
  17. Chip and pin cardholder there in person is very limited risk.Amex is just so they can get points, but takes a good few days for you to see the money.
  18. Categorically didn't know. He was retailing it and ended up with it for a while so decided to shift. He even offered halfs on the job when most would have said get lost(myself included).If he knew he would have said. I'm the same when I list stuff there.
  19. Would it sway you if the you knew the 'lads' that bought it spent about 2 hours looking over it, driving it etc before deciding to proceed with purchase. I know the seller of that one personally and he did nothing wrong it was fine. It was a good few days before the 'lads' reported an issue.
  20. Brilliant site do well buying and selling. one thing on it a lot of people just say they will have something and pay for it unseen. Someone’s gonna get bumped sooner or later can’t trust anyone. A few trade only parasites on there who are buyers so got to be fast otherwise they are leeching around goal hanging for cars. I love getting a car and retailing it instead of one of those fucks getting it and putting 200 on it.
  21. This. also check its a new scam of some kind and is actually BCA. Tenner on it being an error with a business with a nearly identical name.
  22. Haha sometimes its the simplest of things. Sold it though good result keep it going.
  23. Collinite do it panel by panel. Don't do the whole car and then try and take it off. A good clean and a couple of coats on a black car looks really good.
  24. Min effort, max results. Personally Collinite 476 is the best product you can find. Last for ages and once on you can just blast the car off. Its brilliant stuff.