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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    50 mile test drive back from BCA - £10 (this also covers the delivery) New MOT - £35 As full as possible diagnostic scan on all major modules - Free (the scanner cost ££££ though) Ramp inspection with undertrays off at the garage while they are waiting for the engine oil to drain - Free (although the oil change labour is paid) Paint inspection with a paint depth gauge (just kidding) Wheels off inspection in the company that refurbishes our alloys - also Free. Lawgistics PDI inspection sheet and an hour of my time to go through everything: Priceless So £45 but in reality it's free among the dozen or so other jobs that get done.
  2. 1 point
    Thank you tradegirl. Yes, you are right. But I just have no any other ways start with. So, just simply start it by registered as a limited company. Then I found that I need a trade plate. And then I found that I need motor trade insurance to get the trade plate. Plus, when I am trying to register as a trade buyer in BCA, they also need the motor trade insurance certificate. All right, I got it finally. I tried 20+ providers in the past three days. Only one take my order! It's okay. I don't mind to take the risk to get the business on track.
  3. 1 point
    I feel a bit guilty now moaning about my £2k policy
  4. 1 point
    Lucas, you paid £7000 to get a motor trade policy before you've even made a penny as a trader, and with no experience? Why not sell 2 or 3 cars privately and wet your feet, and then proceed? Better yet, if you're so adamant you want a partner, wouldn't they havea trade policy they could add you on??
  5. 1 point
    This used to be called ‘Jewish Racing Gold’ I remember by my old man/the other traders when I was a kid.
  6. 1 point
    Nice one Lucas - congratulations. I guess you only have £193,083 to invest now. EPV was right, this trade can turn £200k in to £100k. Seriously though, good luck.
  7. 1 point
    And the winner is... (Drum roll)... Me £0 increase just £25 admin fee
  8. 1 point
    he sounds stupid enough to set up as a car dealer
  9. 1 point
    So true on the race to the bottom term, "price match" offered by some online market places appears to be their preferred way to go (copying others).. for traders its utter bollocks as it in no way takes into account spec or rarity of a vehicle.. Traders really should be able to choose how their stock it marketed on such places; but I'm not holding my breath, price match maybe here to stay.
  10. 1 point
    Wow. I don't know what to say (well I do but I won't).. Good luck Lucas, do let us know your next steps and if we can help with anything!
  11. 1 point
    My 3 favourite things about this forum... 1. Advice 2. Benji banter 3. Waiting for Benji to fuck up again
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Well, hasn’t it been entertaining this morning
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    CB's were excellent in this regard, you know I went very quickly from zero to hero so it can be done and I have found CB's to be excellent, quick commission payout etc. Can't fault them.
  16. 1 point
    Very true James, but depends on whether they're realistic as you say. Also, if your car is something that can easily be found elsewhere and/or they've taken the car's rarity and spec into account properly. For us guys with a site (and you who prepare properly etc) the price of the car will pretty much always be on the higher side. I tend to go for 'different' stuff and it's often speccy, slightly older stuff things that you polish a margin in to etc, so its often stuff you won't be easily able to find elsewhere nearby. Or stuff to sell to the local older generation who 'don't want be f'd about'. I always say to punters if they see one cheaper elsewhere (usually the other end of the country or Birmingham) go and get it. We don't sell cheap cars I'm afraid but we do sell good cars and we are here for you after purchase. My biggest issue with price indicators is how I think Simon? put it many months ago: a race to the bottom. I reduce mine, you reduce yours and repeat.
  17. 1 point
    Be honest, are you really going to get a 6am train to Scotland to buy stock? Or are you just going to look online and come back on here again when the next delivery is a pile of shit?
  18. 1 point
    Yeah absolutely - price indicators are so annoying- stupid idea. They also list 'days in stock' which is a shocking concept. Trouble is with them and Autoraper is they forget who their customer is. It is us, the trade- not the public. Just look at the percentage of trade adverts v private).
  19. 1 point
    You can register with them for a trade account or: Use another device or computer or another browser. You'll get a load more free goes then. However, why not use Autoraper's free valuation tool?
  20. 1 point
    Might even increase in value - Safer bet than giving 200k to an unknown