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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/20 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Hi Guys, long time no speak, hope ya' all OK and surviving this crazy time. For the last few weeks I been busy, used the shut down time to crack on with this project ........... It's now running and performing just like it should have when it came from the factory .................. Up there with some of the fastest Supercars, and I've driven a fair old few in my 42 years behind a Steering Wheel, and it's ready to drive and enjoy now "Brutal Savage" is the only way to describe it, and it's only mildly tuned right now, plenty more to give Weather is glorious up here and the roads are empty
  2. 3 points
    Tests drives are going to be the hardest part for me, I can't see many wanting to part with their hard earned without one.
  3. 2 points
    janet and john got quite a surprise when there new vw arrived ! all that money they had spent ! something was not right, and on the test drive it pulled to the right ! maybe they could get a refund ? oh dear, but the man on the phone seemed so nice ! lets go down there and complain said john ! "bring it back" he says let us put it on the ramp well, they couldnt find anything wrong ? john questioned janet had she put the wrong fuel in ? janet did not like that answer ! but still john got a bill for it
  4. 2 points
    Hope you and yours are safe and well Casper, I wont be delivering through this until we're allowed to reopen the showroom, dont do a lot of deliveries and not rushing into it now just for the sake of it and as you say I cant 100% guarantee its not making the problem worse, I'm currently looking after my 89 yr old dad and keeping him safe and looked after is my prioriity right now, good luck to those that can though, Im not saying theres anything wrong with it just not for me right now hope everyones OK
  5. 2 points
    suggested elsewhere - regards paperwork simply video call or facetime the customer, show them the paperwork, they show you all theirs plus photo i.d. etc. have it delivered by a proper logistics company, its cheaper than your partner following etc and using 2 cars for a delivery is borderline bending the rules. plenty of folk saying not seeing the p/ex before a deal is an issue, well either under value it or grow a pair! one thing for sure those traders who are selling cars up to circa £2000, its going to be hard as peoples expectations vary vastly in this sector, plus this price range customer often pays with hard earned cash that they have sweated / saved for and mostly prefer to view first, sadly it is probable that some of these customers will revert to the facebook type traders who have no morals once you tell them they cant come and view your prepped pipin.
  6. 2 points
    You’ll have to start doing some of those hilarious walk around videos instead? But seriously, this is great if you are selling 5yr old BMW’s, but that’s not all of the motor trade!
  7. 1 point
    Ah miss the old tewkesbury,bought my second bike from there in 84 suzuki gp100 ! good cafe too, back then trade entrys were welcome and an entry fee was about £14, and buyers premiums had'nt been invented yet, fast forward to 2007 same venue and that was the year i last used bca / adt after my 2 year old avant s-line failed to sell and they tried to charge me an £85 non sellers fee lol. after they got flooded out in 2008 they never really recovered, probably because in true bca style they argued about paying out on all the vendors cars that got flooded, these days the site is still in use as a prep centre for blade group. back in 94 in my vauxhall days in the north east we sponsored dennis aka tim healy a new vauxhall demo, remember the xmas party he turned up with his then unknown mrs aka the trollop who now sits on loose women, she was pissed out of her tree that night, fast forward a few months and he managed to blag us to take on his young nephew as a sales trainee, he turned out to be a nice lad but always out of his head on weed.... anyone want to guess what healys courtesy demo was?? youll never guess it.
