trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Hi James I have just watched your Jag video.A couple of months ago I was impressed with your videos.I think they are even better now.You certainly put the effort in.From a buyers perspective,your punter friendly voice over language is what they want to hear and well delivered.I also like the leafy back ground on the demo,it adds credibility.I will get my guy to take a look for ideas,unfortunateley our new ‘ old pitch ‘ is downtown.May I ask what type of camera you use.
  2. I don’t think so,but in future if you could refer to the case number and location it may help.
  3. Hi Nick I agree,except in this case the guy befriended Barry and then contrived to stitch him up.Every now and then in this job you find your have been ‘bowler hatted’.That is often where a periferal dealer mascarading as a private punter on behalf of another dealer,trades in a swapper which turns out to have serious problems.You then see your car being advertised by the dealer nearbye.That is why I wanted Barry’s case details in case I get ‘bowler hatted’ again.
  4. Hi Barry. This is a game changer,well played.Would it be possible for you to quote the court location and case number.
  5. Hi Dirty Barry Very interesting,but I think we need a bit more info please because it does not appear to stack up.Some people might say you were negligent by not checking out the swapper.How is a punter not connected to the trade qualified to describe the condition of his p/x.What did the judge say when summing up the case.
  6. The thing is,if your clever dick customer searches out your guys ltd co. at Companies House and the Articles of Association doesn’t allow for dealing in the sale of motor vehicles,there could be a problem.I am uncertain but this may be grounds for a void sale and a refund.I hope I am wrong and it doesn’t happen.
  7. The plot thickens,a third party business was involved in the transaction.This is interesting,is the partners business a Ltd co.
  8. Hi Selfi. This bloke has probably done this before with other transactions.He is probably some college lecturer type or civil servant.Tell him you are skint anyway and can’t afford to help.Have I missed something,you are a doorstep trader with a card machine ?
  9. Remember Comet,white goods sold for cost price or less except it was compulsory for customers to take out the add ons.I think it was new consumer law that killed them.
  10. I hope you have logged the incident and put a heatgun training programme in place.
  11. They can’t cancel your account for no good reason.They won’t,or you could probably do them for loss of profit,missed opportunities,hurt feelings etc etc
  12. Hi Mistermuttley When the auction cocks up as in this case,they should owe you a cheap car ( or quick knock).Auction contract law states when the hammer comes down you have bought the merchandise.They are in breach of contract and treated you as a soft touch.Offering you a free on line buyers fee is not good enough.In the past,I have been involved on several occasions where the auction has made a mistake and were pleased to resolve the matter by owing me a favour which they have honoured.This goes on all the time.I recall the last time it happened to me,an auctioneer brought down the hammer then said ‘ provisional’,I called to him there and then in front of the rostrum and told him that I had bought the car.I think he said ‘we will sort it out later’ and that is what happened. I think you should get back onto them and let us know how you get on. Regarding your profit margins,if you can get by on low margins that is OK.This business is full of people who always take big money out of deals when the reality is completely different.
  13. I would like to see the t&c’s and disclaimers on dent and scratch protection.How much extra per month was it for these add ons.I hope you told them to stick it .....I am meeting a guy tomorrow to discuss my idea for administering ‘ customer care packages’ for under l£10 p/w.Add ons do help but they have to appear good value to the punters.
  14. Hi Selfi You are getting some good advice.Depending what mileage has been done you should negotiate out of this with not too much damage.One thing,if you want to stick around in this industry,you are going to get a lot more of this.Get this one sorted and there will be another one waiting to happen.
  15. 5 months use...He has probably done several thousand miles.Try offering a full refund less the HMRC mileage allowance 40p per mile ( should be 45p I think) offer expires after 5 days.Then when you get it back have a go at his VW specialist.
  16. Hi Frankieola. I think it is a good idea.You could do that where we are because in general people are very open and tell you all their circumstances.However,I don’t think I would chance it in south London.Infact the more I think about it,I might pinch your idea.
  17. Free range kids on the pitch with oblivious parents,warranty reps who persist in trying to sell you theirs after you tell them you have been successfully doing your own for donkeys years,peepscarfes,council staff from the property,council tax or planning dept who have letters after their name.( I always ask them what and where and they never tell you),John Bercow,reality tv,greedy charities who knock on your door when they have millions on deposit and several staff earning 6 figures,financial anylists on telly commenting on multi billion takeovers that look 16 years old,age partnership rip off equity release tv ad,old women wearing football shirts,politicians who lose badly at elections and claim an outstanding result,parents who encourage their kids to attend some downmarket ‘uni’ and get into 20 grand debt to do some crap course and remain very proud.Charity runners or shufflers who you have to sponsor who then do no training and then claim success because they finish in 3 h 20m which turns out to be 48,746th place....I better stop...All very Victor Mildrew.
  18. 90 mins with a punter.....that’s a P45
  19. 4) That used to happen in the old days when you rarely got declines.Rather than decline a deal and cause ill feeling,finance companies would cover themselves with the future value of the merchandise should the punter default.General Guarantee springs to mind.
  20. What music do you use.That must be important,if you have a pink Fiat 500 and you use a Metallica or Judas Priest track,that may not help.
  21. What about when you can’t get parked at the block.Then some big shot in a Bentley with a vanity plate cruises in and are welcomed through the gate.More often than not,these guys are frauds and later on either go bust or do a runner leaving financial havoc.I was talking to a guy this week who has recently stopped working for a similar guy as he could not take any more.Apparently this one buys his stock with BCA stocking money.Then after so long transfers the stock to another stocking facility.This guy personally leases some big smoker with the vanity plate and makes sure he has the latest iPhone ( are they a grand now).We have all seen them come and go and they really annoy me.
  22. Clearly the punter was a pain from the start.No way would I have let them have a demo.
  23. Especially these overweight older guys with Snow White legs wth tattoos.They think they look good.
  24. No you never get any thanks.Except when someone you have helped previously has then bought elsewhere but then returned for another car having had issues with both the dealer and the warranty company.
  25. I don’t know about sport !,but until motor dealers end up in the small claims court failing to defend some dubious claim for £4K on an old Range Rover or similar (because the judge interprets CRA differently),they may then want to change their business model.If you run a pitch,the risk reward ratio with retailing older stuff is a lot higher with the introduction of CRA.However,this does not appear to be the case with home traders,good luck to them.