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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Reading this weekend about the just in time ordering and how it's going to be difficult to restart the lines when they are dependant on so many small factories I'm against scrappage the people who really run this country need their 54 plate focus to get to work ,buying a new car is just a dream to them
  2. 1 point
    Fed up with the TV ............ Grab some beers, while away some time on these, laughing my socks off, but yeah it works I can see how we can improve it guys, with EFI and using Aluminium Plate for the Cylinder Heads and other parts, also we could build a 12 Cylinder version of the A/C Compressor Engine, and use Dyson guts to Supercharge it then bolt it on a Skateboard ................. Apparently this guy has now been recruited to BMW's R&D Department ..........................
  3. 1 point
    How many have already blown their 10 grand on hookers and quad bikes I wonder Wheres bhm when you need him
  4. 1 point
    Quite a lot I suspect. Many seem to think things will revert back to as they were when lockdown lifts. I think they may be rudely surprised.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I can’t believe how much oil and ad blue the new transit customs take! Makes servicing them really expensive!
  7. 1 point
    I bought a Huawei Mate 20 lite, was about £150 a seriously belting phone for the money, no worse than Mrs C's expense Samsung.
  8. 1 point
    It’d be preferable to tasteless BMWs & Audis.
  9. 1 point
    ... it's not quite as simple as you may think. Tried to find out the rules, but as with everything right now it's not black and white https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/car-dealers-allowed-offer-click-collect-pick-cars-lockdown/191091 Let me know what you'll be doing. I'm interested to hear what you're planning, or doing, at the moment.
  10. 1 point
    Which probably explains why the government will never actually say “it’s safe, return to work”. Instead they’ll let people ‘bleed’ back naturally under financial pressure. Thereby absolving themselves of blame. “We said it wasn’t safe, we said don’t risk it”
  11. 1 point
    As I see it any dealer offering a click and collect at their premises will be looking at a minefield in the future under """did you or your family get the covid 19 whilst employed?"""" We are offering a no win no fee It will be the new white finger or ppi or even the new pcp You read it here first Wait till the government and the man from del monte say yes ask mr nadir
  12. 1 point
    Cant imagine why you are doing this My lovely Santander have sent me a gorgeous letter telling me that out of the goodness of their hearts they have changed my interest on my cash isa to a great 0.01 percent This equates to a full whole £1 per tax year per£10,000 The wife and I (shes not the queen mind) have sat here in our grow bags this last 3 hours trying to work out what we will do with this vast amount of money next april if we are still here
  13. 1 point
    Think id rather drive the 10 year old focus now . Remember when i was younger i wouldn't have owned a car over three years old even committed the forbidden sin and bought a few from main dealers or lost money on a few only for others to make money on them but you live and learn and an old £1500 pick up van or old diesel car does me now was looking at a p100 ford earlier on ebay right blast from the blast .
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Scrappage scheme or not, the new car (and the high end secondhand) is propped up by finance. I have a feeling a sensible government wouldn't keep propping it up because if they did so, it would collapse sooner or later. Also I think customers aren't stupid any more, those who can afford a new car can remember the 2009 recession and demand will go down - a lot - irrespective of an artificial government incentive. Also it targets only a fraction of those who might need help anyway - banger>new car is quite unusual. I sense the car industry will (have to) make the "adjustment" themselves - and it will be brutal for the UK. If you're involved in screwing together cars in the UK, or screwing new car customers on PCPs, use this time to learn a new skill.
  16. 1 point
    its delaying the inevitable for 12 months, lots of people popping the business in 12 months
  17. 1 point
    I have a funny feeling there won't be a scrappage scheme, or anything which incentivises buyers to buy (expensive) cars. The government will be under immense pressure from all areas of business, car manufacture is some way down on that list compared to others (pubs & restaurants?) A quote I like from one of these coronavirus documentaries: "If someone tells you they know what's going to happen in the future, they're lying".
  18. 1 point
    Shame his car wash wasn’t next to Metcar’s Polish tyre place then they could’ve put out the fire.
  19. 1 point
    One thought. Get something with a decent camera for stock photos/videos? i bought an iPhone XR last year as it has great battery life due to its size and has a decent camera which can give depth photography when used with the Halide app. The iPhone X and 11 have even better depth built in. Id stick with iPhone if that’s what you’ve already got as then transferring all your info over is easy, if you go to a shop (or have a teenager at home) they’ll probably do it for you. As a long time iPhone user I find using an Android phone quite hard. As for network, then just choose the cheapest in your area with decent reception locally. I’m on o2 but 3 seem to be generally cheaper. I’ve found 3 customer service as good as any, and we got an answer from the Chief Exec when my son emailed him!
  20. 1 point
    Personally for my business phone as a technophobe I stick with what I know (iPhones) and Vodafone. Over the years I’ve only had 2 or 3 issues & always gone into the local shop where nothing’s been a bother & it’s always been sorted (once I was even loaned a phone). As for a phone query with Customer Services or on Livechat I wouldn’t have a clue - most of these big companies would rather mess you about via these depts hence why I bypass them. As an aside, last year I replaced the kids iPhones & at the time the cheapest way was to buy the phones & put them on a SIM only contract with Virgin.
  21. 1 point
    Ive heard that too . On the other side of the coin I've met some polish mechanics paint sprayers etc that have been some of the best I've seen especially the painter i used the guy that owns the tyre place is actually one of nicest guys ive ever met and a real hard worker
  22. 1 point
    Eh? Isn’t that an old wives tale? If it’s cheap enough they’re not bothered - everything has its price. Years ago I was a regular in Gdańsk, Poland and at the time RHD cars couldn’t be registered (dunno if it’s the same now). However on every other backstreet there was some absolutely fucked UK write off getting nailed back together & in the process also switched to LHD.
  23. 1 point
    In that case I must be owed plenty of money for all the cars I’ve taken from auctions that failed their MOTs.