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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. It’s happened before. It’ll happen again. As long as you have some buying power left after blowing your brains on some stock - it’ll be OK. A readjustment in market prices is a good thing generally, as gets the cautious spending again.
  2. Yeah one lap at the moment as they want them to keep the power cranked up, to keep up the quick average lap times-rather than turn them down and have more laps. Mind you, one lap is what- 37 odd miles. Mugen team /technology is way ahead of the others is the issue. Amazing bit of kit. (Might have been John McGuiness’ last TT, ride & he came second.)
  3. Ha-brill. Same here. Do have fully functioning system. No rain though- or punters. Have been offered a 2003 Suzuki Wagon R. How exciting- as you say: not. Can I make it as far as three o'clock I wonder..
  4. I think they call it 'range anxiety'. I wonder how many people do more than 80 miles a day? (as a percentage of drivers) 11 miles to work for me.
  5. A lot of them have no back seats at all so I wouldn’t worry about it. Your punter can take it out if they don’t want it.
  6. As above. Didn’t miss them or their bills one bit.
  7. Playing Devil's Advocate: So, tell me- when you have to pay for an auto gearbox rebuild or any number of issues over the years on said (god damn awful) VW or other German product, plus oils, fluids, services, DPF's, DMF Clutches etc on your petrol consuming car where you're handing money over the counter at the petrol station weekly- this is a cheaper option than an electric car with no gearbox, clutch, engine, oils, propshaft etc? Now, for me, anyone doing moderate miles a week like myself can live with an electric car no problem and the 200 odd mile range would mean I would charge it once a fortnight at most. As for the batteries, they can be recycled and are- Prius batteries for example are fairly reasonable already reconditioned. As above, the battery' is not just one battery, but a collection of battery cells, so in the unlikely event of a failure, they are being designed so you just replace a pack or two. When you see taxi drivers driving something, then you know they are OK. Have a look at the mileages they are getting next time you're in a Prius cab. A mate of mine has a high mileage Twizzy in PX the other day- still going strong (I know it's hardly a fair comparison but even so). Now I'm not saying electric cars are THE answer or the finished product but they are AN answer that we need to embrace. I wanted to hate them, but once you drive one, you get it. Well, I did anyway, and I'm a dinosaur. Leaf is ugly yes, but so are all little boring cars but they don't half go well, as does the i3 (fantastic little cars them), never been in a Tesla but they seem to fly past me OK. That Jag ipace is a cracking bit of kit...
  8. Rebecca sorted it out for me in the end. It does seem that we are left to our own devices nowadays. Pity our idea of one of us helping with moderating/admin the other month also fell on deaf ears. (Shame no contribution from Big Mike too after his intro) And where’s not Scottish/Scottish Dave 2301254321 gone? Hot tub holiday?
  9. We were similar (only one last week) but three in three days all of a sudden and enquires up too. Same last year- crap May, good June, so hopefully everyone will get busy too.
  10. Amen. Same here. Still have a few but only if they come in PX mostly.
  11. Absolutely. Well, if it's any consolation, I've just been hit with a gearbox rebuild on a 12 plate auto Juke done 22k! I know a great guy if anyone is ever stuck with auto headaches (Southcoast) he's very reasonable too.
  12. I know what you mean TG, but I dunno and don’t let it bother you I think if you come over (even mildly) defensive, you put them a tad on edge. If you use my line about them being main dealer group px’s mostly, they like that - add the caveat that they’ve usually been swapped in for a new car if they do press you further. Not that you can buy anything on Dealer Auction anymore, but that is always a good line when saying it is a closed, main dealer, trade only auction etc.
  13. My line is ‘we mainly buy from main dealer groups’. Usually is enough to end the interrogation.
  14. Wow! He’s back! Result, well done.
  15. MK1’s are stupid money. OP’s is a 3 with a hardtop. Dunno if he means a separate hardtop or a roadster car with a folding one. Makes a difference. Good bit of stock. Just check it’s actually got AC. Not just a button. ;o) £4495 min for me, but Nick would get five grand.
  16. Dreadful things with no following. I’ll buy it below cap as a favour. ;o) Seriously though, why are you scared of that? Nice miles and spec, plus ‘previously supplied by us’ always looks good in the ad. You're a dealer, so deal. You’ve told him to sell it privately and he has declined. Make some money out of it. He knows you must buy cars cheaper than you sell them for! What’s the registration number? Well done on selling three.
  17. Now, now. You wouldn’t catch me slagging off AT. ;o)
  18. I remember getting a wall clock in the shape of a tyre from Autotrader once as a thank you for the business.
  19. Why would you come off a free package out of interest? Are you sure you're not on anymore? It's done retrospectively I think, so for me, you have earned it by getting good reviews when you were on worse-way. Works well for us, and is a good value for money on the whole (paid package). The free package also worked OK to be fair.
  20. Are you on their free package? Seems odd if not. We've got this award (genuine paid customer) the last couple of years (plaque this year and it is on the wall) & advertised on the website etc. Why not? Celebrate every success and advertise any pat on the back I say. After all, we haven't got any crap reviews from CG customers and good news is harder to get than bad news as I'm convinced people are less likely to leave a good review than bad ones as the other 90 % of happy customers rarely leave a review .
  21. You don’t even need to see the idiot offers as you can easily set a autodecline figure. I don’t do that though as I find it quite amusing. However, I honestly don’t get many. Setting best offer puts you under more eyes on eBay. You’re right about ONO etc come to think of it.
  22. Crap first three weeks of May, (after a good April but has picked up all of a sudden.) None of my stuff is cheap (as in underpriced).. no AT bill either for a few years now so, like Mark, quiet times worry me less than they did. Car Gurus performs OK and better than Motors. I wouldn’t give eBay up though myself, as has proved a very good platform over the years for all values (classified listings with Best Offer enabled). Be interesting to see what happens with eBay buying Motors as they’ll have to work out what to do with customers already on both packages. FB dong well also, but it’s a slow burner to begin with.
  23. I like an i10 (not that I actually like anything). Sold plenty, good build quality and can’t remember any issues ever. Have pretty much all been autos though, as we’re in old people-ville However, I was in a new one the other day, and I’m not so sure it’s as good and felt a bit cheaper. Same with the i20’s. Might just be me and my aversion to change.