trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Hi Rover,I hope you are clued up on Nissan Leaf’s.Never having one,I fancied an 11 plate at Newcastle last week.I read up about battery depletion and the gauges etc.This one had 6 bar,which meant fully charged it would do 45 miles.Recon set of batteries about £3000.It still did over CAP clean,made no sense to me. Rovex.
  2. When we had words with the neighbours when I was doing a few from home there was nothing for them to see.I told them to contact the council.The council guy came out and as the cars were not visible to the neighbours because we had a very large garage on the house,he rejected the complaint.Soon after the woman next door was blowing her top because a rough looking punter had knocked on her door at 8 at night.It transpired that a solicitor down the street had been selling his wife’s XR3.They never complained to him of course.
  3. Now for me,the Merc looks far better and ‘level’ in this photo.I see why you rated it so highly.The swapper does not look all that bad either.
  4. I have enjoyed this post.There cannot be many ex local authority planning officers now operating as a car dealer.He has provided valuable advice,what would a solicitor charge.I suspect Ex Council Jobsworth is also a proficient car dealer.
  5. I think you might get better odds than even money.It was powder blue met.,( not many of them) and where it was parked,there were better alternative spaces.Then throw in my negligence on that particular day,I think you might get good odds on those possibilities.
  6. That story is better than mine.You were employed at a main dealer,you must have had to work hard to cover that up from the bean counters.As for making mistakes,I have made some far bigger mistakes than that.
  7. Bid this punter on his 7 year old,powder blue met,Merc CClass against a newer one.He had parked his swapper in an unusual place over the road from the pitch..Said he would think about it.A few days later I see a powder blue met C Class park up in exactly the same unusual spot.The guy comes in and I say something like ‘you’re back for the C Class then’ and he says yes.So I write the deal down for him and say leave a deposit and get it tomorrow.He looks at the deal and says,’ I will just pay for it now ‘.I pass the deal over to a sales guy for the handover. The next day our sales guy says something like,was that guy with C Class a friend of yours etc.The swapper C Class turned out to be 4 years older than the one I valued,it was a different punter. I think the swapper had its birthday and we blew £3k on it,how embarrassing. sorry if I have mentioned that one before.
  8. Thank you Mr V,we know what they have to do,produce results.I do not need to know the technical stuff,that is beyond me.Thank you again for your offer.
  9. Thank you The local company have demonstrated how we are locked out and something about H1 and H2 and we apparently only have one or two links compared with a competitor who has 150 more and who are also a local car buying site.So we are not optimised for what we are doing. I see your people are also charging £500p/m ,so why bother selling cars Mr V.
  10. Yes £695 ! Thank you,surely diesels have never been popular down your way,we have been buying diesels down there for many years and shipping them north.You have just got to watch the new lex sale at Newcastle on wednesdays to see what I mean.It has taken Lex 20 years to work that out.
  11. Still £6950 up here,2 litre petrol and auto,but had it been diesel £1200.I am sure AD will sell it.
  12. Our award winning Dealer Management System company who built our site and who are good in general have cocked up and we have been locked out of the Google search engine since we launched.They unfortunateley failed to understand the importance of our home page which is dedicated to buying in stock.They are doing their best to rectify things but I am not entirely confident.I have spoken to one local SEO company who claim they can do wonderfull things for £500 per month.However in the small print of their contract it states they cannot guarantee any results which they claim are normal terms in their industry.Considering we are starting from zero,you can imagine I have reacted negatively to their terms of business. Can any of you guys give me any advice or recommend any reliable people who can deliver a SEO service for cheaper money.
  13. If you have a nice house in a good neighbourhood then selling from home is easier.I have done this at 2 different houses for several months at a time.The first time,our front door was bigger than no 10 and the punters were further impressed when I showed them the docs in the billiard room.So if Mark Carney proves correct about falling house prices ( I doubt he is),it might be better to buy or even rent an imposing house with its own parking than rent a unit . By the way,my guy is struggling with videos and we were looking at one of yours today for a Yeti,even better than before.
  14. ECJ,I can identify with that,I have had amusing run ins with neighbours but the best one was an industrial unit on a trading estate.Hope I haven’t already mentioned this.There was a 100 car pitch already there and the guy objected to me because we did not have specific planning etc.I just said OK I will apply,however having checked for any objections under FOI,there were many from the other businesses on the estate including tyre and paint shops.I went to see them all and they new nothing about it,the objections were fraudulent.
  15. Hi ECJ I would like to hear more from you please,about anything by the way.
  16. Yes,travel from far and wide and cough up £200 to qualify for a viewing.......Another reason for giving AD an unsolicitored award for ‘unique business model’.
  17. A lot of us have had similar things in the past with neighbours.First of all I would be asking for a copy of the residents association rules.I would also be trying to find out about this guy.He could be a fraud,a lot of these busy body do good types can be.Solicitors tend to know about each other in their area and most of them would not get involved in something like this.
  18. I used to like going to Blackbushe on Friday,the stock always appears a fortune but if you were ‘on the ball’ you could get a few. I used to like going in at 8.30 but then they put a Gurkha on the gate and there was no way you could get past him before 9.00.
  19. When the phone starts,you know you are going to sell so you just make sure you pick the right deal.Good swapper or lump of chucky or both.If you have repeat customers you cannot make excuses and increase prices,you will never see them again. I do agree if you get something different,they are usually the ones.We once got a LWB Transit Tipper by default,the response was rediculous and the phone never stopped.Another one was an early petrol Merc GWagon ex Police but civilian spec and a thirsty big lump.The first punter to phone pleaded for us not to sell it to anyone else,we thought he was mad.He wasn’t and he explained to us how rare and desirable they were ( over 20 years ago).
  20. ‘The old lads are romances too’ etc...I do like that........We can’t let these millennials know how it used to be.
  21. If Brexit goes ahead I think stock may be down most at auction in the 3 or 4 weeks before.It depends on how Fleet managers and leasing companies react.The Trade will be nervous but whatever happens things usually stabilise within 3 months.Even when the oil price was suddenly quadrupled and finance companies refused to finance cars above 2ltrs,things returned to normal within 3 months.I think it is important to have extra funds availible around Brexit in order to take advantage of any market over reaction and most important, in case your bank ‘pulls the rug’ etc.
  22. Hi Nick I didnt but maybe I should have,I know what it is like,we did have a flat there and a pitch in East Dulwich
  23. I agree with BHM,these days a large proportion of working people ( often with good jobs) are heavily in debt and left with little disposable income.So their expectations maybe far greater than they used to be because of maintenance worries.It must be worse down London commuter land where people must be really skint as whole towns appear to close up by 8pm.