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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Benji look at it like this; A third party warranty is an insurance policy. It insurers YOU because you don’t have to pay out claims (that’s the theory) It doesn’t give the billy any more or any less coverage or rights. It may well add some weight to your website if you splash a well known face/brand all over your website but that’s all it does. A customer is entitled to certain rights (much lamented elsewhere on this forum) and it has fuck all to do with warranties, either third party or self administered. Whether the billy knows that or not, well, that’s a different story. Quite a few traders on here don’t offer warranties but prep their cars to a high standard and stand by their obligations legally. That’s all you need to know and do.
  2. 2 points
    Consumer debt.....I have just had a deal explained to me where a punter was refinanced having had several thousand pounds negative equity on a small car which they had bought new.....My wife also tells me people may run their life through their mobile phones.Typically they may order a ‘must have’new frock for £30 ,seen on some celebrity on social media on their £40 per month smart phone to be delivered tomorrow.They go out with friends ,spend £100 and the next day they bin the frock because they cannot wear it again because of their selfie on Instagram or something...I am sure a lot of these people earn good money,no wonder they are insolvent.....Rant over !
  3. 2 points
    Mark - Good move and I like the way you are standing by your customers I am the same. We used to use Warrantywise and it was a constant battle getting claims paid out for us and for our customers. The service was just terrible. Spent thousands with them and then thousands again fixing stuff they didn't cover. After this we switched to a company that did the admin and managed our own fund. Its nice as it puts a bit of distance between you and the customer and if its something not covered they call you and say do you want to do it and then they tell the customer dealers looked after you and stepped in which helps, not that you get a thank you. Never looked back and sent you a PM with the name and contact number for the company now. We were always in profit and had a run of big bills and cars that went wrong at one point and it was really nice to have the funds in the pot to fall back on.
  4. 1 point
    Chief I wouldn't risk buying another these days not unless it was very cheap. Not a fan of them either, pretty things but they're toy cars in my opinion.
  5. 1 point
    Sold 2 Mitos both 2009/2010 plates, 1.3 JTD in red. Both barely any calls but the first buyer bought. Sold them both within a month for good profit. This is going back 2 years though, so not sure what the market is now.
  6. 1 point
    Jay, when he comes to do the deal 1) Help him retain his private plate online. Takes 2 minutes, costs £80, he pays it and he will automatically receive a new V5 with the age related reg for his part exchange. 2) Keep the V5 of the part ex (now obsolete) BUT also charge him £100-£150 refundable deposit to ensure he sends you back the new V5 for the part ex. This will take 3-5 days. 3) On the day of the handover tell the DVLA (also online) that he is the new keeper of the car you are selling him and at the same time tax it, he pays it. 4) He will receive both V5s. He sends you the one for the part ex, you refund his deposit. He uses the new V5 to assign the private plate online to the newer car. He can then display his private plate and again in 3-5 days he will receive yet another V5 :-) This is the fastest way of doing it with a used vehicle.
  7. 1 point
    bloody hell, he must still be bitter
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Perhaps Ford haven't paid their subscription?
  10. 1 point
    cra is in adition to any warranty offered or if you prefer you could say i comply with the cra ,i wouldnt be using it as a sales aid,either offer a warranty or dont but dont disclaim consumer rights either on anything you write or print ie sold as seen engine warranty etc it wont wash just as said check thoroughly stand by your product and move on to the next sale
  11. 1 point
    Boxes are ok, the stuff that works them can be a little dicy but no huge expense. That said, a small auto ticks a lot of boxes. Get the deal done.
  12. 1 point
    "but only ever had one French auto and really got my fingers burnt." A scenic? The valve chests were notorious for failing. Or a PSA EGS semi auto? If the C3 is low mileage go for it. There is high demand for small autos from the elderly.
  13. 1 point
    Do it on all the policies and if they ask why say that you have had a claim rejected that clearly should have been paid, explain that you have lost all confidence in them because of this situation and as a result are exercising the 30 day money back guarantee. I do this on a somewhat regular basis to get my own way, not that I enjoy it but it does work.
  14. 1 point
    Should I do this on all policies under the 30 day threshold or just the one in question? Never using them again - never like Quentin Wilson anyway and at least I don’t have to see his smug mug on my desk anymore.
  15. 1 point
    It is tough going and it’s not only our job,look at what’s happening in the high street.Consumer debt is through the roof,a lot of people are maxed out because they don’t understand debt......We have been here before,people always need cars.I always found when it got bad,no trade,cheques bouncing ( including your own) solicitors letters,engines blowing,etc and you think it could not get any worse and it often did.You just have to hang in and then you get a break and things pick up and it’s back to normal. Too many people on here let the punters get them down.
  16. 1 point
    I agree with the above but when it comes to customers PX'ing- I quite like it as you can usually give a bit more than WBAC (after pointing out the obvious that the initial figure they give online won't be anywhere near what you get when the pick the car to pieces in the flesh). Also some punters are really anti them.
  17. 1 point
    That's exactly how I spent my Sunday but because I don't have enough stock to attract so many buyers on a single day I had to invite some family friends over at our local pub. All they were buying were drinks :-)
  18. 1 point
    So they’re always like that? Brill. ‘If you don’t like it-Go F Yourself Autos’. Love it Back to your OP: I’m just happy if the phone rings some weeks! You’ll get some normal people soon, and anyway, I think you deserve some fools after such a long exotic holiday! ;o) What’s that old expression?: Arguing with an Idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon. ; No matter how good you are; the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like it won anyway
  19. 1 point
    Ahhhh Sterling Cars Carswithnoreserve, been following them for years. I made my biggest profit last year on an E55 Estate, absolutely MINT it was, straight out of the box. The PX string went on for about 5 cars, all with great margins.....
  20. 1 point
    Cap prices are on all auction catalogues and some auction websites eg A4C, so no real need to pay for either IMO. I use autotrader valuations as a guideline, but most of these values are only a guess anyway - I'd not bother spending the subscription money myself.
  21. 1 point
    No longer use either, nothing in auctions brings cap and i rely on the internet for guides as to selling prices in my local area, I found the book was massively off when it came to selling prices, a quick google gives me a far better price guide. I think the only time it comes in handy is when your buying up in the value stuff and you have to price extras ect adjust for mileage, a 3k Clio is always going to be a 3K Clio.
  22. 1 point
    Consumer rights do not apply to trade sales.