trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I would send them a ‘bad weather related’ call out bill for the demo.You won’t get paid but it might give them a headache.
  2. Cox Automotive/Manheim survey.....essential to our business model,we always take part .......I am sure we do the same as Tradex,AndyMC and BHM,I just forward it to our Chief Financial Officer who gets our IT dept controller to download and collate the data .footfall,on line activity,finance penetration,email response times etc.......Our result has just come in....UP 0.016% on February......However we must caution the accuracy of this result and factor in that footfall was artificially increased by a prospective punter parking his bacon butty van on our forecourt one lunch time and on line response was up because a salesperson had tweeted support of Harvey Weinstein.
  3. I have 3years on you,I remember electric blue Avengers.If the millenials on here new what the trade was like back then,they would not believe us
  4. Batteries,and they would Keep jacks,w/braces,spare wheels and tax discs etc .....can anyone beat this one....back in the day,..I was collecting from a main dealer having underwrote a swapper,the punter had taken out the radio and carefully stuck a life size photograph of the exact radio in its place.....
  5. I have not been to Enfield for years,we bought a good few there pre on line buying.I think they had a section called London Direct,it was full of what looked like dodgy trade entries.If you bought this Shogun out of the trade section ( which I doubt ), you are a brave man.I see they have a Tesla swapper section,I would think that could be interesting.
  6. Have they still got that Gurkha on the gate who won’t let you in until the stroke of 9 o clock....prices will probably be through the roof .......trader mentality !
  7. Anybody heard of Wicks or there is Squarespace. Apparently it’s free to build a website and the hosting package is about £10 per month !
  8. Strange P/X’s.cant think of any except......"HMRC had requested an interview with me and my accountant.I had no idea why,so we meet this inspector in his office.So after the intros,this guy says have you done any deals involving boats and watches.I just laughed,but he was serious,he said you have to tell me.I think I said no and how do you take a boat in p/x,how would we write it on the invoice,how do you HPI a boat etc.He said you must answer correctly,so I said OK yes I did have a sailing boat but I was only 4 year old at the time.His face was blank,I realised then this was an awfull bloke.He then said what about watches,again I said no,how would you record those etc.I showed him the crap watch I was wearing and said how many gallons do you think I bought to get that......happy days.
  9. I see,just like you Earunder they are regulated by the FCA ! I would just make a complaint about their sharp practice.They may offer 6 month contracts from the outset as an incentive,but I doubt anyone will actually have them.I may be wrong,but I think for accounting purposes the total value of these contracts show up in their balance sheet as assets making them look a far stronger company than they actually are.So they probably sign up anybody and the longer the better.....I see they have a load of debt,you are probably right. AA ....that looks like it could be another Carrillion....!
  10. That’s right...A friend of mine had a small workshop and employed 2 people ( bodgers) he used to get all the rough Cherry’s from the local AFG ( remember them)then resurrect them and flog them from the door at night.One of his bodgers was a clever articulate guy ( just wired up wrong), he designed made to measure door bottom and sill covers which were just tacked on over the gaping holes.They would have had a big bodge and under seal bill and they must have used more newspaper than a fish and chip shop.
  11. Alternatively,the buyer may be a little deaf and thought he was paying £2650,we all make mistakes.More than once,I have been distracted in the ring and bought the wrong car !
  12. I think it is too big for a Cherry......100a Cherry weren’t they good,crap bodywork but ran forever..
  13. Yes,found it.Mrs Choudhary.’s Autopark.....Good Luck to her
  14. Give us a clue Andy,pitch initials ,general location etc ,it does not make any sense don’t have to if you don’t want to,just being nosey !
  15. They don’t sound horrible to me,good sellers and good punters,that is what the job is all about.I am now annoyed,I didn’t bother with City Rovers......Sold loads of Ladas though,good profit makers !
  16. Hi Tradex...Yes it is an A60 Countryman ,the Morris Oxford Traveller was 2 tone.I had forgotten that,so I just checked.There weren’t many lemon XJS’s,did you see the Renault 16 going buy. Maybe it is not an Opel ,what about a Renault 15?........I can sense the other guys reaction to this stuff....The thing is,back then,we were earning more than international footballers and it was normal for traders to have a grand in readies on them at any time......enough ...enough
  17. Seeing Mel Smith reminds me of ‘fast flow nozelles’.Before service stations became self service,our petrol company Cleveland ( anyone remember them)had this bright idea to increase pump sales.I think there was a big advertising campaign before the nationwide launch.The driver would order 4 gallons and the attendant would set the pump and click on the nozzle to deliver the fuel ,then collect the money and ring it in and return with the receipt. What happened next,the car drives off and the hose and nozzle are ripped off ,damaging the car and putting the pump out of action.We had 4 pumps and one day by the afternoon,we only had one working.A few weeks later the sales initiative was abandoned because the attendants could not adapt to the new nozzelles.
  18. Morris Oxford Countryman and was it an Opel Ascona...?
  19. Hi there You may have scared the guys off by describing yourself as a private dealer as we don’t know what that is.What do you do,whereabouts do you operate from,where do you get your stock,where do you advertise etc.....This information may help.
  20. I thought it did,the inspector did not because he was not able to any make any additional tax assessments against the company after taking 3 years to fish through 6 years records.He actually said ‘you have waisted my time’.......
  21. Great stuff ! It is now probably impossible to prosecute for misuse of trade plates if you have to display them visibly and vertically on the outside of the car or motor cycle.You can imagine some defence solicitor in court handing some plates to the police officer and asking them to demonstrate how to display them on his Porsche.......So just use your plates anywhere,BHM is right.
  22. Thank you Noacross,we should all read that.So if you are caught taking a car home on trade plates,the way I read that,you could be liable to a maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment or a £5000 fine for abuse of the trade licence !
  23. Your right ,sorry,there has never been any 6pm law ,but we always understood that after 6pm there was always a chance you might be pulled on suspicion of ‘ misuse of trade plates’ and it has happened to me.When I got a ticket,it was midday ! I have used trade plates at all times of night after collecting from far away auctions.A mate of mine uses them all the time without being pulled,I have been stopped several times but have been able to provide proof of business use.