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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Its. Very true you would be better paying for something you will eventually own rather than rent
  2. Who needs a garden anyway lol ? Sounds an ideal set up mark . Put big gates up so the screamers cant chap your door at 10 at night thats the only downside from having your home etc in one location.
  3. Firstly Stay safe and take care during these difficult times NOACROSS and i extend that to your family and friends as you say it will affect the property prices and i also think many will work from home also i think it you get on with your neighbours i dont think they mind to much ive always been considerate to them at my last properties and they never bothered if a car was parked there or was working on it etc . Take care
  4. Yeah i meant in general its all his way or no way i agree with you too though about the news things problem is people listen to people and not news sometimes .
  5. I agree with you David was saying on another post some people will never listen to advice given by anyone including the government Heard today that the building sites for two large company's around here will be closed Until June or July . And also as you say its no going to be over in weeks if or why they extend mots etc by 6 months best wishes to you and your family and may you all stay safe during these uncertain times .
  6. I know to be fair he's his one of they guys you couldn't tell or advise anything .
  7. May i take this opportunity to say may yourself and family's all stay safe during such difficult times both in business but more importantly in health . I extend the same to your met cars may you and all your friends and family members stay safe in both health and business .
  8. Been Ok mate just a bit bored looking at 4 walls just now . I think It will continue for a bit yet .and probably be extended but just got to do what we have too in these times hope your feeling better and your son gets his insurance sorted . As I said take care and stay safe during these times .
  9. Ashley not in the current situation as I will remain with my current cover but at at later stage hopefully when the uncertainty changes i had an old boss who had a policy which covered him to drive any Car for Social domestic and pleasure and motor use owned by him or any car owned by him could be driven by basically anyone for both motor trade Sdp at his say so ie a voluntary worker part time full time worker etc for motor trade but also his wife for sdp is this something your company could provide ? .also do you have an email address
  10. Casper


    Seen a video online that police were stopping people with transporters and sending them home on route to bca . Copart I noticed only doing deliverys there loads of places and businesses still opening and operational that should really be closed inc some shops .
  11. If we are lucky mark mate I think boris will extend It for another 3 weeks or more time will tell . I guess you and your family stay safe all the best .
  12. It's terrible the amount of people that's going about their daily life's doing the same things they always do and having no consideration there's an old guy across the road from us says he's not interested in what the politicians say he's touching 80 and should be self isolation and he's has health issues nicola sturgeon said on the news the other day if life doesn't feel weird your not doing it right or something along they lines how true is that
  13. Hi Tango victor 32 was actually just thinking the other day ive not seen you on the forum for a while hope your on the mend take care and stay safe during these times I've been using think insurance broker for my insurance over the years
  14. Keep they nappies they might be worth a fortune soon when asda runs out they never had any last week a friend was saying .
  15. Yeah give them a wee turn to i guess
  16. Yeah Mark there is one about 10 -15 minutes away so just wait to we have a few as well as brake discs etc and drop them in
  17. Only if they want an test drive unaccompanied .
  18. Getting Between 7 and 10 pounds mate but in normally times we wait to we have a few and run them up on a Saturday morning so not sure if maybe thats why
  19. Could get the £10 for the battery scrap at least if all else fails
  20. 4 wheels trims 1 odd and 2 tins of paint