SC Derby

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Everything posted by SC Derby

  1. I do the VAT myself, it takes about 30 minutes every quarter if you have your stock book in check anyway.
  2. Don't forget in order to reject customer HAS to prove it was faulty at point at sale.
  3. With half the month to go I'd hope to crack 30-35 this month given we have 3 full weekends left. Anytime I've sold more than the date in the month I regard that as good going
  4. Thats my view ^ RS Car Sales At the end of the day, our location is FIXED, we are where we are and that doesn't change - it's the customer that chooses whether to buy locally and perhaps pay more or travel to get a better deal.
  5. Blanked Monday and Tuesday, but pulled in 2 yesterday and 1 this morning to get back on track
  6. That's totally different to the form they sent me, which was two pages long, haven't got a copy to show you now as I deleted the email as it was a big file. Found it, happy to email it across if you like?
  7. If you request their dealer application form there is a box asking what type of license you have with 3 or 4 options. One of the options is no license held. tick this, send it back to them and hey presto (or as I say it was for me). i average 1.5 deals with them a month and do not have any FCA license/approval/permission.
  8. Zuto do not insist on FCA license, not if the customer goes to them direct.
  9. I don't have my license (yet) but have no problem dealing with Zuto, even in my early months, they have never not paid out, intact I am now on their preferred list apparently!! Not sure how I achieved this status, though.
  10. I think a lot of it is through pure stupidity/ignorance that they don't realise we have paid an actual price for the vehicle, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them think if they buy a car off us for say £6k we make £6k I'm sure we've all been, at times, offered less than we actually paid for a vehicle by these dreamers!!
  11. Exactly. The customers I could handle but it's moving the cars that I wouldn't be able to manage on my own as some are blocked in. Even yesterday we had 3 test drives at once and one lot of customers had to wait about 10 minutes which isn't ideal.
  12. Yes 100% me with a Valeter and an extra sales person at the weekend. I hope this carries on cos it's been a pleasing start and you're right couldn't have gone any quicker today!
  13. 5 today including a 7k Insignia from a Facebook advert which cost £12. Absolutely chuffed with that.
  14. Another day, another deal, 7 for the month.
  15. Just done my daily deal lol although there could be two in the offing today
  16. 1 a day so far, solid start. Managed to pick up 3-4 decent bits of stock too so hopefully should carry on
  17. 2 and was hoping to be on 3, but been let down on a couple of 'thinkers' - should have known when they walked originally. Personally the hardest part of this time of year is waiting for the cash to drop in, I've got around 12k floating around thats been swiped but not yet hit my bank and another 8k-10k waiting to be collected, would love that 20k to be in stock NOW and not in 10 days time!!
  18. Mazda 2s move slow for me too 3s,5s and 6s always get good interest as do mx-5s
  19. just pulled in my last deal, Mazda 6 in fact sold all 3 of them in the last 6 days, finished up on 25.
  20. Trade insurance is not £1000 a month, more like £300 I would say. Yes you do need to insure your stock, what if the place burns down? Rough monthly costs I'd say, for 120k worth of stock. Advertising anywhere from £500 to £3,000 depending the route you take Wages for staff £1200-£2000 again depending on quality of staff Valeting - guessing you will outsource this so £1k a month maybe? Insurance (road cover, stock, public liability, employers liability) £500 a month Rates £500 per month? Rent £1200 per month Utilities £200-£300 per month Wages for you £XXXX depends how much you want to earn Already at 8k, maybe £10k a month without any of the other costs that crop up such a vehicle prep, garage bills etc. then every 3 months the VAT man will knocking for circa £6-£8k?
  21. Pulled another one in before I closed :)
  22. Done similar to you, 4 in the bag and another 2 possibilities. Nice time of year.
  23. For me would be simply be, for 6 years I have traded and cut my teeth with partners, and for a couple of years as part of trio. Well 2015 I was able to break away and set up on my own 100% - make my own decisions and also my mistakes Yes I owe the bank some dosh but it's been a good year overall and hopefully will be a better 2016 for us all!!