trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Autoglym products are great but expensive and if you employ valeters you have to keep it in your safe and monitor it’s use.
  2. Hi Noacross Yes thank you,we have made some progress this week,painters and roofers have finished,Phones/internet connected,roller shutters fixed etc,signed up to HPI and Click Dealer who appear to be very good.Still about 3 weeks away and over budget so probably won’t be able to afford the ‘sheepskin’ unless they are deemed essential for our work and are fully tax deductible (wife says they are about 2 grand now ).Maybe I could argue with HMRC that a sheepskin coat was wholly exclusive and necessary in the performance of my duties. If you go to you may see the pitch and how it should look when we get started.
  3. Years back we bought ex NHS minis from Ingleston,they were always red.We used to sell them as ex district nurse vehicles,the punters liked that ( although we had no idea who used them of course).
  4. I think I have spotted it now on Gumtree.Awfull Plastic hub caps,recently fully valeted and needs a new set of plates.Amateur trader/cowboy effort looks like a typical Glasgow or Shotts auction vehicle.Probably legit though,I think he will probably now want money in quick......I would say bid him £1700 and good luck.....Now what about this NHS stuff you get offered ?
  5. NVP is in London,helpful,I don’t think that would happen there,certainly not in my experience.
  6. That’s wonderfull.Up here in Newcastle there is a group of dentists would you believe who have got into building large accommodation blocks with all the mod cons for the Chinese students.They fill them up at £200 to £250 per week per student then sell them on to pension funds and the like.
  7. No sense of humour then. If they are allowing you to sell and fit tyres,that is servicing,just get on and open up.They are not going to close you down ( unless of course you are involved in stealing and supplying mopeds and selling mugging wearables and accessories )...da ...da ...da. Good Luck.
  8. Marc...Is this a 56 Zetec 33k one owner being sold by a Commercial Dealer in Wishaw who is a Ltd company !
  9. I think I am with Sparky and co,why would you,the chances are it will be a ‘ wrongun ‘.We have all been there......Case in point,my brother in law ( who knows little about our job )against my advice sees a cheap car on EBay.The seller was apparently a very nice guy who runs a garage workshop.So,he pays £200 deposit on PayPal and flys down to Southampton.He goes to the workshop meets the guy,pays the balance and drives back.It was a nice car and very cheap but several weeks later the Police took it from him.It had only been parked up at the garage while the owner was abroad after having some job done and the docs were left inside.The seller was someone who had only worked there 5 mins. and then did a runner.......I had to laugh ! Hi Marc If you are doing up to £3000 stuff may I enquire which area do you operate from.I happen to think that you always buy stock.
  10. I think I am with Sparky and co,why would you,the chances are it will be a ‘ wrongun ‘.We have all been there......Case in point,my brother in law ( who knows little about our job )against my advice sees a cheap car on EBay.The seller was apparently a very nice guy who runs a garage workshop.So,he pays £200 deposit on PayPal and flys down to Southampton.He goes to the workshop meets the guy,pays the balance and drives back.It was a nice car and very cheap but several weeks later the Police took it from him.It had only been parked up at the garage while the owner was abroad after having some job done and the docs were left inside.The seller was someone who had only worked there 5 mins. and then did a runner.......I had to laugh !
  11. New trader policy for road risks and retail premises cover that tick all their boxes,I doubt any well known insurers annual premium would be less than £3k.
  12. This is all very helpful,but in my experience ( it’s not like Judge Rinder) when you are in a small claims court defending yourself and you have some disgruntled Judge they may not be so reasonable towards a car dealer whatever defence you have.These people (lawyers and barristers )acting as Judges know you will not appeal......please tell me I am wrong. I once defended a small claim involving estate agents inflated fees.The judge took a dim view and I was ticked off for bringing a solicitor,we lost.Likewise,I once went with my wife to defend a small claim on behalf of her elderly father.The claimants sent an Irwin Mitchell solicitor,again the judge was not impressed and dismissed the claim.....things may have changed !
