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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Well I can see where their coming from, I was planning on buying myself something fancy soon from a main dealer but due to my businesses entering unchartered waters I am holding off on this till normal life resumes and I’m sure the majority of people will be in a similar situation that said I think the cheaper end of the market will increase. people not wanting to renew £500pm Bmw pcp deals may flock to cheap tuna rounds for the interim period.
  2. 2 points
    check by reg on the blueprint site. https://partsfinder.bilsteingroup.com/ usually accurate
  3. 1 point
    What's your prediction? when the lockdown is going to be lifted and we can start selling cars and vans again without the restrictions.
  4. 1 point
    After nine days back at work, German dealers are reporting business at 40 per cent normal levels. Full story here: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/investigation-german-dealers-suffer-collapsed-car-buyer-demand-week-theyre-allowed-back-work/191222
  5. 1 point
    Its only common decent of them to give you an answer at least .
  6. 1 point
    Here is a update So to reduce all overheads, and, watch cashflow, i started at the top. Few week ago i contacted the landlords, by phone, i would have preferred eye to eye, [ previous to the call a email was sent, no reply ] on the phone i find office staff are "off" ? I explained in detail about "none essential" and it was if the chaps had never even heard of lock-down ? other than they had to queue in the bank 2 metre apart, i explained i was being "forward looking in my plan" and not burying my head, i asked for 50% reduction for the next quarter, at this point i was requestioned why ? so repeated the scenario, drawing particular attention to my thinking this is not a 3 week lock-down for us, i was told i would be rung back, it was vaguely infered that 50% could be setback 3 month, which i refused citing thats just putting a debt forward and i did not want a rent "holiday". Over 25 years at my place, and being tidy, good payer etc expected a call, now do not get me wrong this place ticks most boxes, and last year i gambled and expanded, and it had proved a good move, and would be very difficult to find similar, [ don't tell the landlords that ! ] that is, of course, today, tomorrow may be different ? Leaving it a while, let the news seep in a bit further, let them see the shops closing etc, i wrote a letter, explaining in detail again, my proposal, even enclosed a sae for prompt reply ! That was last Wednesday, no reply, not even decent enough to state yes, or repay in 3 month, or no, not all. They have no mortgages on these properties by the way, on checking my property this week, one business has "disappeared" and another is in the process of moving out, neither i know, the landlords know about ! So, mmmm, thanks landlord, "all in it together"? doubt it, time for a rethink.........
  7. 1 point
    Yes thanks for that but let's be honest His mechanic should be able to get them delivered at a good price from a decent factor when times are normal within an hour usually depending where you are It's possible hes nailed the mechanic so far down on price that mechanic has chosen to let him order the parts then when they dont fit he can charge again To the mechanic read this https://iaafnewsletter.co.uk/2017/05/05/customer-supplied-parts-are-you-fitting-them/
  8. 1 point
    Europart site will give you every available fitment for that car so usually give you two or three options which is not great. Blueprint usually will display only the right part and give you all the possible oe part numbers. Best way to be 100% certain is find what looks like the right part off one of the big warehouse ebay sellers. send them an email with your reg and they will confirm the parts they have are correct or direct you to the correct listing. You can then buy off them or use the part number that you now have to find the best value.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    I am surprised they're surprised. Would be interested what price range you surveyed - for example new and £10k-30k might be 40% down; but is £2k-£4k down too? Regarding the UK, I suspect there will be a proportion of dealers who will do everything they can to NOT open in the near future, given that they will probably lose money at a higher rate than they are currently, especially with the majority of their sales team furloughed. I think the only ones which stand a chance are those which were either 90-100% of the way there with online selling (as in, reducing the customer contact to 0 visits or 1 visit to finalise everything and collect it). You'd have taken the risk to invest in the internet tech pre-lockdown and that risk will reward you well now. Also I reckon most people who simply "wanted" (didn't NEED) a car before, don't want it now. And a good proportion of those who needed one before don't need it any more, at least for the next few months ( household 2>1 car, or lost job, or try fix broken car).
  11. 1 point
    i put the video up so it can be seen first hand his workings, and to see just like the rest of us, closed. i generally find companies like this are not around long [ seen them all come, seen them go ] !
  12. 1 point
    Its a terrible scheme but I didn't think "oh the government have decided to punish garages" I just took it as a reflection of how deep and serious the scientists who advise the govt are approaching this current crisis. The implied message being that they expect life to be near-as-paused as we know it for ~6 months.
  13. 1 point
    Dont be saying that We've only just got rid of her
  14. 1 point
    Yes they are a dodgy bunch. Albania is not in the EU and a lot are in the UK unofficially. The Poles are a different kettle of fish and mostly keep their noses clean.. Generally well educated and God-fearing with a good work ethic. The only problem is if they stay in the UK too long a time they 'go native' and start behaving like British people ;-)
  15. 1 point
    @BHM really driving the point home lol
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    True, but most come here to make money then return home. In my area of east London you can rent a small 3bed house for around £1300 a month. Eastern European’s will rent as a group so two or three couples sharing the rent, which makes it much more affordable. Especially when you remember they won’t be burdened with kids or elderly parents. They work hard like dogs for a few years, live as cheaply as they can, then return home with their ‘pile’ to live a cheaper life? I remember back in the ‘80s when London was full of Irish (working in IT) and Aussies (hospitality) doing the same thing? The Polish people I sell cars to are great, they are hugely knowledgable and no nonsense payers. I don’t think they are as focused on ‘beating the system’ and exploiting loopholes as much as some minority groups round these parts?
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Be careful though, don’t confuse enthusiasm with suicidal self-confidence? As much as I agree with the ability of Polish guys, when you look at the state of the majority of cars in Eastern Europe it explains why good mechanics need to travel to Europe to find work?
  20. 1 point
    True, although you know you’ll need to spend £70 on two front bottom arms on the 10yr old one! I’d imagine a click-and-collect type operation for a franchise doesn’t appeal long term - surely it’s another step further towards cars being treated as white goods. Also my guess is Daksh Gupta’s reluctance to execute home deliveries isn’t just COVID19, he’ll be taking a view with regards to the DSRs.
  21. 1 point
    Metrocabs is part of KamKorp - owned by an Indian guy Kamal Siddiqi. He also owns Bristol cars. To be fair at least their HQ is in the UK. Sounds a fantastic idea, let's get started ... And don't worry, Rodney. This time next year, we'll be millionaires!
  22. 1 point
    Great gearboxes too! Never any issues!
  23. 1 point
    ....... on the plus side the air is cleaner? But now we are free to “make our own rules”. So our air can be as dangerous and toxic as we demand! Yah!
  24. 1 point
    https://www.gov.uk/government/news/small-businesses-boosted-by-bounce-back-loans Hopefully this will be useful for a lot of us. 100% government backed Up to £50k Interest and repayment free for 12 months I have yet to read fully, I wonder if there are any fees for early repayment after the initial 12 month period ETA: It does make me think that we could expect a while longer in lockdown yet.