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Everything posted by NOACROSS

  1. I've used this analogy before, but organising car traders is like herding cats. My take on Autoraper is well documented, so I'll try to resist playing the broken record, but some, like me left them years ago and have never looked back. Others are too scared to try (maybe rightly so) and yes, I agree, others are making a nice enough living (and some way more) not to care about the costs/rising costs of the robbers. I know it was tonge-in-cheek, but is it just me who's fed up of all these marches? They all blend in to one sandal and sock wearing bore-fest for me. Sermon over-let's toast a hopefully busy weekend for all!
  2. Good stuff Mark. Very pleased for you that it’s working without Autoraper (as I said it would.). Hope it continues for you mate(s). Just ticking over here on the South Coast but a few nice chunky profits and good swappers-but I’ve had my foot well off the gas the last couple of weeks.
  3. Am on the paid package and get a fair few enquires and a couple of sales a month at least
  4. Yes, did have this once. Left the car and told them to do one. Rang DA but they couldn’t care a less Please share and shame so we all know not to buy from there.
  5. I agree. Looking brill Mark. This time next year Rodney! Did I miss the Jeep gearstick issue? Did you sort it?
  6. Sold one monday, but ghost shop since. Weekend is upon us though. House move next week, so kinda glad to be honest.
  7. Capital letters at the start of sentences anyone? ;o) I’d agree with you otherwise, but I think in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. Language is constantly changing and evolving. In it Bruv.
  8. It’s just your current landline number. In our case a local one that we’ve had for donkeys Peanuts.
  9. Hi Lazz, we use Overline. Very nice bunch of people. Get an ap on your mobiles so you can receive and make calls as if you’re in the office etc. Decent set of office handsets and you only need one phone line but can still receive multiple calls/use the card machine etc. Customer doesn’t know anything it just rings the office and your mobile at the same time.
  10. Some people (TV comes to mind ;0) would spot a rabbit dropping in a haystack, if it was likely to be made of gold occasionally. Some adverts are so cluttered-thanks to the format- that it’s too dull for most to bother ploughing through. (Anyone seen the South Park Apple Terms and Conditions episode?)
  11. Don’t quote me exactly but that i3 is seriously quick (Tesla more so) Something like 168bhp and 0-60 in six seconds. I was seriously impressed . Leaf a bit more dull but no more so than a Micra etc. In fact it’s better Agreed in remote areas maybe, but if, like me and pretty much everyone I know, you only do about 80 to a 100 miles a week in your own car (my Mrs does about 6 miles a day at most, then charging is a non issue. Most people I know have driveways. Anyway, we’re all different. World would be a boring place otherwise.
  12. Yeah- Hybrids will be the first popular wave. They still have batteries remember. I really didn't want to like them and I REALLY didn't want to like electric cars. To any doubters, I'd say, go drive one and then make your mind up.
  13. Ha - yes. ;0) Shame they didn't give it away for free from the start as we've said before. I'm just surprised they're still spending on TV adverts.Oh well, it's free now so mustn't complain. I like MN and wish it would have suceeded.
  14. Wow. Brilliant. That surprises me. We have similar in stock and are a MN customer. I can’t chalk any sales down to it and was on it (paying) from the start. Still on it obviously for free. I would rather they spent the money somewhere else rather than TV. SEO/google for example
  15. 40 miles left on current charge maybe. Not 40 between charges. Most seem to have 8 or 10 out of 12 battery health from what I see. Ignore electric cars at your peril I think. Bloody brilliant things. That BMW i3 in particular. I know Nick will agree and has had a few. Far less to go wrong/less moving parts, no engine, gearbox (no German crap auto gearbox rebuilds, axle etc no cambelts, dpf, dmf etc no fluids to change - they’re even better on brakes due to the motors slowing the car down (go into reverse I believe and so charge the battery?) and you hardly need to touch the brake pedal ever. I remember the old boys moaning about front wheel drive cars and plastic in cars. I think this is no different. With regards to the leased batteries, the change of ownership is easily transferred. I had a Renault Twizzy a while back and the punter transferred the lease easily and I never heard a thing.
  16. Unbelievably I’ve just seen a new Find and Fund advert on telly. Forgotten all about it. Amazed they’re still flogging it.
  17. Welcome to the dark side everyone and I wish you well! As I have mentioned (and been shot down) many times over the last couple of years: life goes on just fine without them. Nearly three years now and we stock 5 up to 10 grand mostly, with a few up to 20. You need to work ebay MP and Bookface to get results and spend a little on SEO - PM me if you need any pointers.
  18. Been a good month here too. I'm sure our turn at being quiet is coming. We all get them.
  19. This subject is a prime example of why this forum is so useful. Whilst I would occasionally remember to check-I was not aware of this being a necessity, and have now added it to my list of jobs. Everyday is a school day!
  20. I had this a few years ago. Quiet, local industrial estate- sub let an area and ran foul of the idiot jobsworth council, as it wasn’t zoned for car sales, and they made it clear they would not allow it. I tried to go just for storage only. To no avail. Was totally ridiculous,and now the space remains empty two years later. .
  21. This price bracket (well 6-10) is working well here also and some nice swappers. 18 for the month, so can’t complain. Rory will no-doubt depress me with his tally. ;o) Trouble is, I’ve bought a few heavier bits stupidly. On top of the couple of heavier bits that have come in PX. All German. :o( Off topic, but how did the bloke with the mini (?) court case get on? Did I miss the outcome?
  22. That sold quick Mark! Good stuff.