trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Hi Tradex I don’t think we are talking about the same people.I am referring to what is now called Car Giant,which I believe may be the biggest car pitch in the world.
  2. I think BHM ticks all the boxes to be employed by the BBC with regard to their ‘diversity and inclusion’ initiative.If he could be a new presenter on struggling ‘Top Gear’ ,the ratings could soar !
  3. Cloud based software,what a good idea.We can get some of our cloud based punters to use it.
  4. So ‘lost interest due to other business interests’ was a load of bollocks after all.
  5. They have buyers who attend auctions all over the country.I would imagine they now employ on line buying specialists.Then you have Greenhouse for the nearly new stuff and I would imagine Motorpoint have deals with big leasing companies where they buy brand new stuff at hefty discounts.The supermarkets are under big pressure to buy stock,they usually have huge stocking loans to service,so that is why when you attend auctions ,stuff you want can bring £1000 over your own valuation.I remember driving through the night in snow storms to get to Nottingham one Friday thinking the M1 would be blocked and the Great Trade Centre guy would not be there,he was of course,I think he bought the first 80 ex lease cars !
  6. He’s a Saab punter,don’t hold your breath...
  7. The last time I was defending a small claims case,I proved the claimant had been adding chip fat to his diesel,so I explained to the judge that was why I did not want to pay for new injectors.We were sent out for half an hour,then the judge returned and disagreed !,I don’t think he understood. During the wait,our customer said he thought he had lost the case. I had a better example of car dealer discrimination early this year.I got a Police notice of intended prosecution for speeding approaching roadworks in my company car.I had complained that it made no sense as there was no reduced speed limit signs in place.Several months later,the company was then summonsed to appear at the magistrates not for speeding but for the offence of not correctly completing the Notice of Intended Prosecution .I looked at my copy and it looked perfectly OK to me,so I just went along to court on my own ( wrong move).On the form it had asked for the full name and addresses of the directors of the company.So I had stated my full name and home address together with the words ‘and my wife ‘who I described as co director stating only her first name followed by the words ‘the same address’.I pleaded not guilty on behalf of the company.We were found guilty because I had not fully stated my wife’s surname and home address. So I will leave it to you guys to hazard a guess how much we were fined for this clerical error and when I provide the answer you can decide if car dealer discrimination was involved.
  8. ‘Lost interest due to other business interests’,I am very suspicious,be careful,they could belong to a third party.Things are often not what they seem in this job.Providing I could see the purchase invoices for each one,just bid on all of them and if the guy is genuine,you should get them at the right price.
  9. You can cover yourself as much as you like,but if you get to a small claims court,the bottom line is,judges don’t like car dealers .
  10. They are expecting to get £100m for their California dealerships and return money to shareholders.I think they may have 8 dealerships out there.How much would you get for 8 dealerships here,you would probably have to pay to get rid of one or two.Vertu have 120 and have a market valuation of £180m !Good news for shareholders.
  11. That is good advice.Another alternative,if you see a pitch you really want which may not appear to be available,just make an approach and offer a lump sum key money.It can work,I have done that before,you also might be able to get a sub lease so the current operator who might be ‘getting on a bit ‘gets a lump sum and a future income.
  12. You need a credit licence first.You will then need about 20 £5000 to £9000 stuff.You will need to have a presentable pitch and unless things have changed,be able to provide 2 years annual accounts.I am referring to the top line prime finance providers not these fringe subprime outfits that tend to come and go.I would say steer clear of offering sub prime finance,it is too much aggrevation.Finance commission is a big help towards your VAT bill,it is just a shame for new starters that commission rates are now way below how it used to be.
  13. I would say,just stick with what you are doing.Every pitch is different,I have had quite a few.You are unlikely to replicate your success especially in a lesser populated catchment area.I made this mistake,sold the lease on a good pitch and moved to what I thought was a better out of town site.There will be plenty of people with bigger pitches near you who would like to be in your position.
  14. He’s not coming back,he’s just a Suburu pervert.....
  15. Hi Lakeside I can see you are trying hard,but I don’t think you should give up your day jobs just yet.This is a difficult and complex business and most of us started valeting cars when we were kids and worked in garages for several years before venturing out on our own.For a start Insignias are worth nowt and are suitable only for sub prime finance punters only.A month ago,the Met Police flogged off about 2 dozen 64 plate Sri Autos at 60-70k for about £3000 each.These were straight cars ,not what you would expect.Forget about making big profit margins and don’t believe what people tell you at the auction.Take note from the pros on here ,ask questions and we will try and help.Just buy nice stock,present it well ,don’t be greedy and you will be OK.Look at car dealer websites for ideas,not just in the UK,I am 50 years into this job and still learning. Good Luck
  16. I agree with Mojo 121,November is November,if you know what you are doing,there is business out there.This November has been even better for buying stuff,possibly as good as I can remember since the Oil Crisis (that is a long time ago).Looking forward,first 2 weeks in Dec.virtually F/All,week before X/mas one or two, between Boxing Day and New Year,very busy.Early to mid January,very little trade about.Early Feb,book goes up a lot and retail comes back.etc.I know there will be regional variations,but that is my experience going back years.For those guys doing ‘nowt’,the bottom line is,they may have the wrong stock or they could be too greedy,so they have to take some medicine,take some hits and replace their stock.........
  17. Hi RH Did they actually call themselves ‘lndustry heavyweights ‘.Having searched one or two of them,that is definateley not the case.
  18. That’s brilliant,maybe BCA are changing their ways !
  19. You never know,John Humphries might go easy on Jim Reid as he is a Scotsman.Its the BBC,he would not want to be accused of racism or non inclusiveness !
  20. I don’t think it is BCA’s fault.They act on behalf of the vendor who would have to make the declaration on the entry form.Also,how old is it,mileage,no of owners,was it cheap,what section was it sold in.It could be that a colour change from yellow to blue may not be material to the description as it has not devalued the car.So if you could supply more information,the guys on here might be able to help.However,you will have to bear in mind that BCA will try and fob you off and ultimately you might have to take them to court.That could mean having to bring your customer as a witness.
  21. Hi BHM You sound just like me.However,most big corporations are very social media awhere,like airlines,banks,utilities,insurance companies etc, I have had cases where I have been getting nowhere,then my daughter just posts some polite criticism on Twitter and in next to no time she gets a reply and things get sorted.
  22. As an exercise,If we had a description of the car,selling price,mileage when sold,number of days elapsed since sale,mileage now etc,someone ( probably not me ) may be able to equate the exact current value of an extra 33 miles at the point of sale ?
  23. I would get on Twitter and say Isuzu are not to be trusted as you have first hand proof that they are in breach of EU regulations by not honouring their manufacturers warranty on a 20k vehicle......I think it would not be long before someone from Isuzu would get in touch !
  24. Your right,I think if you started from Glasgow in a Mackem Leaf,with the heater,wipers,lights and music full on,it is doubtful you would make it to Carlisle.Nissan advertise that they can do upto 150 miles on a recharge, but in California the punters found that with the A/C on full, it was about 65 miles.Nissan were fined millions.
  25. When you have definite proof of who it was,find out what they do or where you they work and embarras them.My bet is the suspect will be a public sector type.I would complain in the strongest terms and threaten legal action by an email to the general office of their employer or there golf club,church etc .I have done this before with faxes and the complaint is usually resolved quickly.