trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. They told me it was a promotion,so last week we signed up to the same deal.( thanks to Nick )
  2. BCA try it on every time with Assured complaints and it works for them as most claimants just give up.You have to remember that what we are paying £28 + vat for is technically an AA inspection.So next time it happens why not request by email the name of the AA inspector and a copy of the report you have paid for.They will refuse of course,but you can then take it up with the AA and involve them aswell.I have to say I don’t have problems with BCA Assured because I am sensible with claims but they know where it will end up if they don’t cooperate.It cost them 5 grand last time.
  3. Hi Max Welcome to the jungle.
  4. We have a few cars on Car Gurus in with our Click Dealer package.We have done few from that.So we have signed up to a enhanced package with them for 20 cars at £260 p/m
  5. Just got our EBay/Gumtree contract through thanks to you Nick.The guy was insisting it was £399 p/m but when we told him that our other branch had just done a deal £227 he relented.
  6. Thank you MR Ripley,but I think most of us on here would prefer to follow Scottish Dave and his own Proactive Rupture Reaction Activity Plan you refer to,rather than yours.I have to say it may not be a good idea for you to copy his plan,he might get very annoyed......Good Luck with your business.
  7. The kids are certainly embracing the advanced tech where we are.We have a pitch very close to what has been judged for the second time as the worst high street destination in the U.K.Its not that bad compared with some London Boroughs etc.The other day a ladies hairdresser who trades on the high street was showing off his new novelty toy a recentish Lamborghini with his salon logo on the doors.I was thinking that cannot be right etc,but no I am informed that apparently he does cracking business.The kids from ‘ the projects’ to use US terminology, in their quest to become reality TV stars or FB influencers are paying £250 for hair extensions and Botox injections which supposedly are also very popular and expensive.....You cannot make it up,I am with Tango Victor.
  8. Is that cheap ? We have taken in a 07 gttdi 115k ,needs £250 paint and apparently an injector harness ( causes it to chuck it after 20 mins driving ),stands £900 but would take less.We advertised it with an honest description for £1500 and got no response !
  9. Hi Jimmy Have we not already valued this one several weeks ago.I might have said 16 grand or is this another one.I think I asked if you bought it at the door and you didn’t reply....
  10. I have to say that if we had a big pitch,big overheads,lots of heavy metal with big mark ups etc,I would be staying with AT and also using the others.We used to spend 2 grand a week with AT and others years ago but our wage bill was nearly 5 grand and it all worked.Now as a ‘non league player’ things are different.By rights we should have very cheap rates with AT ( as an ethical company according to them) because we must have spent several million with them since the early 80’s but it has changed hands about 3 times since,so no chance of that.
  11. Hi Dave Maybe your ‘bobby’ is like me and doesn’t like ‘ vanity plates’,that is what the Yanks call them.My daughter has a ‘protest’vanity plate T18 BSY ....TIBBSY ,it is named after our last cat !
  12. I have been following this thread about AT with interest as our present deal with them runs out this month.Its going to be a grand per month ( inc vat) to rotate 12 cars out of 20.We have just given them notice and will be replacing them with Car Gurus,Ebay and Gumtree/Motors where we can do 25 for about I think £600.FB has been good for us.I don’t think punters search Auto Trader the way they did,they just search for the car they want in their area....No doubt you digital experts will not agree.The last straw for me was reading the latest AT financial accounts,100 pages of bullshit about what an ethical company they are and other stuff....
  13. There are many question marks about electric vehicles.As far as I know,there are only 4 companies in the world manufacturing the batteries and over 50% of the lithium comes from Chile.So you just need a shut down at one of those companies or supply problems in Chile and the price of batteries will go through the roof......Maybe hybrids are the future as there appears to be not enough lithium to supply an upsurge in sales of all electric vehicles....
  14. I think a lot of these batteries are now leased.Does anyone know how these leases are transferred and who is liable in the event of default.I can forsee all sorts of potential problems in the future selling a Nissan Leaf with a leased battery pack on finance to a sub prime chucky duffer.These Cars still don’t make sense to me,I have seen them doing good money at the block with owned batteries and the battery power is depleted to 40 miles per charge according to the dash.There may be promises of £2000 for recon batteries in the future but I understand the current going rate is £4000. If anyone has good info about buying these at the block when they are 4 or 5 years old,I would like to hear it.
  15. First of all,how could you prove to the judge that your customer did not pay the full amount.We had a case where the customer paid £2000 deposit in cash from an envelope after signing the finance doc.The sales guy put the cash back in the envelope then turned his back to get the keys etc.Our video only showed the customer arriving and leaving holding the envelope.We were negligent according to our lawyer....I did make the sales guy pay it back over time. Otherwise nothing surprises me with judges when car dealers are involved.
  16. I have just completed their survey and don’t think it was what they want to hear.
  17. You cannot blame them for trying to invent ways of squeezing us.A friend was entering a fully minted car into our BCA recently and was charged a compulsory £10 to have it washed.What next,car parking permit charges,speedy yard collection charges,
  18. Muscat always drank pink gin.( football joke)
  19. AD probably taught Tony Hawk and produced the Sk8ta Boi video !
  20. That’s probably classed as a hate crime now.....’ making a shandy drinking accusation ‘
  21. Definateley quiet for the time of year,we have a busy shopping park near us and it has been quiet this month.When I went to the local block this week ,even the liars said they were quiet.I noticed that the main dealer section had a lot more ready to retail entries than normal,main dealers and those with big pitches must be under pressure.However,we have bought some nice stuff lateley at ‘right money’ and have been getting them away on lower mark ups with the odd good retail swapper.
  22. Hi XFS You are clearly a hardened pro and not an amateur as I mistakenly thought with your first post a couple of weeks ago.I have to admit I was discouraged from putting up a ‘no free range kids notice’ in our warehouse years ago. Sounds like you may be offering a ‘Basil Fawlty like’ customer service ,if it works who are we to criticise.
  23. If you find a unit on a trading estate ( especially a council one) sometimes you may find automotive related and other businesses are not allowed.However do not be put off, if you do some detective work by asking other businesses on the estate,they can usually recall some motor trade business user in the past and there will often be another disallowed business already operating.
  24. I don’t know.It was a while ago when I made a planning application and the council allowed me to view the objections under Freedom of Information.It was helpfull as they turned out to be fraudulent.Things may have changed.