trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. This is a good one.....I am interested to hear what happens next.I think she will get it back and still be unhappy,if it is an inherent fault in this model,is it not a bit like a manufacturers recall.She has not been inconvenienced,she has been given a loan car etc,if you buy it back,could you not charge an administration fee.....
  2. Unless things have changed,you can get pulled for using trade plates after 6pm,you have to prove they are being used in the course of your business.I once got a ticket for unattended parking with trade plates outside a punters house ! It took time and trouble to challenge it and have it dropped.
  3. “The paperwork is just a side show”.......I have got to tell you BHM it is not....When it is your turn for an HMRC enquiry,they will be pulling out bankings and payments large and small,paintshop invoices with and without reg no’s,adverts for stuff which they can’t find in your stock book,they go back years as well.Then they go for your personal stuff,it is the same “you banked £275 cash in your b/society or personal family bank account on this date 5 years ago”.....prove where the money came from etc......If you are unlucky and get picked out allow yourself 3 years until closure......Take it from me,paper work is not a sideshow !
  4. Ask him for an explanation as to why he is claiming for a 12month warranty,when his documentation clearly states he has 6 .Ask him to refer to his warranty booklet.If he is still unhappy,refer him to your local trading standards department .
  5. The bottom line is,you have to discourage punters from using supermarket fuel.I seem to recall the last time problems occurred,who did the punters come to of course !
  6. That’s have got to keep the swapper !
  7. Did he not sign for his warranty,get a copy from RAC.Also,if he paid for the warranty,was that not included on your sales invoice.
  8. Yes....,the mix was supermarket fuel helps drive their overall sales,the chances are,it will happen again.
  9. Does anyone remember,10 years ago ,several of the supermarket groups had to compensate 1000’s of people who had bought their ‘spot market’ Rotterdam diesel ( I think it was called) and because of a crap mix ,it damaged engines.
  10. 10 years ago we posted warning notices around the sales office,notifying punters not to use supermarket diesel,as in the event their warranty would be void.
  11. A solicitor,he was probably always going to chip you,it is their mentality.I know of one who used to try it on with every car he got.Our guys knew him well ,they would not sell him a car.....Take him on,for starters,find out if he works in a practice,then send a recorded letter FAO the practice manager enclosing a letter of explanation addressed to your punter.His colleagues will then see it and take the piss.Make your letter as technical as you possibly him at his own game.
  12. Hi BHM You must have been reading the BCA training manual !
  13. A few weeks ago I posted that as an exercise,I paid mental money at BCA for 57 Fiesta 1.2 ,3 dr,14k,Fsh,1 lady etc etc...... I think guys on here were valuing it at £1200 ( probably right ),Anyway it cost £2175 inc the tip ,it was PDI’d ,valeted ,bit of paintwork then put on the pitch.It was sold in less than a week for £3250,so not much net profit,but it just proves how book prices are way out .This just emphasises you should not be frightened to pay way over for the right stuff.Our guys mostly do ex fleet and paying £1000 over Cap Clean has been quite normal for a while.
  14. I think we need a description of the vehicle,age ,price ,mileage etc .......and the fault. ?
  15. Just search Guardian RBS report and the article has a link.Also if you go to RBS/GRG Business Action Group If you search Lawrence Tomlinson RBS ,he started the action.I am with RBS still,so I have been following this for a few years !
  16. I think they may have already put away £400m in preparation.Apparently some people who have been destroyed by them have committed suicide,but will anyone go to jail,probably not.......
  17. Hi Arfur.....I am assuming D and M get it re checked at their MOT station and it is OK.The punter will probably still be unhappy and want to take it further.They usually say they have done very few miles since purchase to enhance their case.They usually forget the mileage at purchase is on the MOT or invoice.So when you have a written statement from them stating they have only done 500 miles when in reality they may have done treble that,you might use that as a lever when buying it back or swapping it for something else.......It has worked for me often enough with awkward punters.
  18. I would not worry about it.You had it MOT’d at purchase,you then genorously offered a refund on this 15 year old car which they refused.I would email or write to them to return it promptly so that you can recheck it.Ask them because of regulations,to confirm their intentions in writing or email and specifically ask them how far they have driven it since purchase.In my experience,they usually lie about their usage and it helps your case.....Keep us informed !
  19. The unredacted damning 360 page report on the RBS mistreatment of small businesses has been published.It may be a good idea for those traders who are contemplating a bank loan,overdraft or stocking loan to just scan this report.According to Vince Cable, the guy allegedly responsible for the mistreatment, has moved from RBS to be the £1.6m p/a CEO of Santander.........if this is true,surely he and those at Santander who appointed him cannot last the week in their current jobs........
  20. Compensation culture etc............I would just play them along, ( in my spare time of course) then get them into correspondence and dig a hole for themselves.......
  21. Card machines/processors....I am out of touch,can any of you guys tell me if you have a system where every card payment you receive can be individually referenced to make accounting easier ?
  22. There is no way that the big boys will agree to an over inflation increase and they will probably not be effected.If it was down to me,but it is not anymore,I would be reducing and rotating my stock on AT.What It is probably all about is the CEO getting the stock price back up to trigger director bonuses before their F/Y results.I expect there will be a press release shortly,presenting the increase as a good news story to the market.They are already buying back their own shares which can have a similar effect. This increase is disgusting,I hope it has an adverse effect on their income..........rant over for the moment.