trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Proper car dealers don’t like cars.We like buying them ( especially with juice in them) and selling them ( especially the ones that don’t come back ) and nowadays we like making an annual net profit,which sadly very few appear to do.
  2. You are lucky Mark,with my in laws,I would be expected to buy back the Disco and do the 1 series for free.!
  3. When you think about it,supplying fake stamped up service books may not be a prosecutable offence.I bought a BCA WBAC FSH Car last year.Our guys pointed out that although the mileage appeared genuine,the dealer stamps were not because the dealer closed down 20 years ago !
  4. Christmas,‘ minority religious festival’....can you imagine a Brexiteer politician saying that.There would be a media outcry about racism.I could imagine Trump saying that in an election campaign when comparing London and put on millions of votes.
  5. I do find it funny,we have all been there.With friends and family or ‘charity deals’ ( my wife’s description) you cannot win,even if you have given them a free car.
  6. Oh dear....but what will the in laws be saying......’doesn’t know what he is doing’....and ..’they should have gone to a proper garage’.......You must be feeling like Theresa May.
  7. Great post was definateley like that.....All the main dealer sales managers were on the ‘iron lung’.
  8. We had an interesting haggler in this morning.We have a mint old swapper up for £1500.This punter ( not of these shores) has a scrap swapper and we offer £200 to be polite.A while later he offers us £100 plus his scrap.Our guy says no thank you and you may be better off going elsewhere.Now I suppose you have to make allowances for cultural differences but I did get a annoyed when 15 minutes later he comes back in and then offers £1000 plus his scrap.We did not explain that we considered his new offer as an insult as he would not have understood.We thought we had got rid of him then 30 mins later a phone caller asks ‘ what is best price’.....I left at that point.
  9. Well played...and good luck.
  10. £800 for a half page in Midlands AT mag ? That was a bit salty !
  11. Come back/where are they now. Whatever happened to Betginge,I think he was a sort of angry version of BHM......good value. What about Green Giant,he gave me some stick,came over as the dealer principle of Jack Barclay but I suspected he was an F and I man at a Skoda dealership. Rt Honorable Jim Reid,he ‘spit the dummy’with me,I think he went on to better things,probably now advising Elon Musk
  12. One of my favourites was one from Tradex describing a pitch nearbye keeping stock for years and some Clio which had been there so long it was used as a marker post.
  13. Not many traders bought a guide back then,you just used to ‘pick them up ‘from main dealers.£5000 got you 10 descent cars to retail.However a 20 car open pitch could cost £20k (key money) and you paid in ‘readies’.I do remember the old guys then ( a bit like me now) complaining that the trade was shot,you had to pay VAT and the authorities were clamping down on clocking da da da.
  14. This all sounds like ‘Enron’ accounting to me.You have to be carefull,even if your accountant allows you to account for unpaid labour in a certain way,an HMRC inspector may interpret it differently and disallow it with a vengeance.It is with mistakes like this that HMRC possibly via a VAT inspection could give them reason to start an enquiry....Anyone on here had one of them ?
  15. I had forgotten about Autofreeway.We had a contract for 2 pages in AT and 2 in Autofreeway and I think it was for £2000 per week inc VAT.Sounds expensive but infact it wasn’t because you could earn more than that in finance commission alone just over the weekend.......past glories again..
  16. Everyone did their own thing.On a half page some might have 10 photos with limited descriptions down the sides and another 25 in text centrally.Others might have no photos at all just text and advertise 50 or 60 in small print.The mag came out on Thursday and the phone would start ringing in the morning.Happy Days !
  17. I think on line was cheap then because AT mag was still doing the business.We will never be able to replicate the cracking business that came from AT mag which appeared expensive at £400 for a half page in the 90’s.AT mag was brilliant....then the internet arrived.
  18. Most amusing,rude,annoying,fraudulent or bullshit posts etc....Lifetime achievement award...I will sponsor that and nominate myself for the award ( apparently that is OK ).......What about...Cock up of the year......I would also be up for that one !
  19. That sounds like a good business model.
  20. Cash ! Who has cash now.The punters who have their own money tend to have it in non accessible deposit accounts earning 0.05% so it takes 2 weeks before a handover.Cash is dangerous,expensive to bank and if you insist on it ,HMRC will take a kean interest in your business and if you make a small banking mistake ( they don’t do mistakes) they will assess you for a telephone number amount and leave you to prove otherwise.
  21. Great ‘blog post’ bullshit Jamie.However the bottom line is that buried in your ‘infomercial’ you appear to admit that you are not yet recognised by HMRC to deliver MTD.Am I right or wrong !
  22. P38 Lightning....Blackbushe Airport.....that must be a good story !
  23. Would it not be possible ( if you were that way inclined) to raise an invoice for the labour but then not send it to your customer.It then eventually becomes a bad debt which can be written off. Risk reward wise,I wouldn’t bother. It must be interesting how Dave accounts for his work when he says he sometimes gets paid in local produce.How does HMRC treat that,there must be some special dispensation for highland inhabitants.
  24. Every chance if you have an insider.
  25. If you run a ltd company and your personal car belongs to and is maintained and paid for by you,you can charge the company for your business mileage.However as Justin says that could be just the excuse HMRC need to start an enquiry ( they go on for years).