have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. thanks for the reply question to other members, your asking for " court location and case number " you cant view the details can you [ small claim's] ?
  2. well done, i would like to ask a few questions if i could, did the other party attend court, did they enter a defence, and most importantly have they paid , thanks, any further info you could give would be great
  3. interesting yes because ive just seen this on that there google= Payments through an agent or third party It's not unusual for a business taking payment to be acting as an agent for the actual supplier. In this circumstance, Section 75 may not apply and you may not be able to claim against the credit card provider. This is because the card provider may argue that as payment wasn't made directly to the supplier of the goods or service, Section 75 doesn't apply. So where possible, make any credit card payment direct to the company actually supplying the goods or services.
  4. so shes no money and hes no money ffs ! see you in court you wont let me view the car, you wont even give me current mileage, cant get blood out of a stone
  5. sit down to grab a sandwich at 3pm with mucky hands and a billy walks in and asks "you quiet then" ?
  6. The courts expect you both claimant and defendant to cooperate with each other, if not, this is seen as wasting the courts time and must be in your defence [mileage, looking at car, etc]. [practice direction 27 part4= 4 The parties are encouraged to contact each other with a view to trying to settle the case or narrow the issues. ] To give a refund, whether reduced or not for fair usage on a "fault" that you have been given no chance of looking at is just crazy [ not you HIM!] . The customer needs telling in no uncertain terms a engine fault light appearing can in no way be assumed it was a fault that present before, just missing a gear and redlining a engine or even missed gear and labouring a engine could produce a simple fault light, remind the customer that the fault light covers thousands of codes. as been mentioned, you say daughter bought car, is that name on your receipt ? is that who the car was registered to ? are you 99% sure that this " other person" i assume dad, did not pay for the car ? if so, then he cannot represent another party at court, quite simple, you cannot claim for another person, if you do get this far, [and do not mention this to "dad"? at the minute] and a letter arrives from court and its got "his" name on, then apply to have the case struck out as you have had no dealings money wise with this person and is not the correct claimant that your paperwork prooves. the daughter would then have to make a fresh claim [£s] and the only other way to change it is with a judges permission [£s] .
  7. timing chain jump 3 cylinder smash the valves loss of oil pressure shite ?
  8. They bombed our chip shop so i want out [older members joke].
  9. Ask the spotty oink in b/q wickes if hes got any in the back room and slip him a fiver
  10. I HATE SILICONE ! [Aerosol that is ] It really is a poor way of preparing, its too expensive, it doesn't last long enough, it attracts dirt / dust, AND is bad for your health, arfur, get yourself some autosmart finish, get a quality trigger spray bottle mix 50/50 with water and a little sponge, you can even use the soft side of a washing sponge if you want [ tight git ] spray the sponge, and wipe, or if its for example a larger area, lets say a plastic door trim, spray the panel then wipe it, no sticky shit, no blinding yourself when you do the dashtop on a test drive AND it lasts, for someone doing it full time youll save ££££s ! no! get yourself a 2.5 litre tin of tcut! [£15 delivered] its safer, its easier on your hands, you'll use far less than petrol, and you can breathe, ever had a petrol splash in the eye ? its bad mate ! i use autosmart products where possible, the initial cost deters many, but if you buy in 5 litre rather than 1 litre, its very very economical, and that point is very hard to get other to many folk, and the finish and a few others you mix with water anyway, so 5 litre is ten. i also use [wait for it ] aldi products! they do a product labelled power force, the glass cleaner is the best i have come across, once again, economical ! They do a product which is a general cleaner, [all in one?] i add this to the valeter because it is low foam [ means not many bubbles which stops the valeter] and less than a pound a litre but you must dilute it both for the valeter and general cleaning and it smells good. i've posted about it before but the tornado is one very good tool, i put the all in one in this, and unless you've actually seen one you wont beleive how good these are. Back to silicone, the only aerosol silicone i use is a smelly one for freshly valeted cars that supposed to last 7 days, its on trial from eurocrapparts at the mo so cant give full feedback yet.
  11. quick fit style loose that word, quick fit sounds very similar to a outfit that looks for extra work, maybe use the word fast fit .....
  12. thanks, rep used to call and we always spent £100 easy a month, but new franchisee just stopped coming, i believe he just wanted account customers, which is crazy, i dont want a account. thanks, i see him out and about on my travels, will just jump on board if i've got me wallet on me
  13. highstyle is the best. on as said, clean tyres but £20 a bottle? how many litre is it ? am paying £39 for 5litre ebay .
  14. a warranty is an addition, it doesnt take away rights, so the rights are better than a warranty, and covers far more than any warranty, explain that "correctly" to the customer and you dont need the hassle of warranty. when i doorstepped my customers didnt expect a warranty, thought they would be paying more for the car with a warranty, and didnt want a warranty because they thought i was trying to be a [how can i put this without upsetting doorsteppers? ] proper trader with a pitch and associated headaches ?
  15. under 25 you wont get naf all [age we are talking] i try to avoid that age range anyway 25 up to 40 if they've had proper shitters all there life they will appreciate it if you've sold them a good car, and will text after a week, "just to let you know the cars great, thankyou for your help" was a recent one, and they will recommend you, now to me, thats better than a drink, because i dont have to spend on advertising, i don't have to discount to compete, and the sale is a lot easier and more relaxed,ie, i am not looking at folded arms . i very rarely drink so sell the bottles on anyway . 40+ if you look after them they will return, and buy again, the sensible ones if they have a problem, and you sort it for them, and charge them, they will pay you more than asked, because, you've given service, you've removed worry, and they've got faith in you. and that's very similar to a bottle or a box of chocs
  16. greater chance that hes bought it with a fault, bodged it up, and wants shut, radweld full of, list can be endless, go, view, make your own decision, if its a council house with pallet [blue] fencing, hes wearing a string vest, you cant get past the big dog sniffing your arse all time , and his kids keep saying "are you going to buy it mister" and theres some strange smell emitting from the shed then maybe leave it
  17. spot on mate loads of light, and flags are already up tip, place a van up to door on a night inside [ i dont know the area ] or a thick metal bar that drops into hooks, i wont say on a open forum how its done
  18. recent question by a muppet= "when / has the timing belt been changed, because i have been told it should be done by you before sale" its a timing chain not a belt "has that been changed ?" no "why not ? " you dont change them unless they become noisy "is this one noisy ? no "oh, how much would it cost to change that then if it goes noisy?" just service it every year, use quality oil and it wont go noisy "oh right, so anyway, what will you take ?"
  19. never heard of them my friend, most on here use the trusted services of lawgistics, the number one name in the motor trade, highly recommended, would you like a link ?
  20. http://www.lawgistics.co.uk/legal-article-warranty/motor-trade-warranty-guarantee-service-contract/can-you-sell-warranties-without-fsa-authorisation#sthash.voFwTlaL.dpbs
  21. last week i had a flashing eml, running like a washing machine with a breeze block in it, coil gone down, 3 cylinder so obviously struggling, flashing eml means too much fuel in cat misfire [in general]
  22. lift the bonnet, wiggle a few wires, check levels, make him a cuppa, plug it in, no fault codes, bye