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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. Thanks chaps-I think that's the answer, when I can face looking at it. Might make a couple?
  2. Ha - probably right. Luckily there's a good margin in what they bought.
  3. I have an 06 C220D estate Auto that came in px the other day. Done 149 in darker silver. Drives fine (radio intermittent) back bumper needs painting. Have left it in the compound a week now as can't decide whether to tart it up or sell as is. My Sunday guy gave them £1500 in PX for it so dunno if that's good or bad.
  4. They’re both just guides remember. Looks well priced at 3500 I’d have thought. Someone’s gotta be ‘really’ bored to spoof you. Take all the leads you can. Treat them all the same. A large number will come to nothing sometimes. Other times every lead is a go-er.
  5. It’s def not spam. A ‘like’ maybe or what we used to call a time waster. Or, they’ll get back to you or they won’t. Maybe it’s in their spam/junk folder or yours. As others have said, I can categorically vouch for the fact it does work and produce leads and sales. Can only see as I find of course. I am not on the free package though, but used to be and it was OK too. For me, it’s very good value. The notion of fake or spam leads from it is not something I can subscribe to. Out of interest, how does their price indicator compare to Autoraper’s Ben? If both say similar, why is yours so cheap?
  6. I agree and don’t think so either. Only you can answer the question of whether you can be bothered with the grief or not though What’s to stop the fools making something else break? Or leaving you an undeserved bad review etc. If you do decide to dig your heels in, you will have a load of back and forth and the eventual court day, which could be a year from now -if you lose, you could well have to refund in full and, you’ll not necessarily even get the car back unless you do your court paperwork properly. Obviously, if you do get it back, it’s value and condition will be different. I’ve fought before in the past and won some/lost some. Some won’t go to court, some will. Some will just reluctantly accept your offer of a fix. If you feel so strongly still in the morning, maybe join up with Lawgistics and get them to fire a letter or three off for you to exercise your right to repair/inspect. If it’s looking like going to court, or you decide it’s not worth the hassle-you could then say ‘bugger it’ and refund in a week or two. Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
  7. You have the right to inspect and attempt a repair. Anyone could ruin a clutch in five minutes. Def. buyers remorse, otherwise they’d be delighted with a new clutch. However, I’d more than likely refund the idiots and move on with my life. We keep the V5’s a week or so for this eventuality. Not that I can remember the last time we refunded a customer. As above, have a section or a form at handover where they sign to say they’ve driven it etc and they confirm there were no faults...
  8. I do OK with CG and I personally don't think any of the leads are fake. Some of the 'leads' are just the punter expressing a passing interest in the car. I believe this is called a 'like' by the kids. Once I went on the paid package and had more customer info, I'd often find that email replies could go into their junk or spam folder. This happens a fair bit with ebayMP too if you don't reply via the message centre.
  9. Not on Autoraper -but CG not quite as good as Ebay MP, but is good value to be fair. Am on the paid package, but unconvinced it’s any better than the free one. Bookface has been doing well recently. Thanks to Mikey I tried it a few months back and pleased with the results.
  10. Another vote for Click Dealer from me. CD5 are also OK I understand and a bit cheaper. I think Click Dealer is more slick etc, but just personal preference.
  11. Hi Chan, there’s loads of threads on here about this- some recent. I won’t comment other than to say I don’t use them as I’m like a broken record on the subject..;o) When you get a minute, say Hi maybe and tell us about yourself.
  12. Where is Scottish Dave lately? He’s the man for this question.
  13. You should ask Lucas. He has a boring wheeled Mini auto and I've previously suggested he gets some better ones for it.
  14. I would just leave it now if was me. Some of us feel sorry for you, some don't. Such is life. Do please let us know how you get on though, but I wouldn't rise to the bait if you get mildly offended any further. It's just the internet. We have our fingers crossed for you I'm sure
  15. We've had this before and no ;oP You can auto set a limit/figure where it auto declines idiot offers. I don't do this as I quite enjoy the (very, very) occasional stupid offer. You don't have to reply obviously and if you auto set it, then you don't even get notified of it. Enabling Best offer gets you to come up better when they search.
  16. Ebay auction maybe. Ebay motors pro (classified listing) no more than autoraper. Sold a 10 k Mini last week to a late 60’s year old lady for example. Crap it certainly isn’t in my experience. You do need to annotate your ads/subheadings and enable best offer etc.
  17. Tony Hi- ebay Mpro sells all values, and I don't have anything under three grand usually. Have sold 20k cars on there over the past many years. ebay auction is a totally different matter I'm sure & I haven't done an ebay auction in many years.
  18. I honesty don’t get that question any more than when I was just on Autoraper. Gumtree is only average at best. I’ll agree there. The response has been better this trial than last though Anyway, things change. Especially in 13 years on the internet and the other platforms get good results and are building as Grant says. 100% of my sales are obviously not AT. Three on Saturday for example, one was Facebook (and finance) for an old Zafira at 2295. One Ebay and one CarGurus. It’s worth pointing out that we have quite different stock profiles mostly and the vast majority of my customers have their own money due to location maybe (retirement belt)? Also my hatred of diesel and late German stuff scuppers me selling more/doing more finance. Hey- we’re all different, individuals (I’m not‘ ;0) Monty Python reference there for Mark.
  19. Have sold 3-10k stuff via Facebook. And I don’t work hard at it at all. Ebay up to 20k ish as with the other platforms It simply isn’t true to pigeon hole platforms to price ranges. Same with finance business. Wherever they find you, they mostly enquire direct and/or then go to your website. It’s there that you push the finance. However, like you, I also include a couple of finance promoting pictures in the picture run of each car. I must admit though that getting a finance sale isn’t high on my priority list, but rather a bonus when it happens. If Autoraper was say-700 a month for me to advertise all 30/35 odd in stock, then I would be able to understand it. Until then, life goes on without them quite well.
  20. What a shame. I’m just surprised it’s taken so long for people to realise this. One by one most will come to the dark side and agree with me. I’ve been without them for years now as I may have mentioned ;o) I too have been surprised by the Facebook traction though. Autoraper is a jumbled mess and just because someone gets directed to there from a google or other search, doesn’t mean they don’t find you if you’re not on with the greedy, robbing bastards.
  21. Was it naive? Yes. Stupid? Probably. Do I feel sorry for you and, more so your grandparent? Yes, I do if I’m honest. I also hope (I think there is none though) that these low-life creeps get caught and prosecuted. Good on you for coming on this platform and sharing and I hope it is the last big lesson in life you will learn the hard way. For balance, I don’t think TV was patronising you. He was simply expressing his incredulity.
  22. All looks great to me Nick (apart from the jumbled mess that is AT’s description text that’s beyond your control) I’d prefer to see exactly the same background each time for the pics where possible too. I also do silent videos and it works out well, with customers telling me they liked them; but the others are probably right in saying a commentary is better. (However, I think I’ve adapted enough to the new-shape world for the time being at least.)
  23. Well done Mikey. Keep it up! Dreadful first two/three weeks of Feb, but last seven days was night and day. 15 in the end, so pretty pleased with that.
  24. Where is EPV? Hols? I'm missing his frank input here.
  25. Car Gurus does OK for us. Am on their paid package, Not brilliant but OK. I'm not sure the paid is any better than the free. Doesn't perform as well as ebay MP but is worth the fluppence a month for me. Oh, and all my stuff on ebay has the free HPi appearing on every advert.