trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. The flash 50s and 60s car dealers that I can recall when I was about 15 would be in a constant rage these days.I was reading Bernie Ecclestone’s biography and it recalled when he was a car dealer and when he decided to pack it in because it was not worth the bother any more,no money in it.That was 1973,the introduction of VAT was the last straw for him !
  2. Hi Flip Its all part of the learning process.Listen to the pros on here.Get the car back and check it out.It could be registered as a taxi or been modified and used for motor sport,never believe punters.Be prepared to negotiate a refund.Dont even think about going to court because the claimant could embellish the claim with consequential damages.The bottom line is,if you lose you have about a month to settle and if you default you get a big CCJ against you which will effect you for years to come.I have to tell you that worse things than this will happen in your first 18 months in this job.
  3. We had an AA guy in a few weeks ago and I think he was wanting us to advertise stock on their website.In return you could use their logo and your punters got some sort of free breakdown cover. I think if you are doing cheaper stuff,prominently advertising free breakdown cover may give out the wrong message.I passed anyway,can’t remember why.
  4. I think their drummer lives up the coast from us ?
  5. Which bands Dave,it will establish whether you really are boring.
  6. Dave is clearly a ‘ local hero’,remember the movie.
  7. Yeah,we also bought one today ( ex deceased lady) from her son.As an exercise I had bid book on the condition he took it elsewhere so I could see what others were bidding.One bid £900 less than us and WBAC had offered the same online but when he showed it to them,various extra charges were brought in to play and they were then £400 less !
  8. Took your advice and put a car buying ad in the local paper,£50 quarter page.If you recall,the ‘21st Century digital guys ‘ on here said this was a total waste of time.We get a call from a guy who has given up driving.So I go and see him and he is 90 and we agree a price.So I say,give me your acc. details for payment and we will pay you now etc.He refused and insisted on a cheque ! BTW I gave him a proper price,thinking back to when I was 23 with my first pitch,I would have probably got it £1500 cheaper.So thank you again Noacross,we will extend the ad.
  9. If that was us and my wife found out she would be saying ‘ WTF are we doing charity work for’ you know what happens.
  10. Hi David I have to say that it is a shocking admission that you actually spent time with this guy.Forty years ago the rule was that if any punters produced a Parker’s ,you gave them short shrift......You must be good natured.
  11. I can imagine an inspectors response ‘so when you settle this account,how do you do it,what time of day,do you declare the journey your business vehicle for corporate governance purposes ? On the other hand,I was in the local and watched this guy just hand over plastic for a round of drinks and it is scanned and handed back.So I said,do you not get a receipt for that,how do you know you have been charged correctly.The look I got,I think he thought I was stupid !
  12. They are all nice guys but they have to ‘toe the company line ‘ You have to present them with an invoice for your time and expenditure so far.Include copies of any prep bills you have.You need to be compensated.
  13. I am the same.I think I am probably classified as non digital or worse.
  14. Right guys it’s Instagram go on to on G63 story highlights ( hope that makes sense )
  15. Changing the subject if you don’t mind Del Boy ( not able to start new topic ). Merc punter story today from Tinseltown,not quite James Bush punter.Daughter of billionaire months ago ordered a new Merc G Wagon with every conceivable extra at 200 grandish.Apparently huge demand for these and it finally gets delivered.She gets the invoice for the balance and notices that the Merc Dealer has welded on an extra 30 grand described as dealers margin.So she asks for advice on Instatattle ( having 1 million followers) saying things like, should I just pay this extra charge, it is only 2 Berkin handbags etc .She is also posting all the dealers bullshit justifying the extra 30 grand because they have other punters who will pay more.I will try and get a link,it goes on a bit but very amusing,only in America etc.
  16. Send it back,you need a full refund plus all your costs and rising on a daily basis like storage fees.Alternatively try and negotiate a full refund plus a favour from the auction.Stand your ground,be prepared for bullshit.
  17. Hi Beckly, Sounds good,small unit nearbye ( no business rates ?) to get you back in to the trade.Things have changed a lot in 40 years,you will be shocked.If you can remember what to do !! you only need to stock 10 cars to make a living.The guys on here are very helpfull. Good luck
  18. Surbiton !,mobile mechanic with a van outside your house.What would Margot Leadbetter say about that. If you want to find a good value workshop,you could ask a taxi driver or a Euro Parts van driver if you have no joy here.
  19. Hi PM I would not let this go.He had no right to get involved,he is from another ward,he embellished the complaint.I would report him to the Council Standards Committee and copy in all the other councillors.I would want to know all about this guy especially as he did not disclose that he knew your father.....Give him a headache !
  20. trade vet


    Hi Paul The guys on here will get you up and running and will give you valuable advice.You will learn a lot just looking at previous posts.Ask plenty of questions.Good Luck.
  21. Calm down ECJ,you have had good advice.Yes,people do take the piss but that is part of the banter.I don’t want you to end up at the Magistrates because they might stitch you up.Guys like Noacross and Tradex appear to be top guys to me and are needed on here because of their vast experience,I am unsure how they have upset you.You must have had a bad day.
  22. It’s Tabloid size,I will keep you informed,thank you.
  23. Hi ECJ Possible scenario. So this ends up in the magistrates court and you plead not guilty because you have a photo which you claim is you at the till in Sainsburys at a certain time.You think this proves you were elsewhere at the time of the offence.The prosecutor may not agree that the photo is you and ask for your till receipt ( which I assume you don’t have).The Clerk of the Court who runs the show subsequently advises the cardboard replicas who act as Magistrates to find you guilty. I had a case 2 years ago which started as a speeding offence until I proved there was a lack of warning signs and then was summonsed for a clerical offence.So I went along with the paper work,pleaded not guilty.The prosecution said I had failed to answer their questionnaire correctly which was ,full name and address of the directors of the company.I had written my full name and address plus my wife’s first name and the same address.I had missed off my wife’s surname,so I was guilty. It was a kangaroo court......guess how much was I fined ? ( I did declare I was a car dealer ) that is a clue.
  24. Yes,that is in hand they are doing the art work for quarter page @£50 per week for 6 weeks.