trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Perfectly normal not to make a profit in this job.In fact can anyone tell me who is making a healthy profit.
  2. That’s the most profitable automotive business anywhere.I think their directors remuneration is several millions.Not many staff,few premises and they are sitting on £500m.I understand Motability Trading Co.only give a small amount of their income to good causes.I don’t know how true it is but I was told it was stated in their flowery financial statements that their remuneration committee were paid a collective £30k to agree their remuneration...It is a scandal.
  3. The charity industry is huge.I think there are over 100 thousand reg charities.There will be many like your Evoque Guy.What annoys me is a lot of them have the nicest people working for them voluntarily but the guys at the top get all the kudos and also pay themselves handsomely......Beware of dogooders.
  4. Hi Tradex I thought you just liked Clio’s Thank you Jimmy As they say ‘I have taken that on board ‘ I have found a SEO company and having checked them out,they appear OK.I am going to try them for a couple of months @ £250 per month,the guy I am dealing with is very young ( with no bullshit) and is confident he can help.
  5. Dealer to Dealer that not an example of an oxymoron.We do not exactly operate like the medical or legal profession.I still get people calling me asking ‘have you heard any gossip’.
  6. Thank you James,we are going to have to get some specialist search engine people to sort ours.
  7. I like you get many online sellers off that James...we have a similar thing but the response has been poor because it isn’t programmed properly.
  8. Who likes cars in this job.I thought people would be talking about breakdown trucks,steam cleaners,machine polisher,ramps or tyre machines as being their favourite......I love my lawnmower.
  9. Hi Elliot Income generation proposal for BEN I have just done my own survey of the Ben financial statements.While it is an excellent long established successfull charity with its dedication to the care and well being of retirees,it appears that this level of care has extended to its directors remuneration.I am unsure why 12 people should be earning approx.£2m plus benefits to run it.I would have thought there would be many retired main dealer principals who would do the same job for a fraction of the cost.
  10. You might be right,although I don’t think there will be a trend starting for dealers to rent out old stock ( third party cover).When you get it back,it then has to be sold as an ex rental car or you could incur a big fine.I was watching Mike Ashley running rings round the MPs and like you I did think his idea of an online sales tax was a good idea.However that would probably mean costs for us at BCA and AT and the others going up again.
  11. Interesting.In theory it is good,but what if AT cock up,how long might it take to contact the misleading ads team whatever that is ( it might be an automated system) and how long to sort it out. I think it could be good news for no plate suppliers because traders will just use plates showing the Year suffix on photos rather than risk having a mistake keep something off sale.
  12. Hi Rovex May I enquire what area you will be trading from.
  13. Hi Rovex I am not sure there will be 90% EV’s in 10 years.If you are right and rapid charge technology arrives, a lot of car pitches might be more valuable as charging stations. Good luck and please keep us dinosaurs informed how you are doing.
  14. I like that......How many times I must have heard that expression at the block......usually some ne-er-dowell saying ‘I will get 2 grand out of that all day long’.etc.....
  15. When you look at the bicycle business.That is supposed to be doing well but I understand that many long established retailers are shutting down for that very reason.Younger people have no fear of the internet,a friend of my daughter bought and paid for a £20k SLK online and had it delivered despite our advice to wait for a cheaper one from us.Look at all these online ‘crap clothing companies’ who are doing really well.You would think people would want to feel the quality of the material before buying. Someone will get national online used car retailing write at some stage but I tend to agree with James (EPV)
  16. What about the small print and how it is worded.I would read it with a magnifying glass.Punters will probably want a 3 year warranty thrown in with the deal.
  17. Good luck to them but £30m ! There has been some good ones that have previously failed with something similar.Tesco,Richard Branson and a few years ago some other non trade guys who raised millions to sell on line and then self destructed after 2 years of claiming how well they were doing.
  18. It was just a joke but I wasn’t able to enter the smiley’s.
  19. Thank you,I did think that no EV punter would buy it on 6 bar.It was 75k 2011 which were probably the first ones.But it would have been over £5k including fees .The locals think they are crap,they make them here.This one was very clean and was sold online.
  20. So Nick you have just entered to a contract to buy it for £6500. no chipping allowed !
  21. Hi Jimmy,I have never bothered with car mags or car TV stuff,but last week I picked up a Modern Classics mag ( £4.40p) which nearly put me off.You want to see the prices being charged.That is why I thought that Rover 75 Conniseur last week was too cheap. There must be some good future classics lurking up your way.
  22. OK thank you.The way I interpreted it 12 blue bars on the gauge meant fully efficient batteries and they deplete at about 1 bar per year.
  23. Now that is a claim to fame.Wow,that could be the best deal I have ever heard.....