  8. 1 point
    Chatted to some experts to give us some advice on this. Here's what I have pulled together. https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/safely-deliver-car-lockdown-click-collect-isnt-allowed/190755
  9. 1 point
    The first man to appreciate the basics like security of parked up cars,the flat batteries,flat tyres etc He was also keen to put his workforce first which is nice to see I think perrys will come out of this well,I've been to their service desks and I found it a well run friendly place to be waiting in Not keen inbthe scrappage all it did last time was fill the country up with red and silver i10's which seem impossible to sell s/h Thanks as ever car dealer magazine a good interview and Darren cut your lads pocket money down for walking in mid discussion
  10. 1 point
    Thanks Nick and TV ............ Yes we all fine, hope you and yours are all well Just been mad busy developing Workshop, work crazy up until 5 weeks ago, and then there's my projects lol ................... I've built a large double Garage for my 2 babies (the S and SLK MB's), plus it's being fitted out to double as a paint booth for my own stuff, also re claiming some of our land, the SLK V8 project etc etc Sadly Forum time had to give Nice to be back tho I'll try and get here regularly
  11. 1 point
    Dave!!!! How and where have you been???? Hope all is well!
  12. 1 point
    /\ /\ /\ +1 Lovin' it
  13. 1 point
    I wonder what the legal paperwork will look like for a lot of these new start up transit transporter companies innit mate, because for my 2 car transporters it's in writing that I can not use them for gain by doing hire or reward So be careful out there if going this route
  14. 1 point
    ‘ No handover signature requirements ‘ do these guys have that in writing from the VAT office.What will an inspector make of that when they examine your records in 4 years time.In the past,if a signature was missing,they could penalise you.
  15. 1 point
    Ill be operating where its safe to do so. I'm of sound fitness and health but have got a newborn baby at home. Very cautious. Delivery is contactless so not getting near anyone. Its lower risk than a trip to the shops, the highest risk aspect of it is the trip to put fuel in and i've only been to pay at pump with gloves on since this so I feel if we are sensible, logical even someone with terrible asthma could theoretically go to their own unit, get the car on their truck and drive to a fuel station to fuel truck and then drop car to customers house and post the key. You are having no contact with anyone.
  16. 1 point
    Great article. I was thinking about this earlier, I predict secondhand car transporters will be difficult to find for the near future! I think we're happy we can clean the new car, but what about picking up a part-ex? Do we let the customer drive it onto the truck? What about a recovery tilt-bed instead (then we're into 7.5 tonners, tachos and O licences?) Ideally you'd chuck it on a spec lift but you can't tow except to recover on them (legally) etc.... Car trailer + 4x4 towcar would also take you over the 3.5ton limit. Lots of practical and legal considerations to gear up and actually do it in-house. Also more importantly....with cars being sanitised to within an inch of their life......does this spell the end to the "boiled sweet down the gap in the back seat" surprise???
  17. 1 point
    An update here. Got up early to write this guide - How to safely deliver cars during the lockdown: https://cardealermagazine.co.uk/publish/safely-deliver-car-lockdown-click-collect-isnt-allowed/190755
  18. 1 point
    Well amongst all the uncertainty it is now a green light to trade, prolonged social distancing simply means coming up with a plan where a customer can buy and take delivery in safety,i cant see that being a problem for those who are in this job properly anyway. the biggest issue looming is the probable reduction in customers, unemployment (already 3.5m) and the fear of it + people tightening the purse strings will no doubt mean a reduction in customers, there will also be a fall out in commercial and fleet sales with the likelyhood that many companys who buy these units will go to the wall, furlough has been good news for company's, but once that ends the bills are back to normal, motor trade aside for many companys who have no orders this in the short term will be fatal. also, dont forget that buried amongst all this crisis is a forgotten brexit and a mid year FCA decision regarding finance rules, the latter already being an issue lurking for those dealers who rely on deal profit rather than chassis profit. it could be worse - if you run a pub!
  19. 1 point
    Very observant. Interesting times ahead. I think there’s also an assumption that all customers are happy to buy cars the same way, like ordering a takeaway? They’re not. So a chunk of the motor trade will be able to function a chunk will not. Although it has to be said plenty of the usual suspects have been trading bangers on FB for weeks regardless. Their antivirus cleansing protocol involves an oily rag?
  20. 1 point
    I bet if someone had said to you guys 6 weeks ago that you can take a break for a few months and stay home, sign on the dole etc, you’d think it sounded fantastic?