trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. You would hope so.However the judge might be more interested in points of law.If he bothers to look at Trading Standards guide to used car dealerships,that may not help your defence.
  2. The bottom line is Tony,you have been a dealer for 10 years.A judge may consider you negligent and I doubt you can use a text message to a potential customer in your defence.I think your defence should be that you have previously offered a full refund dependent on being able to collect the vehicle.You have got to defend it,but be prepared to lose.Dont forget to put a claim in now to the customer for your factual costs leading up to the struck out hearing.I am not sure,but maybe you could consider counter claiming and including the garage who have lost the keys.
  3. Hi Tony You can’t just write no warranty on a sales invoice for a private punter.Also was the glow plug light problem stated on your invoice and signed for. I would say that you need to contact the court in order for them to advise whether the same claim can be reinstated or a new claim can be commenced.I think you can claim costs for the struck out case. Try and find out if the guy is in the trade,he could be. The judge will rely on your paperwork and if it doesn’t comply with CRA ,you will come second.
  4. DA should be investigating,where is their external affairs guy who comes on here and I think is part of IMDA
  5. Just give them a donation.These guys have pitches to run aswell and they do IMDA for nothing.
  6. We are with Nat West,you are right.A few weeks ago we ordered an additional faster payment card or whatever it is called.They wanted us to sign about 11 pages of legalese first.No way were we doing that,we could have been signing away our rights.What you have to remember is that banks are not regulated,they can rip you off and get away with it.
  7. What a headache and the police probably won’t be interested as fraud enquiries are not cost effective.A couple of years ago an American guy we know sold his apartment in Spain for big money.The Spanish lawyer following instructions from his US lawyer sent the proceeds which never arrived.It had gone to a Mexican Bank and disappeared. I hope you get it sorted,don’t give up.
  8. I blame the Kardashans,they are seen on Facecrap or Whatsup or whatever eating a brand of crisps and global crisp sales double.Another thing I have just heard about,is that it appears now commonplace for teens to convince themselves they suffer from stress and depression ....probably so they can Twitter about it to their ‘social media ‘ friends. .......I do get annoyed very easily these days.
  9. Intellectual property rights,counterfeit goods etc,get caught using a Chinese rip off code reader or whatever and you are in trouble.I don’t think supplying these to the trade from a business premises is a good idea.
  10. I agree.So when he gives us the location,we should be able to establish whether his business rates quotation is correct.
  11. £50 per week business rates for 800 sq ft.Where are these premises,Kensington High Street.
  12. I don’t think the insurance company would have agreed to a Range Rover hirecar as a courtesy car at £800 p/w if they had known it was a traders policy. But you are right,it is outrageous what goes on.I think he got £4000 back for his X5 and it appeared that the claims people were trying to get a lot more.
  13. That’s OK,when the next one comes out,she can hand this one down to you.
  14. A while back a friend and occasional doorstepper ( with a trade ins policy) was hit from behind and his Gumtree worthy X5 was written off.He wasn’t getting anywhere with the claim so he went to the local no fault accident claims people.The next thing is he is given a new Range Rover hire car as a courtesy vehicle and doing what he is told,he is seeing medics about whiplash.Sometime later when the costs of the claim had escalated and he had no idea what was going on,he is summonsed to appear in court about the claim.The huge claim was subsequently settled by his claims people at a vastly reduced amount on the court steps.The claims people must have not declared it as a trade policy and got found out !
  15. We all have our least favourite auctions.I live in Newcastle but I have never done well at our local auctions.I have bought from many auctions from far and wide but I was never able to penetrate that Yorkie closed shop called Brighouse.Whatever you bought they always seemed to want a lot more money......years later I found out why,but in Yorkie speak ‘am saying nowt’.
  16. Ours is a nice 64 1.4 silver ,17k, fsh ,cost us £5850,it is a Gleneagles conversion ( if that means anything) I thought it was cheap at £7950 compared to proper WAV dealers.
  17. Hope you have more luck than us.As WAV dealers tend to make massive profits, I thought I would try one.Two months ago we nicked a mint 17k Doblo and priced it attractively........Never opened the door !
  18. Happy holidays Nick and everyone else ( very PC ) but most important guys make sure you are working on 27 and 28th because in the past I have found Thurs and Friday straight after Boxing Day to be good.
  19. Ultra Low Emmission Zone.I don’t understand,can someone explain.Traffic speed in central London ULEZ is 5mph and modern diesels are far less toxic than petrol at these speeds.So why does it make sense to allow residents living in the zone to use higher emission and inneficient petrol cars like a Mini Cooper without charge.I see taxis are exempt so could you not just register your car as a taxi.
  20. Hard lines Mark.We all make big cock ups in this job,that is a small one.However most dealers never admit to them,I don’t mind recalling mine.( there has been a lot)
  21. Did this guy say he was also a solicitor.Worth checking.This is a good one.I would inform the councillor you have taken advice about making an official complaint to the council about possible corruption.That will give him a headache.
  22. I agree.Someone I know was going to bid over C/clean for a late Range Rover.He thought he better check the fees first,I think he has a platinum card.It was nearly £900 !