It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. havent had negative feedback because they are always too old for that kind of stuff but they come back even maybe a year later and they put in the sly dig about you did very well out of their old car everyone thinks we in the motortrade piss all our money up in the pub every night so telling them when they give you their old car for free as in this case is easier than waiting for any negativity for the record they are told it will be checked over and retailed and if not suitable will be robbed of any parts and sent for crushing we all know where we stand then just to make my position very very clear
  2. i totally agree with this,people are all smiles until they find you made an extra bob out of them,for the last 5 years whenever i get cars like these i tell the customers straight that it will be checked over to see if its retailable or scrapped and not to moan if they see it up for a grand,this way we all know where we stand and once explained ive never had a problem no offence AD
  3. have you tried hanging a coathanger off your head and tying the camera to it via some tie wraps?
  4. set fire to it and have a barbeque 1.9 diesel in one of them are you tryin to kill someone
  5. i thought your wife took you home
  6. i would get the mistress to go into ann summers for me
  7. as much as your budget allows
  8. that car looks dirt cheap if you need it there used to be a street i would never go to when i used to buy cars from the local paper wanted adds i called it ambush alley for a very good reason
  9. very neat can you get to reset button if needed (gob zipped)
  10. its about £900 fully comp and black boxed up for a 17 year old girlie in a c1 putting a minor on a motor trades policy is madness those dual controls would be very difficult to be approved if fitted via a third party,i wouldn't retro fit for anyone,if they are that bad at driving let the driving instructor have the coronary that's what they are paid for
  11. they will start pulling plugs off things to see if it shows on the scanner ...............ok only some would, like me would you go into hospital and let the doctors show you how to use all them bleeping machines as you are wired up in your bed? no same thing keep it simple we are the experts its not called an idiot light for no reason its a call for help by injun lets stay safe out there hill street blues
  12. one things for sure you need more dough for a pagini than you do for a pizza
  13. i suggest you sit down get a glass of cider out and read it i said twice its out of date if you go through it all as i said it will give you a perfect grounding for doing this job remember the sun shone 100 years ago it still shines now some things dont change
  14. some deep recessed wheels you cant get in to weld an old wheel nut on the end because the gas from the torch stops the welding process however heat from the torch can help to loosen the nut obviously knock seven bells out of it first this is where gloves and goggles come in too or let tyre bay do it
  15. only the chosen few have all their buttons in the right places
  16. i think a ductor heater might be better,they are now down to £200 direct from china thanks regards dynomec but like everything else i seem to buy i use it once and it ends up in the cupboard of tools not used,i note its made by that sheffield company and to be fair they are good at sending replacement parts out at a cost but some things feel like they were made to break (fiesta void tool)
  17. or guy goes to auction a fellow traders trys to leg him into a lemon he doesnt buy it but instead buys one from the rostrum and gets his leg lifted by fat harry the auctioneer he drives it out and finds its got a leg out of bed goes to the garage with it and finds it shut because his wife has legged it with the chief mechanic he goes to pub and gets legless moral of story? open a charity shop and search the pockets of donated clothes for hidden wonga or look for hidden drawers in old chinese furniture for hidden gold
  18. having a garage is usually not the problem its hiring and retaining good staff that is
  19. best of luck with mcgard types it took 8 hours to remove 4 6 months ago and i have every tool possible to remove them,had to gas axe them in the end thus damaging the paint on the wheels,looks like they had never ever been off and all dealer had done was look through the rim and say brakes ok, for every lie he stamped in on a similar note car came in yesterday over 11 months mot and the back brake pipe is beyond a disgrace and they havent even scraped it to assess for the mot
  20. wear safety glasses and thick gloves better still see if local tyre bay do a removal service
  21. remember its better to use someone elses money rather than your own thats what my probation officer sniffed at anyway
  22. mot tester needs the donkey out of it so has failed it and offered a monkey to take off brothers hands get second opinion on the corrosion first