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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Thats me Closed now completely and my friends 2 sites infact most car dealers i know are now
  2. How many roll and does it need to be andrex
  3. Its the best way it annoys them more if you play nice and ignore
  4. Tell them you will scrap it first. The cheek of some of some customers did that with a guy years ago with an old px that i had been smoking he used to buy and sell cheap cars on gumtree offered £300 told him id scrap it first he look amazed and shocked got £850 in the auction
  5. I was talking to a supermarket cleaner today and people have been stealing the toilet rolls from the public toilets as soon as she replaces them cause them because there is none in store the local newspaper is also reporting this week about people stealing from the local food bank trolley at the door of local supermarket so they have had to move it to a secure location
  6. thats a good one mate actually laughed for the first time in a few days
  7. Some are for the time being I've not been doing a lot of my own stuff buy the garages/friends I buy for its business as usual
  8. Very interesting post and a lot sense being spoken one thing I've been doing is making sure my elderly neighbour is ok dropping food and toilet rolls hand wash etc on her doorstep and giving her a call every day or two to check on her guess it not car dealer related but still hopefully if she has provisions she wont get unwell and is taken the necessary steps not to which may help with not having to call out doctors etc .
  9. May i also wish you a speedy recovery get well soon
  10. Probably try drop it to 8k when he turned up with up on site
  11. There descriptions are terrible as is there grading I asked the lady behind the desk if they employed ray charles and stevie wonder to do the appraisals one day that never went down well .
  12. Yeah i agree i was just meaning the cheap stuff seems to be going quicker than normal but the 10k stuff is sitting about . But anything Up to 2k seems to go quick .
  13. I think it is maybe a lot of people who would normally use public transport are buying cheaper stuff or looking to get into a car . Not to be on busy trains or buses most people are saying the same seen a few others comment similar here and the cheaper stuff does seems to be moving . Was talking to a friend last week who sells a lot of high end stuff and started out with the bread and butter stuff and still sells a few good trade ins or local cars and he was saying his cheaper stuff is flying out the door up to about 2k but no real interest in the higher end of the market stock .
  14. I haven't at the local auction but think in time it may come seen a video online on youtube about it and at one bca auction they were saying there wasn't a single in person bidder there
  15. Quiet but ticking over id say though that may change
  16. Half penny is 100 percent correct almost anything will bring up anti pollution on a peugeot even the technicians of two peugeot dealers confirmed this to me when i called and asked there advice the other was when i was in for warranty work on a radio and i asked in conversation keep us all updated
  17. Had it on a diesel one the drive belt broke cut out lost all power fitted new drive belt and it wouldn't idle properly and throw a camshaft position sensor fault code unplugged it cleaned connections and all was fine . the anti pollution fault can be anything on a peugeot its pretty standard had it on a 2 307 diesels both for a fuel filter i wouldn't think the key battery thing is related to your fault
  18. Try think insurance mate there very helpful
  19. Can we keep the car ted says dougal lol