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HBMotors last won the day on June 15 2019

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About HBMotors

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    Independent dealer
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    Hallbank Motors

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  1. Cheap to me might be expensive to you, Don't judge without knowing
  2. Just a bit of an update on this as promised, Got the car back Friday,It was the clutch causing the judder in first and reverse gear, mechanic showed me the old clutch and it was totally shagged. Drives perfect and without any issues
  3. HBMotors


    Welcome BIGNIT, Have been in the same boat as yourself, Lots of knowledge and helpful people on here apart from couple of HMRC employees, they will be here shortly. Where abouts do you advertise and what sort of stock do you mainly sell?
  4. It's not a problem Tim, i should be thanking you because on the positive side at least i now know the procedure to reset the MMT's for any future issues. I have the car booked for a clutch replacement this wednesday and i am hoping this will sort the juddering issue, i shall report back once that's done.
  5. tbh they feel very will try 1 one of them and see how they sell
  6. I guess its my lucky day! After some faffing about i have managed to get it back to how it was before and the car is drivable once again . Judder is still there so i guess onto getting it booked and changing the clutch and hoping it sorts the judder issue! . I had already bought the clutch very cheap so some savings there . Will report back and update once the clutch is changed. I have heard they have some issues too, correct me if wrong
  7. I have followed the manual reset process and now the car is not drivable, I am unable to rev the car or select any gears, its idling very poorly and shaking alot with N flashing on the dashboard. Any further advice from here on?
  8. Thanks alot for sharing the link Tim, I shall carefully try to follow and hope this helps with the issue. Will post back the results once i have given this a go.
  9. Totally agree, not a fan of MMT in terms of the whole feel and drive.But tell you what they have been good sellers and touchwood have not had any come backs as of yet.
  10. Hi, Has anyone has any experience with the Toyota MMT gearbox's? I have a Toyota Yaris which has a slight judder when moving off in the the first gear and again judder when coming to a stop. This does not happen in any other gears expect the 2 scenarios which i have mentioned. I suspected this to be a worn out clutch and a gearbox specialist agrees however i am not in doubt as i have noticed a slight rough idle with revs dropping ever so slightly and then picking up. Any advice will be appreciated or if you have had a similar issue with these cars kindly point me in the right direction. Cheers