  13. This is all very helpful,but in my experience ( it’s not like Judge Rinder) when you are in a small claims court defending yourself and you have some disgruntled Judge they may not be so reasonable towards a car dealer whatever defence you have.These people (lawyers and barristers )acting as Judges know you will not appeal......please tell me I am wrong.
  14. We have signed up to Click Dealer and they are building our new site.They have already spent a couple of hours with us providing relevant info.They appear switched on as people have said on here.We are doing a min Autotrader deal to get our new pitch started as we are on a main road and have a highly visible pitch .We intend to rotate the stock on Autotrader.We have been offered a 5+2 deal which appears to workout at just over £2 per day per car.We will see how it turns out.
  15. trade vet


    I love these corporate press releases....’ some quality bullshit there’ CJ used to say to Reggie Perrin at Sunshine Deserts ‘I didn’t get to where I am today without recognising bullshit when I see it’.
  16. Hi Phil I notice you have not commented on CAP valuations and the rumour about collusion with Auction groups.Seeing the bonus being paid to the BCA CEO,the CAP guys should invoice her for £10m.
  17. I agree,she must be a good player,she probably negotiated the targets herself.However what happens when the major leasing companies and other big vendors work out that their guaranteed 98% of CAP return on entries is a crap deal when most of their stuff is doing £500 to £1000 into CAP. When you think about it ,with their buyers fees plus their sales profit above 98% of Cap,they must be grossing £1500 on a lot of their entries......It just needs CAP to wake up with their valuations and the bubble will burst and she will be gone ( with a big pay off).
  18. BCA have disclosed that their CEO earned £29m last year with over £28m in bonuses.She must have stitched up the remuneration committee or they must be a set of donkeys.
  19. Thank you are right,when I got my first pitch,I also got the ‘sheepskin’.I think I wore it only once or twice because the other traders in the street had proper ‘sheepskins’.I was getting comments like ‘ nice cheapskin’ son.
  20. I am knock,knock knocking on Heavens Door and according to my wife....MAD.We have our old pitch from long ago which has become vacant and I cannot find anyone credible from any trade to take it on because they say it is too expensive.Since I last used it,it has been a double glazing showroom and lately a posh cycle shop.Its on a very busy 4 exit roundabout next to a new large shopping park,it is a cracking pitch,9 car frontage,23 car showroom........Anyway,get to the point,I am going to reopen it.I thought it would cost about 5 grand to get it ready.Already gone past 10 grand and still 4 weeks away. I have found opening new accounts with people I have been with for over 40 years takes ages.Additional Bank account,card machines,HPI,BT,BCA,websites ,regulatory stuff and getting appropriate insurance cover.( we only had buildings cover ).Apparently Business Insurance Regs have changed in 2016.Reams of so many rediculous questions like ‘has there been any arson in the area recently’ answer ‘ probably last night,it is central Newcastle.’...da da da....I will keep you posted and will probably be asking you guys for advice !
  21. Track Cars,Range Rovers,Renault Dealerships,lawyer girlfriend ( they always are) tall,long grey hair ( pony tail maybe and red trousers )......I have no idea,are you sure it was not one of the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels...Good Luck.
  22. Ha Ha....I could believe that,do you remember he had that overseas bank account in his dogs name which he had forgotten about,I think it had £1m in it .He got away with it,I think HMRC cocked up the prosecution.
  23. Albert in a 306.I think he was 6’4”.It must have been his gardeners or something,I would see him in his new 500SL....nowt wrong with 306s by the way,we sold hundreds of them,mostly ex Police patrol cars.
  24. Nice one.,the things that went on in the old days you would not believe anyway ...But yes of course.since 2000....I can also bore you with many tales about punters good and bad to auctions far and wide,finance companies,Payment Protection and clawback,Trading Standards,paint and workshops,bungs,main dealers,HMRC,accountants/ solicitors cock ups,leases,pitches good and bad,staff problems,past glories with advertising,small claims cases won and lost,dealings with banks,insurance companies,DIY warranties,dealing with traders and all the characters good and bad I have come across........anything I have missed ?
  25. Freedom Conversions part of the Eye of the Tiger Group