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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I want my arse wiping. Anyone care to do it for me?
  2. 1 point
    A few people from detailing world got ripped of once buying from eBay, it’s very easy to decant these products from 25ltr drums dilute it down and then sell it on, so Ebay is a big no no for me.
  3. 1 point
    Could be worse, a mate of mine runs a body shop and used to buy a lot of salvage from Copart. Damaged cars on there are fetching more now than I can get straight examples for from BCA. All going to Eastern Europe, being repaired on the cheap and reimported and sold back here.
  4. 1 point
    I can't believe what I'm reading here. I feel for the OP, I really do. But ffs, man up. You bid, you bought it, now pay up. Learn from it and move on.
  5. 1 point
    Had a guy bring an Audi in for px , We priced it up , did the deal and he said I'll pick it up next week . Ok Next week comes and the Audi he bought was looking like a different car Parcel shelf GONE Brake Discs Changed from the new ones to Knackered ones back and front , Continental Tyres were now Ling Long Chinese Ditch finders Head Rests GONE , Spare Wheel GONE Engine Cover Gone . Floor Mats GONE He had sold them to his mate he said, because it was being part exchanged . I kept his £1,000 deposit and sent him home , never saw him again Thieving Twat
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Had some Gypo's come in 15 or so years back in a 3 litre omega , wanted to chop it in cause they was doing beer runs to France and been tugged in it coming back through customs and couldn't use it no more cause its card was marked so to speak ....dealt with em, can't even remember what I sold em , few days later another lot came in looking for a big motor , you guessed it to do beer runs to France , I've got just the car lads , don't know how I kept a straight face selling it to em .
  8. 1 point
    sad though isn't it cause 90 percent are good customers happy with service give good feedback and that other 10 percent are a pain in the bum ..
  9. 1 point
    Haha I've done the same before, mine was a little bit more stupid confusing a Grade 3 with a Grade 5... Eyes playing tricks on me and me not double checking by viewing the report. VX Corsa Ltd Edt, every panel dented, interior solid, all exterior lights smashed and 1 mirror. Ended up a grand into it while paying around CAP average. Make maters worse, the bloody thing sat there for around a year too. End of the day we all make mistakes and as long as you can take stock with your own errors and laugh at yourself for being an absolute lemon then you're doing ok.
  10. 1 point
    Claiming a part exchange has a full service history but the handbook is at home..... but its deffo got it also it deffo has 2 keys. customer arrives for handover 1 key and no history to be found, we will be re revaluing your part ex now mr customer...... \ they hope we don't ask or they say its in the glovebox, right I will just nip out and get it.........
  11. 1 point
    An old wives tale. It’s the same diesel with a touch of red dye added. I can categorically assure you from many years of use that it does nowt to fuel pumps.
  12. 1 point
    Met an interesting coach builder guy recently who owns several high value classic Mercs.It turned out he previously had an accident repair centre for many years.However it had grown to 40 staff with wall to wall agrovation and he got the opportunity to sell out.He is now doing better than ever after being asked to renovate one car.He has a workshop at home and with his son he now renovates top end classics like Ferrari’s for selected customers.He does not advertise and has 3 years work booked in.
  13. 1 point
    It also depends on the quality of the storage. Red diesel is diesel with a dye, that's all but, often found in farms, plant yards etc where storage of the stuff isn't anywhere near as clinical as a busy petrol station and tends to sit around longer. In boats, diesel bug is a big issue when leaving the boat moored without an additive - trick was to brim the tank. That said, imagine a half full rusty bowser at the back end of the cow shed - that isn't going to be too healthy.
  14. 1 point
    Makes me shudder to think, RS 2000. Mexicos, Cossies, RS Turbos etc had loads of them.... for buttons
  15. 1 point
    The only way to find out is too just do it, this way you will understand what everybody on this forum are trying to explain to you. It might take a month or a couple of years for you to figure it out but to be honest been doing this job for over 10 years now and can honestly say you will learn something new all the time. You might think it's a bit harsh but to be fair the advice you have been given is the best free advice you will ever get. Let us know how you get on with your first sale
  16. 1 point
    Seemingly straight forward easy to deal with punter with a clean Omega diesel upgrades to a slightly newer higher spec one.We retail his swapper very quickly.However when it is warmed up it,it cuts out and is difficult to restart.We get it in and have to replace the fuel pump which was expensive.A while later we are doing the same on a Omega diesel under the terms of our own warranty.We then remembered that the other one was from the same customer.He must have been using red diesel which of course he denied.I cancelled the warranty.....We finished up being well out of pocket on both cars.
  17. 1 point
    tony can i suggest you keep photos of all cars advertised? they dont take up much room if you have a computer i just date them to the month and year they are advertised i know its a pain but i started a few months back of screen shotting my adverts once car sold so i have a full true record of what was in the advert,i use an old samsung ml printer black and white for this purpose and i can get over a 1000 sheets out of it for less than £10 these i attache to my paper copy of each invoice plus paper copy of pdi plus warranty copy etc etc,i know its a lot of work and paper but i just store it all in my cellar these days paperwork is king i thiunk ive said before i had the same as you years ago buyer came up took a car next thing my own cars plates were in a cloning in chelsea london another accident it must be non stop for insurers on a funny note i swapped some plates the other day and got the reg wrong,i reused them one way unstealable screws so its gouing to be fun taking them off ...again........ good luck with your progress by the way
  18. 0 points
    I bought a late ish 208 out of boredom the other day from Manheim. Low miles and ownership, good history. Left a ‘bid not to buy’ by proxy on it and a few other cars. Was amazed later when the email comes through as was well behind book What I didn’t notice was the ‘multiple unrecorded damage’ bit (as it was in a run of other cars I’d been looking at all grade 3 and above) It only had a couple of photos. I clearly confused it with one of the other cars or, more likely, was just not paying attention Anyway-It only needs about 800 quids worth of paint, EML sorting (bound to be the chain). All wheels doing and the clutch is high. What a div. oh well, serves me right :o)