trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. I don’t think you have a claim having bought it in the hall as opposed to online.Some people might say that you were equally negligent.
  2. Did you buy it in the hall or on line.
  3. In those days,I think you were charged for receiving calls.I used to have main dealers ringing me constantly to underwrite their swappers but I recall other traders paying more than £500 per month for their brick.I do remember having a aching shoulder !
  4. Out of interest.The introduction of VAT in 73 killed off bumpy deals.The squeeze on luxury goods meant that to buy a car ( a luxury) on HP you needed a min 30% or 40% deposit depending on the age of the car.So you might have a poverty model Cortina at £600 which required £240 deposit.Many punters did not have the deposit so on the HP doc you would describe it as a top of the range model selling for £900 with £360 deposit.So the punter only actually paid £60 deposit and thanked you. Because people rarely defaulted on HP agreements ( not like today ) you got away with the bumpy deals. Crazy days,my basic was £10 but I earned £150 per week,I was 21.
  5. How much did your brick cost.I think I was paying £500 p/m in the 80s.
  6. Main dealers begging you to buy their swappers ( good ones ready to retail ) Bungs Trim rings Full shoots for £55 70-100% margins big chucky commission + volume bonus again haircuts carrying a pocket full of readies ( donkey choker ) being standard fair buying something and knowing it would be ‘ downed ‘to passing trade within a day of pricing it up. vat 7.5% and and the time before vat Car dealers with the appearance of Philip Green and wearing camel coats,sheepskins,trilbys,expensive suits with white shirt and tie, constantly smoking Churchill size cigars and often accompanied by their mol buying and selling stuff auction to auction for good profit Autotrader and finance company lavish corporate hospitality Etc etc
  7. I think David’s story is one of the best I have read on here for a while.
  8. You might want to contact Winn Solicitors in Newcastle who are the top no fault accident claim solicitors.They pay the trade introductory commission.They might arrange for a new Merc Van for your Dad to use in the meantime,check them out.
  9. I did not realise it was a cheapie.I have no idea how anybody can now operate a legitimate car sales business selling cheapies because of the scope of CRA 2015.You can thank Jo Swinson the new Lib Dem leader for that,she introduced it. Maybe it could work if you restricted sales to the aged 50 and over non internet generation who have skills like how to open the bonnet and check the oil and water instead of being concerned with connectability or whatever it is called....Rant over.
  10. On your own admission you could tell that the punter did not want the car ! You will learn to steer clear and with CRA you cannot be investing in these punters. I would demand the car back by a recorded message/ letter and collect it now and get your repairer to check it out.If the punter is telling porkies ( which is usual) you can then negotiate a price to buy it back and try and include an NDA for bad reviews.You have to ‘nip it in the bud ‘ ......get used to it !
  11. It definateley works if you do a lot of business.Years ago when cars were not complicated we started throwing in our own cover.We just used to put £60 in a separate account,the surplus soon mounted up.My old pitch still do their own.We followed that by giving punters the option of what we called a Customer Care Pack which included 12 months warranty,some road tax,an MOT,oil and filter,luxury mats which cost £6 and other stuff which cost very little.We charged £300 for that and a lot of the punters would just add it to the chucky agreement.The result was phenomenal.These days with the average cost of MOTs alone,you would have to charge at least double to have the same result.
  12. Autoguard are a very good warranty company.Premium cover from about £150 but it covers all sorts.We have had breakdowns in London that they have quickly solved.They also payout very quickly if you organise work yourself.We had a Renault WAV autobox problem and they organised a local expert repairer to do it quickly,it cost them a grand.The punter was delighted.However if you carry a big stock and do a lot,it makes sense to do your own.
  13. Hi You have started well when the market has been difficult.I would suggest that you stick with what you are doing,don’t get greedy and be prepared for banana skins ahead.Good Luck.
  14. With prime finance penetration like that you should negotiate for a volume bonus on top.
  15. Of course,everything above board,I am sure everyone agrees that never happens ........
  16. We can all do ‘ over reserve ‘past glories but how much did you bung the auctioneer ?
  17. For all you know Victor it could have been trotted through the reserve and intentionally sent out only to be sold cheaply afterwards.Be nice to the provisional office and you may get a clue.....That sort of thing was rife years ago but it still could happen and I think that could be illegal.
  18. Hi

    Regarding ‘The Forum’,I think you should be having a word with EPV about his lowering the tone by his using of foul and abusive language.We have nursed this guy along for just over 12 months by giving him the benefit of our vast experience and this is what we get.He may have ‘issues ‘ we don’t know about but I don’t think it is good idea for CD Mag to be dishing out nominations and awards to someone who behaves like this.I think a forum apology from him might restore some credibility.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thank you 

    Ian Watson

    ( Trade Vet )


  19. Having gone out of his way to educate us about CRA while providing a recent case example,LawJaw might not appreciate this enquiry. ( too put it mildly).
  20. AIB bank draft,good luck with that,I once had a business account with them before they imploded.They used to make it up as they went along.If anyone would stop a bank draft etc .....Declan sounds like Dougal out of Father Ted,remember him.
  21. Ha Ha Nick,be carefull with the bank draft.When you ring Declan’s bank to verify his bank draft,they will usually say yes they have issued him a draft without confirming the amount.A while ago the scam was to get a small amount by bank draft and then use a forged one on handover....Not many people using bank drafts theses days.
  22. They will deny that of course,it’s never their fault.They will probably be part of the plastic card,digital,got nowt generation that think it is normal to buy things use them and take them back.Have you ever been in the M@S returns dept. and seen what people bring back,shoes badly scuffed and worn down which they have never had on etc.Also the ones returning frocks because they found make up on the collar when I fact they have just wanted them for a night out and bring them back.
  23. I am not sure either.That abandoned shopping trolley to the right of the lunar module was a bit of a giveaway.
  24. Hi Gary Its OK just tell the guys about your business and location,experience etc.You will get plenty of help but getting shot down is part of it.