It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. all the cars need a bit of work only remember you left the retailing side to concentrate on what you do best ie day vans i think this trader has been slagged enough just like benji he asked for help not a noose
  2. i didnt understand yours either i read it as some dont hpi
  3. as boris said you cant polish a turd i guess the next thing is to look for mr stevie wonder who needs a new car who also has sinus problems
  4. well it is late and we did lose
  5. im so a non ford person i am not even sure i know what he mk7 shape is ha ha man sniffing
  6. im shocked many cars with clear body issues i wish i could sell cars like that southeast,you lok like you have a great place get a clipboard fill a sheet in for each car for things needing doing clio with rear arch showing primer focus that lost the fight with the wall etc as i said earlier you need fresh eyes put yourself in the head of the punter would you buy obviously damaged goods? i think youve had the good times now you need to work to keep the sales up,get out of the office walk round
  7. you run a business you know you are considering doing something you dont know you ask your at rep for help walk away 30 feet from your business premises and look at every aspect from the perspective of a customer are your premises clean easilly found and obviously firing on all 4 cylinders is ATthe marketing media you should be using if its not working but your adverts are impeccable remember things move on and 15 years can easily put you in a rut of being blinded dont ask your mates down the block what they think because most traders are two faced and will be happy to see you go belly up so theres more business for them CONSIDER CAREFULLY,CONSIDER WHAT SELS IN YOUR AREA dont jump yet
  8. to be honest i havent read the rest its a legal obligation to buy these plates and to be honest if he is running a business you state without plates then it just dammmm annoys me,ive paid into the club for 35 years so why shouldnt he theres no excuse what so ever
  9. it used to be the case that if found running without tax you were denied access to trade plates because you were deemed as unsuitable material to drive round with the queens crown on your triangle you fixed on the plates of course in modern Britain they now dispense plastic trade plates to plastic traders so im sure anyone can get them if they pay the wonga
  10. i don't think there's many fools out there trading these days that dont know to hpi afore yee buy
  11. hi marc if you can nick em buy em hear them run ie so they dont sound like a skeleton having a wank in a dustbin,if they do bid even less and get them fixed its not a biggy just a little bit tight on space to do other thing is do not buy red totally do not buy red,they dont seem to sell at all
  12. why not ? its still not been ratified by the eu that this is an action against state law under the Geneva convention.
  13. hi dave a grand you say its the reasonably reliable bit im stuck on though would it be ok if the car i sold him started say mondays wednesdays and fridays? this would fit the soga and your terms of sale i believe maybe to make it easier i could bob round tuesdays and thursdays and like borrow his battery to make it all legal like?
  14. the answer is to kick them hard dont tell them you are a trader and once paid do the log book formalities online,you will get a new fresh log book in days and then you can tell the next punter you bought it for the wife but she doesnt like the colour engine shape tyres etc etc see simples where theres a dolla theres a way remember though not to tell them you voted brexit
  15. if it came into me i would be checking earths power leads from aircon alternator whether the alternator was indeed pushing out to muck current a proper assessment of the battery type and condition and also i would be thinking is it all related to an abs problem
  16. the good thing is that although by voting out i am apparently the most ignorant racist people of the land, the ignorant benefit culture. type person but strangely i am non of those and wouldnt dream of asking my customers to STATE THEIR STATUS before allowing them the vulgarity of purchasing a car off me so sales are good here so all you voters to leave or voters to stay, i will do you a deal this way i do not demarcate my market by 51% handclapping all round i feel............................................
  17. i voted brexit i want brexit i always had you down for more intelligence than a stupid answer like that
  18. customer service everything mint clean image and dont forget the balloons on opening day
  19. i hear there are men that have things called recovery wagons that for the showing of a shilling can keep one legal
  20. july and august has always been quiet i have said for the last 20 years i should just shut up shop but we are always looking for a deal so i sit here watching the tumbleweed flow by
  21. here goes then would ky jelly be better so the new core plugs slide in easier? ive never used loctite when fitting core plugs
  22. you are so wrong here only last week i refunded a customer because inadvertently i had let the car go out with 4lbs less air in the rear tyre than the manufacturer recommends for normal town driving,to make it worse i had put a green dust cap on rather than the standard black as it only had normal air in the tyre rather than that posh stuff some tyre retailers rob you on anyway i qave them their money back i sent his lovely wife a massive bunch of flowers and im taking the daughter on a cruise of the back streets of bradford tuesday night happy days
  23. correct give that man an apple
  24. sold a car to a customer 4 weeks ago,she came back after a week oh im thinking problem it was my own personal user i had sold her so i was concerned,turns out the car was fine but somebody had reversed into her and tried to not accept blame,she got the details took photos and basically went about her life for 3 days whilst i came back from holiday on inspection it had somehow managed to twist the bonnet catch and misalign the bumper but the crash bar and light fittings were perfect i quoted £450 to bring the car back to how it was seeing as she had purchased it off me so i started filling the estimate in and casually mentioned that would the customer be paying? my customer says yes or i will inform the insurance so we did a check on the 65 plate mini that ran into her it didnt exist whatsoever this was in manchester so how many other cars are there out there cloned so covering your plate up is the least of my concerns we need more police on the roads not speed cameras
  25. i found some bits of carrot in my mouth when i saw the back seat