trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I agree with that,I remember when OPEC increased oil prices 400% and the price of big stuff collapsed.So that is what we bought and did very well.We found that the cash punters were happy to buy something they previously only dreamed of because of the low prices.
  2. Sorry to tell you but private buyers at car auctions have consumer rights,keep your fingers crossed.
  3. Hi CCC The guys are right.I see that your business partner has worked in main dealers for many years,so he will have some bad habits.I doubt he will be in at 8 each morning washing off the stock !
  4. Hi Steve I sure you will be OK.You will get plenty of help on here.To give you an idea,guys like me started out washing cars and it took 7 years before I had my own pitch.However there are guys now on here dishing out good advice to start ups who were complete amateurs 18 months ago.
  5. Ha Ha..just read this,it gets worse,it must be the north south divide. To explain,it’s a bonus when you get a result like AD because when it happens your usual reaction is ‘here we go’ this will be £500 at least and a refund .I can recall instances where you successfully sort things out only for more aggravation to appear later on..So I was offering a light hearted ( I thought ) alternative view based on AD’s wonderfull statement that he had ‘wowed his punter with customer care ‘.I was imagining some awfull small claims court judge ( and they are) summing up the case and emphasising his statement...... and they do say ..... ‘and how would you like to pay ‘. I hope that clears things up for you southerners but I have my doubts.
  6. Sorry AD......I am joking,it’s banter.....lost in translation,forget it,no offence intended.
  7. Alternatively....Picture the scene at the Tamar and District Small Claims Court 6 months hence.....Judge to AD...I have taken into consideration that indeed you did ‘wow the claimant with customer care’ however he did breakdown and was left stranded on the extremely busy M3 motorway only one day after taking delivery which must have been a traumatic experience in the middle of winter.........I therefore award the claimant ££££ would you like to pay.
  8. Did you contact the Manheim/Cox guy who appears on here from time to time as suggested.Don’t rely on Nat West because you have probably already signed your rights away and you don’t know it.
  9. The Beckhams sorted that a while ago.I was in LA a few years back and walking past the pitches and this big one was full of Porsche’s and I mean full.The star car of course had belonged to Beckham and his signature was ingrained all over the leather seats.It was priced up at a fortune.I thought that was clever.
  10. What happened to the guy who was hacked for £2500 on DA ,who was that again ?
  11. Hi NITM welcome to the banter. I thought NI should stay in the EU then everything would be directed via NI and it would become a booming economy.My friend from NI says the DUP would never entertain that.
  12. Back in October I was in Mallorca in a nice seafront coffee shop.There were a few woman sitting close bye chatting quietly.But we could hear this other women talking very loudly about herself who must have been 20 yards away.Unfortunately she came over and joined the woman closebye who were probably her assistants.We were forced to make a quick exit,I am not surprised she could be in financial difficulties.
  13. Number plates fitted unevenly........serious offence in my book.Soft tyres on the pitch and nothing done about it.Also,car goes out on dem,no deal and the sales guy does not immediately reprice it up but goes for a cup of tea instead.
  14. Wallet full of readies.AD are you sure you are not more older than you claim.When I started carrying ,£500 in readies was a minimum for car dealers.I was told that 50s car dealers would always carry a grand or two in readies incase there was a cheap car to buy.All part of the pose in those days because a decent car only cost £200.Can you imagine now pulling a grand out at the local block to buy a cup of tea.
  15. Markov as in Stoichkov.Now there is a famous Bulgarian. If I had one of those umbrellas I can think of one or two in the past to use it on.First of all,I would have needed diplomatic immunity.
  16. Nick,I don’t think so.....I hope you don’t say derogatory stuff about your have probably never heard of Georgi Markoff
  17. It is always our fault,punters generally do not understand fair wear and tear.Betterment is another one.My brother in law for instance brought his A6 back complaining about the quality of the tyres we fitted which were scrubbed off very quickly.It was pointed out that the tracking was way out as he had hit a curb or something but no the message coming back later was that our tyres were sub standard .
  18. Both guys provided invoices stating that the title to the goods did not pass from them until they were paid for.Maybe their invoices were fraudulently altered by the dealers to get them on their stocking plan.I will try and find out a bit more.
  19. If you have a 60 car pitch for example,all your expenses are multiplied so in reality it is possible you might have to do 7 per week to stand still even without stocking debt.
  20. You can see how people get into trouble.I spoke to 2 proper trade guys just last week and they both had the same problem.They had put heavy stuff on pitches SOR and it turned out both these dealers had then put them on their stocking plan.Both dealers subsequently defaulted and their stock was lifted and entered in the block.This included the ‘sale or return’ vehicles. What a mess to try and get out of.
  21. Thank you Nick.Now that looks like a better deal to me and £150k on finance Is manageable.I like Close,we did use them.But again if you were financing 60 cars the bill would mount up and they would probably want £1m on finance which cannot be easy these days.
  22. Yes James,I can see it will work for you.However if you had a 60 car pitch doing 8 to 10 per week and an average stock turn of 35 days ....the mind boggles.No wonder how some traders get in a mess. No,I had been reading some old post on here and some guy was saying his BCA stocking money was costing 10%.However this Next Gear money appears to cost a lot more.If you have a track record,good security and 2 years accounts,I would have thought the banks would be interested.However nothing surprises me anymore with the banks.
  23. Thank you James.So It is well over 10%.Sounds very expensive money to me,when you consider it is hard to net 1% when investing these days.I can see it working if you are a small operation with 10 cars and big mark ups.I can also see why these car supermarkets charge an admin fee.Surely if you have ‘belt and braces security’ you can buy money for more than half the price......Very interesting.