trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I agree,I think you will find that most of these guys nett 1% of T/O. However,in my experience Car Giant have usually paid the most money for stock,yet they nett far more than 1% !
  2. The ‘del boys’ tend to come north for specific autos which are often a lot cheaper.Your 17 year old Skoda is bordering on scrap up north because you would struggle to get it through a test.
  3. We had plenty of overdrafts and loans in the old days,small businesses could only get them by giving a personal guarantee,your house was on the line.The thing was,you then had a proper bank manager who would advise you in your better interests,they weren’t under pressure to set you up and destroy you.
  4. We have used Santander as a supporting dealer for a long time and they are good.However,I think those dealers who may have personally guaranteed overdrafts should be alarmed.The terms can usually allow them to be called in for no reason and at short notice.I understand RBS exploited the funding terms of long standing customers in order to crash their businesses and profit from selling off the assets.Apparently many of their victims have committed suicide,so I think those using Santander should object to them employing this guy...Mind,now that he has been outed,If he has any sense,I think he should flee.
  5. According to Vince Cable,Santander have hired the RBS hatchet man who was responsible for destroying 16000 businesses.Worse still,he appears to have a similar job description ‘head of strategy’.If I had any funding with Santander,I would be very discouraged,this guy should be in jail.
  6. Philip Schofield ‘ Grand theft Auto’ tv adverts !
  7. The annual World Economic Summit In Davos Switzerland next week.I like to listen to the bullshit from these PLC global company director guys.Thats why BHM is needed over there,he could do a press conference with ‘the Donald’ about driverless electric cars.
  8. Wonderfull again ! BHM are you going over to Davos next week,I think you are needed over there !
  9. Brighouse,I thought Greengrass bought them all.
  10. Hi Arslan You could have a disused petrol station and forecourt or something ,have both car sales and a drive in /or drive through pharmacy on the same site.Pensioners are always complaining that they cannot get parked near chemists ! Just a thought.
  11. Ditto......The banner looks like an afterthought...Nice website,good stock,I would embellish your CVs on the website,if it is a family business get some photos taken from within your workshop,family,staff,kids,dog etc it will present an image of a proper garage business.You have to try and present an image that may help those punters who may live 30 miles away to make the effort to come and view your stock......more bullshit needed !
  12. Can you imagine what it could be like in the future with these driverless A I electric cars,there could be some 15 year old nerd in their bedroom somewhere with a lap top/code reader and hacking into the traffic and shutting down the M25 around Heathrow or similar.
  13. I thought you would say under £1500.........I think it was knocked down for £1975,so with the tip it’s going to be over £2100.A descent kiddies buggy is now £1500 ! As for your photos,there are some great back drops close to where you are,down the south east you can travel for miles and not see grass never mind long sandy beeches.
  14. Hi Mr T I see where you are.I have to tell you it is the wrong stock for the area.Super low mileage stuff under £5k will work.You may have to pay a fortune for it but you will be better off.Interestigly, I called into the block today just to see a few of the guys and when I was standing there I felt I had to buy this 14k one lady owner 57 plate poverty model 3 dr Fiesta 1.2.That would sell up your way,how much would you pay that.....When I tell you what I gave,you will probably think I am mad.
  15. That’s interesting because just the other week our guys had to take some cheap 3 year old 150k Clio’s from a regular supplier and they ran OK.The thing is we have been doing high mileage German stuff for years but retailing French stuff whatever the mileage,we consider to be a risk because of early Megane and Laguna workshop nightmares. 3 year old Clio’s
  16. Hi Arslan You sound like a good guy.As the other guys say,just stick to what you are doing.I am pleased you are doing pharmacy,I expected something like Robin Hood or Harry Potter studies.The bottom line is,the guys who do well in our job with car sales pitches now only net 1p in the pound.However a good pharmacist ,as I understand just has to create a new legal high and ............
  17. I thought we had to guess how much it should be to make it sell.Instead we have a ‘lovefest’ for a ‘dogdick’ red 5.0 litre Yank.with some nice ‘top gear’language.I thought we were here to sell cars,not fall in love with them.I am interested to see what the profile will be for the punter that buys this,what the swapper is,will they take chucky or PCP.Seeing where Rory operates,it could be a Premier League YTS footballer !
  18. Same thing Lonsdale,owned by Sports Direct !
  19. You could market it as a ‘Jeremy Kyle Limited Edition’
  20. Hazard a guess......£27999 and I don’t think it will hang about.(I have no idea, we would be terrified to buy that ) good luck,hope you get a cracking swapper
  21. Can you imagine having a Ford franchise and you get a wagon load of 5 litre Mustangs at £40k each foisted on to you .......and you think we have problems !
  22. I would say that a good per centage of £8k stuff will have a swapper,so any negotiation will be with the swapper and not the selling price.Cap GUIDE is a long way out on a lot of stuff and when mid Feb comes it will be outeven more.It has always been the same whether it is Cap,Glasses or the other one ( if it is still around )which they used to flog at the old Chelmsford !
  23. Ha Ha....Andy,it’s been like that forever,unless of course you bung the yard manager for a good position followed by a bigger bung for the auctioneer for a good build up.Then of course if you ‘ring the bell’ there is an extra success fee for the auctioneer.Am I right or am I right,that was the way it used to be,has it changed ?