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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Is that not banned yet by the government watch out you will go blind ..
  2. My local shop said the cash and carry is running out of stock . He's struggling to get essential stuff ..
  3. Ive Got a bike go cycling only went back to it a a couple of years ago and been going walks too
  4. Im the same they've put me in the high risk group got my letter the other day from the GP surgery .
  5. Yes as you say next of kin be sorted sad thing is some time the legal next of kin is actually different from who the person wanted to be next of kin but died suddenly never got a chance to change it Seen it happen before with people separated but not divorced etc .
  6. Good point . When you think of it i think a lot of the volunteering was like leaving shopping and prescriptions at doors etc of those self isolating for 12 weeks so some want be in direct contact with the virus .
  7. True though isn't it not good have millions or billions in the bank if your to ill to spend it
  8. Its a good point you made about supermarkets though there always the happy bubbly member staff who will go out there way to help and the ones that say dont know not seem them when you ask for something
  9. Funny I remember going in to the supermarket years ago asking where the digestive biscuits were to be told in the biscuit aisle obv i meant where was the biscuit aisle she was just trying to be funny .
  10. Glad your well now . Yeah in normal times you need a wee break seen a lot of guys in there late teens and early twenties on the news on tv online and youtube worrying people to stay in doors as its the worst they have ever felt
  11. You sound like an older version of myself think ill turn into you in a few years I've done that too . Banned myself and barred myself out a local pub due to the landyladys attitude
  12. Same i always try to unless as you say they are rude . And there is a few like that
  13. Health is most deffo wealth mate all good here hope you and your family are too
  14. Thats good as long as yous are doing ok . But if the wife comes with a rolling pin a suggest you start running lol . Very true about the competition
  15. Ive been using my closest little local shop its just a small shop but the family that own it are and have been lovely . Keep toilets rolls hand wash etc for his regulars sold at normal price and asked if my elderly parents needed anything the one time I've been in lately normally in most days and he called to see if any the family needed anything delivered .. . And were all ok .
  16. In all honesty how are you doing ?
  17. Still good to see the neighbours checking up on you .
  18. Thanks also though i can honestly say.from my point of view never found there customer service a problem over the years. Always seemed they found a lot of good prices for young traders Another good one to try might be towergate insurance also very competitive and a lot of friends use them
  19. Don't think the shops are too bad now ? In saying that I'm only going on what I here on the phone only been to the wee local newsagents guess its pies and beans now the steaks have run out in the freezer
  20. Tell him yes but only online or out the window
  21. His detailed are in this link think insurance 08002218077
  22. I always give the same the same response to try think insurance always been fair with me there's also a helpful forum member called Ashley who could probably help Also please note that drivers are only covered to drive cars third party with the owners permissions but the car there going to be driving has to have a separate policy which means you would need trade insurance just a heads up don't won't to see anyone getting a pull for the law good luck with your new venture